Third Grade through Fifth Grade Physical Education Learning Targets

Third - Fifth Grade Physical Education Units and Learning Targets
Unit 1- Building Community and our Bodies ongoing
Essential Questions- How can I use my body to move across space, using more advanced forms
of movement? What role can I have in creating a classroom community
infused with
physical activity? How can I increase my daily
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)? What/How can I be
physically active using the space and equipment on the playground, in a
safe and appropriate manner?
Learning Targets
1. The students will perform advanced forms of the locomotor movements and will
identify the critical elements of these movements. (1,2)
2. The students will demonstrate knowledge of the movement concepts, and be able to
use these concepts to adjust the locomotor movements in a dynamic environment.
3. The students will identify activities and safety protocols for playground equipment
and space. (3,4)
4. The students will understand what moderate to vigorous physical activity involves
and how they can achieve MVPA on the playground. (3.4)
5. The students will use positive encouragement and respect, and will begin developing
a classroom community by learning all classmates names and at least one quality of
each peer (5)
Mini Fitness Unit 1 – Monitoring My Physical Activity Levels, Being Honest ongoing
Essential Questions- How can I monitor my physical activity level? Why is it important to
monitor my physical activity levels?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate protocol for using pedometers and will learn how to
use these to monitor physical activity levels. (3,4)
2. The students will demonstrate honesty when monitoring and recording activity levels.
(5) (H6)
Unit 2—Invasion Games and Cardiovascular Fitness ongoing
Essential Question- What skills and knowledge do I need to successfully engage in invasion type
lead up and modified games? How can I monitor and adjust my activity
level during invasion games to increase fitness? What role does positive
communication have during game play? How can we resolve conflict so
we can continue playing?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to perform the movement
skills and tactics related to lead up invasion game play. (1,2)
2. The students will use their knowledge to provide feedback and positive
encouragement to their peers during invasion game play. (5)
3. The students monitor their activity levels such that they reach high levels of MVPA
during game play to help improve their cardiovascular fitness levels. (3,4)
4. The students will identify the steps and importance of cooperative communication
and will reflect on using it during invasion game play. (5)
5. The students will identify at least three ways to resolve conflict and will demonstrate
using at least one of these forms when conflict arises during invasion game play. (5)
(H 4)
Mini Fitness Unit 2 – Fitness Testing ongoing
Essential Question- What are my current fitness levels within the Fitnessgram tests? Why is
honesty an important characteristic when performing and recording fitness
test scores?
Learning Targets
1. The students will assess their fitness levels using the Fitnessgram test and will
honestly report their scores.(H4)
Mini Fitness Unit 3 – Health Related Fitness and Smart Goals ongoing
Essential Questions-What do my fitness scores mean and what is involved in each of the health
related fitness components? How do I set a Specific, Measureable,
Attainable, Realistic, and Timely (SMART) goal that I will be motivated
and willing to work toward attaining?
Learning Targets
1. The students will analyze and interpret their current level of fitness. (4) (H4, H6)
2. The students will describe the health related fitness concepts and will identify
activities that will improve each area of fitness. (4) (H4, H5, H6)
3. The students will define a SMART goal and will set a modified SMART goal, and
will reflect on how they can work toward attaining this goal. (4,5) (H4, H5, H6, H7)
Unit 3-Net/Wall Game, Working Independently, Personal Behaviors ongoing
Essential Question-What skills and knowledge do I need to successfully participate in lead up
net/wall games? How can I learn demonstrate the ability to work
independently? What role do my behaviors and attitudes play in affecting
my peers behaviors and attitudes, and how can I have a positive impact on
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to perform movement skills
and tactics used in lead up net/wall games. (1,2)
2. The students will demonstrate the ability to work independently, challenging
themselves to improve on the given task. (5,6)
3. The students will recognize how their behaviors/attitudes impact others and vice
versa. (5) (H7)
Unit 4-Gymnastics, Body Awareness, Muscular Fitness, Cooperative Communication ongoing
Essential Question-How can I use my body to support myself and others while performing a
variety of stunts and tumbles? Where are my muscles, what can they do,
and how can I make them healthier? How can I use cooperative
communication to help my group solve movement problems? How can I be
a respectful group member?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate the ability to perform a variety of student chosen stunts
and tumbles, using body basics and control. (1)
2. The students will identify muscle names, location, and action of the major upper,
lower, and core muscle groups. (4)
3. The students will demonstrate using and reflecting on cooperative communication
when working on group movement problems. (5)
4. The students will identify respectful behavior and will demonstrate an awareness of
these behaviors in themselves and their peers. (5) (H7, H8)
Mini Unit 5-Healthy Behaviors ongoing
Essential Questions-What differentiates healthy from unhealthy behavior choices? How does
my nutrition affect my body?
