Chapter 10 Reading Guide

Chapter 10 Reading Guide 2011
Chapter 10, Composition of Blood: pps. 340-342
Blood is the “river of life” and transports _________________, ________________, and
__________ ____________ through blood vessels.
Blood is the only ____________ tissue in the body.
The components of blood include:
a. E__________________________________________________________________
b. L__________________________________________________________________
c. P__________________________________________________________________
The pH of blood is about: ______________. It accounts for about ___% of the body weight.
Plasma is approximately ___% water. Over ____________ different substances are dissolved in
this straw-colored fluid.
Give 5 examples of what the plasma may carry:
a. ____________________________
d. _________________________
b. ____________________________
e. _________________________
c. ____________________________
Albumin contributes to the _________________ __________________ of the blood, which acts
to keep _______________ in the bloodstream.
Plasma proteins are ____________ used by cells as a food source.
When blood proteins drop to an undesirable level in the body, the __________________ is
stimulated to make more _________________. When the blood becomes too acidic or basic,
both the ____________________________ system and the __________________ are called
into action to restore its normal pH of ___________. Plasma also helps to distribute
______________ _____________.
Formed Elements of Blood, pps. 342-347
10. The function of erythrocytes is to : _________________________________________________
11. RBCs are _______________________ (no nucleus) and contain few _______________________.
12. Explain why the shape of a red blood cell (RBC) makes it ideal to for gas exchange:
13. The amount of _________________________ is what really determines how well erythrocytes
are performing their role of _____________________ ______________________.
14. Normal blood contains __________________ grams of _____________________ per 100 mL of
blood. Hemoglobin levels are consistently higher in _____________ than in ________________.
15. Define anemia:
16. Explain how Sickle Cell Anemia causes problems in the body 9p. 343-344):
Chapter 10 Reading Guide 2011
17. Leukocytes, or ______________ _____________ __________, are much less numerous than
RBCs, but they are crucial to body defense against _____________________.
18. WBCs account for less than ____% of the total blood volume.
19. Leukocytes form a protective, __________________ army that helps defend the body against
damage from _________________________, ___________________, ___________________,
and ______________ _____________.
20. WBCs can go through diapedesis – define:
21. How do WBCs use positive chemotaxis? Explain.
22. A total WBC count above 11,000 cells/mm3 is called ____________________________. This is
generally caused by:____________________________________________________
23. An abnormally low WBC count is called __________________________, and may be caused by
certain drugs, such as __________________________ and ____________________ agents.
24. Explain how leukemia works in the body:
25. Granulocytes are _________________-containing WBCs. They have ______________ nuclei.
a. Neutrophils: most ____________________ of the WBCs. They stain ___________.
They are avid _______________________ at sites of acute infection.
b. Eosinophils: have a _________-__________ nucleus that resembles an old fashioned
__________________ ___________________. They have brick-red cytoplasmic
_________________. _________________ and infections by parasites stimulate their
c. Basophils: ________________ of the WBCs. Stain the color __________ __________.
______________________ is an inflammatory chemical that attracts these cells to an
inflammatory site.
26. Agranulocytes lack visible cytoplasmic _____________________.
a. Lymphocytes: have a large, dark ______________ nucleus that takes up most of the
cell’s volume. They are found in ______________________ tissues, where they play an
important role in _________________ defense.
b. Monocytes: the _____________________ of the WBCs. They have a distinctive “___”
shaped nucleus, or _______________-shaped nucleus. When they migrate into tissues,
they change into _______________________ with huge appetites. They are important
in fighting _________________ infections, such as ___________________.
27. List the WBCs in order of abundance (p. 345):
Chapter 10 Reading Guide 2011
28. Platelets are not ______________. They are fragments of bizarre multinucleate cells called
______________________________. A normal platelet count is 300,000/mm 3. Platelets are
needed for the _________________ process that occurs in plasma when blood vessels are
ruptured or broken.
Hematopoiesis/Blood cell formation, pps. 347-349.
29. Hematopoiesis is _________________________________________________________.
30. On average, the __________ bone marrow turns out an ounce of new blood containing
_____________ ___________________ new cells.
31. Define hemocytoblast: ___________________________________________________________
32. RBCs live only about _________ - _________ days. Their remains are eliminated by phagocytes
in the ___________________, _________________, and other body tissues.
33. The entire development of a RBC takes about ___ - ____ days. The rate of RBC production is
controlled by a hormone called ________________________. The __________________ play a
major role in producing this hormone
34. Colony stimulating factors (CSF) and ______________________ stimulate the production of
________________. Thrombopoietin accelerates the production of ____________________.
Hemostasis, pps. 349-351.
35. Hemostasis is the _________________ of ___________________.
36. The response is fast and ____________________________.
37. There are three major phases of hemostasis – briefly define each:
a. Vascular spasms
b. Platelet plug formation
c. Coagulation events
38. Normally, blood clots in ___ - ___ minutes.
39. Why does placing gauze over a cut or wound help the clotting process? Explain:
Chapter 10 Reading Guide 2011
40. Undesirable clotting. Briefly explain the clotting problems listed below:
a. Thrombus
b. Embolus
c. Thrombocytopenia
d. Hemophilia
Human Blood Groups and Transfusions, pps. 351-356.
41. What is an antigen?
42. Although each of us tolerates our own _________________ _______________, one person’s
RBC proteins may be different from another’s.
43. Binding of antibodies causes the foreign RBCs to ______________, a phenomenon known as
44. Transfusion reactions can cause ______________, chills, nausea, and _______________, but in
the absence of __________________ shutdown, the reactions are rarely fatal.
45. Explain how hemolysis occurs:
46. Explain how hemolytic disease of a newborn occurs:
47. Blood typing involves the testing of blood by _________________ it with two different types of
immune serum - _______________ and _____________________.
48. Fetal hemoglobin is different from hemoglobin after birth in that it has a great ability to pick up
__________________. This is desirable because fetal blood is less ______________ - ________
than the mother’s blood.
Chapter 10 Reading Guide 2011
49. Jaundice will occur when:
50. Red the “Focus on Careers” article on page 352.
a. What is phlebotomy?
b. List at least 3 facts that connect this career to A & P
i. _________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________________________
c. What are the education requirements for this career?
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________
d. Would you be interested in pursuing this career? Explain your answer.