CURRICULUM MAP Course: US History 2 School: Richmond Hill High School (C. Pierre) UNIT TITLE: UNIT 1 – PROBLEMS OF LABOR, FARMERS, IMMIGRANTS ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Students will be able to correctly cite evidence attending to details Students will be able to analyze the sequence and relationships of events (cause and effect) Students will be able to define key terms using contextual evidence Students will be able to compare various points of view Students will be able to integrate and evaluate information from various sources Students will be able to assess author’s arguments/views Students will be able to compare and contrast various sources on a topic Students will be able to use evidence, reasoning, and historical context to write persuasively Students will be able to use expository writing within the framework of history to inform SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS: LITERACY STANDARDS: 1.1 CCRS 1 1.2 CCRS 3 1.3 CCRS 4 1.4 CCRS 6 5.2 CCRS 7 5.3 CCWS 1 CCWS 2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S): 1. Focus: Was government during the “Gilded Age” responsive to the needs of the people? 2. Focus: Was the development of unions necessary to protect the rights of workers? 3. Focus: Why were some unions more successful than others in their fight for workers’ rights? 4. Focus: Why did the Populist Party fail to create a viable third party? 5. Focus: How were cities transformed by the forces of industrialization and immigration? 6. Focus: Did nineteenth century America welcome its immigrants? CONTENT/KNOWLEDGE: Topics: corruption in government; Civil Service reform & the Pendleton Act; failure to achieve tariff reform; failure to grant women suffrage. Topics: problems of labor; National Labor Union; Great Railway Strike of 1877; weapons of capital. Topics: Knights of Labor & Haymarket Affair; American Federation of Labor; American Railway Union & Pullman Strike; Industrial Workers of the World. Topics: Demands for inflationary fiscal policy (greenbacks and “bimetallism”; Farmer’s Alliances; Populist party platform; elections of 1892 & 1896 Topics: Problems of urbanization: tenements & slums; Tammany Hall & Tweed Ring Topics: “New Immigrants”; reasons for immigration (“push” vs. “pull” factors); problems faced by immigrants; revival of nativism; Chinese Exclusion Act (1882); Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907) SKILLS Analyze political cartoons (e.g. role of Tammany Hall, Tweed Ring, Nativism) Analyze pictures to understand social problems of time period (Urbanization, Immigration) Analyze date (tables, charts, and graphs) to formulate conclusions (Urbanization, Immigration) Document1 Page 1 of 3 CURRICULUM MAP Course: US History 2 School: Richmond Hill High School (C. Pierre) Identify differing perspectives and argument (e.g. Populism, Immigration) Explain the sequence of events to understand the causes and effects of key historical events (e.g. problems of labor causing the development of labor unions) VOCABULARY: Civil service Collective bargaining Emigration Graduated (progressive) income tax Grange Immigration Inflation Melting Pot Nativism Patronage Political machine Populism Progressive Slum Strike Tariff Tenement Trust Union Urbanization ASSESSMENT / EVIDENCE Regents multiple choice questions Regents Document Based Question or Thematic Essays Projects Unit One Pager ACTIVITIES / LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: Create a poster for an actual union meeting addressing labor problems or a poster advising the benefits of joining a labor union Create a pamphlet to distribute to potential members of the Populist Party Analyze / creative writing assignment in response to Jacob Riis photographs “How the Other Half Lives” Chronicle the journey of an immigrant from their homeland to America through journal writing Create a time capsule with items that immigrants might have carried to America RESOURCES: Political cartoons from U.S. History and Government Regents Statistical data, including tables, graphs, and charts from Center for Learning Resource Books Jacob Riis photographs ASHP videos: Grand Army of Starvation Document1 Page 2 of 3 CURRICULUM MAP Course: US History 2 School: Richmond Hill High School (C. Pierre) Heaven will Protect the Working Girl Gangs of New York TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION Students will create a wiki, webquest, blog to serve as a summary for the unit Use of Ellis Island website to research family histories and understand the passage of immigrants into the U.S. Document1 Page 3 of 3