Learning Targets
1. The students identify and differentiate between healthy and unhealthy behavior
choices. (4) (H7)
2. The students will identify harmful effects of risky health behaviors. (4) (H7)
3. The students will demonstrate the concept of balancing energy in with energy out. (4)
4. The students will identify and categorize foods within each food group, and will be
identifying healthy snack choices. (4) (H2)
Unit 5- More Invasion Games, Cardiovascular Fitness, Game Play Outside of PE ongoing
Essential Question- How can I transfer my knowledge and skills about invasion game play to
similar games that are played in side? How can I continue to mo9nitor my
level of intensity so I attain high levels of cardiovascular fitness? Is there
way to modify invasion games so they can be played on the playground or
at home?
Learning Targets
1. The students will use their previous knowledge to perform the skills and tactics
related to indoor invasion games. (1,2)
2. The students will monitor and adjust activity levels so they are working at moderate
to high intensity levels throughout class. (3,4)
3. The students will use their knowledge to create and participate in a least one invasion
related game either on the playground or at home. (3)
Unit 6-Dance, Jump Rope, and Being Physically Active At Home, Similarities/Differences ongoing
Essential Question-What role do rhythmical movements play leading a physically active
lifestyle? How can I use these types of activities to increase MVPA at
home? How does culture lead to similarities and differences among
individuals? How can these forms of activity be used to communicate and
express, and to challenge and enjoy?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to use the dance core
concepts to participate in dance related activities. (1,2)
2. The students will demonstrate a set of student chosen jump rope skills, including
skills using single jump rope, double jump rope, Chinese jump rope, Tinikling poles,
and or jump bands. (1)
3. The students will participate in rhythmical activity at home and will monitor amounts
of MVPA outside of PE class. (3)
4. The students will demonstrate using physical activity as a tool for challenge,
enjoyment, and self-expression. (6)
Unit 7-Roller Blading, Snow Shoeing ongoing
Essential Question-What skills and knowledge are necessary so I can use these forms of
movement as tools to lead a physically active life? How can these forms of
activity be used to have fun with others?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate safety protocol for roller blading and snow shoeing.
2. The students will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to roller blade and snow
shoe, specifically starting/stopping and turning. (1,2)
3. The students will reflect on how both of these activities can be fun when done with
friends. (6) (H8)
Unit 8-Target Games, Game Creation And Activity At Home ongoing
Essential Questions-What movement skills and knowledge do I need to successfully participate
in target games? How can I use my knowledge of target games to create a
game and participate in this game at home, to increase my activity levels
at home? How can target games be used as a way to increase enjoyment
through physical activity? What role can I play in making target games
more enjoyable for my peers, by using positive encouragement?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate the movement skills and tactics used to play target
games. (1,2)
2. The students will follow a game creation rubric, to create a target game using
equipment from home and then will demonstrate having played this game at home
with family and/or friends. (3) (H8)
3. The students will reflect on how target games can become a way to increase
enjoyment while being physically active. (6)
4. The students will demonstrate using positive encouragement with the peers. (5) (H8)
Mini Fitness Unit 5-Fitness Testing ongoing
Essential Question-How has my year of physical activity impacted my fitness levels?
Learning Targets
1. The students will assess their fitness levels and will compare their current level to
their previous scores. (4) (H3)
2. The students will identify ways to attain/maintain fitness throughout the summer
months, and will reflect on the value of physical activity for achieving a healthy
lifestyle. (3,4,6) (H3)
Unit 9-Outdoor Recreation, Leadership Skills ongoing
Essential Question-What role can I play as a leader during recreational physical activities? How
can I use the knowledge and skills I have attained this year to increase my
opportunities to be physically active all summer long?
Learning Targets
1. The students will demonstrate leadership skills, specifically focused on organization
and communication, while participating in outdoor recreational activities. (5)
2. The students will use skills related to invasion games, target games, and striking
fielding games to demonstrate enjoyment. (6)
3. The students will identify a variety of summer outdoor physical activities, and will be
able to organize these activities with their peers to increase physical activity
participation. (2,5,6) (H3, H8)