Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Commerce and Industries Transit Points and Dry Ports in Afghanistan Issues and Recommendations Sayed Yahya Akhlaqi Director of Transit and Trade Facilitation Department 1 1 Objectives 2 Transit Points and Routes 3 Performance Measurement 4 Issues 5 Recommendations 2 #1 Discuss the current efficiency of cross-border trade. #2 Analyze the current situation and issues of Dry Ports in Afghanistan. #3 Suggest improvements to Dry Ports. 3 1 Introduction 2 Transit Points and Routes 3 Performance Measurement 4 Issues 5 Recommendations 4 Central Asia Land-locked region Energy-Rich Complicated Border Crossing East Asia Economically Vibrant Huge Demand for Energy and Resources Large Demographics Middle East Energy-Surplus Region Capital Surplus U.A.E. just acceded to TIR South Asia Favourable Demographics Access to seaports 5 6 CAREC Corridor 5 (Cross Border Transport Agreement, CBTA) 7 Caspian-Black Sea transit corridor 2500-2800 km Long,12 Days Time Survey by Transit Trade Facilitation Dept of MoCI, 2015 8 Map of the Corridor Kazakhstan Shevchenko Aktau Kulevi Poti Batumi Dubendi Kars LEGEND: Ports Oil Terminals Railways Sea Routes Turkmenbashi Sangachal AIOC Cheleken Sangachal Uzbekistan Afghan Imports via Transit Nations (2009 to 2013) Transit Nations 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Transit Via Iran 514 1,378 2,621 1,929 1,562 Transit Via Pakistan 287 912 1,165 758 1,192 Transit via Uzbekistan 679 680 849 860 1,112 Transit via Tajikistan 5 46 93 26 97 Transit via Turkmenistan 106 152 215 138 242 Units in USD, Millions Source : Afghanistan Customs Department 10 Afghan Imports via Transit Nations (2009 to 2013) 3,000 Value, USD in Millions 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2009 Transit Via Iran 2010 Transit Via Pakistan 2011 2012 Transit via Uzbekistan Transit via Tajikistan 2013 Transit via Turkmenistan 11 12 Afghanistan location is strategic in connecting South and Central Asia. The country needs to diversify from over-reliance on Pakistan as a source and sea-ports to alternative routes. International agreements and standards are important. Border Crossing needs to be improved. 13 1 Introduction 2 Transit Points and Routes 3 Performance Measurement 4 Issues 5 Recommendations 14 Key Performance Indicators : To measure efficiency of dry ports, three metrics are used. • Number of Documents • Time • Cost These metrics are also analysed for import and export. World Bank has two comprehensive studies to measure such efficiency. They are called : • Doing Business • Logistics Performance Indicators 15 Indicator Documents to export (number) Time to export (days) Cost to export (US$ per container) Documents to import (number) Time to import (days) Cost to import (US$ per container) Afghanistan South Asia OECD 10 8 4 2 33.4 10.5 3,000.0 1,922.9 1,080.3 10 9 4 30.0 34.4 9.6 3500.0 2,117.8 1,100.4 Source : 16 Nature of Export Procedures Duration (days) US$ Cost 44 570 Customs clearance and inspections 8 300 Ports and terminal handling 4 175 Inland transportation and handling 30 4,000 Totals 86 5,045 Documents preparation Source : 17 Nature of Import Procedures Duration (days) US$ Cost 49 680 Customs clearance and inspections 7 300 Ports and terminal handling 5 200 Inland transportation and handling 30 4,500 Totals 91 5,680 Documents preparation Source : 18 Afghanistan Pakistan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Customs 3.5 3 2.5 Timeliness 2 Infrastructure 1.5 1 0.5 0 International Tracking & tracing shipments Logistics competence Source : 19 Afghanistan suffers from high cost of trading, and long overall time to import and export, compared to neighbor countries. Both time and cost is 2.5 times higher than the average in South Asia. The main problem for long time is due to documentation. The main problem for high cost is due to inland transport. Based on Logistics Performance 2014 study, infrastructure is the main shortcoming in Afghanistan. It justifies the important discussion today on improving dry port infrastructure, design and operations. 20 1 Introduction 2 Transit Points and Routes 3 Performance Measurement 4 Issues 5 Recommendations 21 Too Much Paperwork? Poor Logistics? Poor Facility? No Regional Cooperation? Poor Cargo Handling? Unofficial Payments? 22 Case Study : Shirkhan Bandar Dry Port ‘Shirkhan Bandar’. According to ADB studies, the border crossing time is quite long at 10 hours per truck. Crane in operation? Warehouses 23 Free Economic Zone Planned at Nizhni Panj 24 Case Study : Hairatan Many Afghan exports (especially fruits and vegetables) go across Hairatan. However the border crossing is done by barges operated by Uzbeks. During winter when the barges do not arrive on time, the products may be easily damaged, due to the lack of temporary storage. 25 1 Introduction 2 Transit Points and Routes 3 Performance Measurement 4 Issues 5 Recommendations 26 Institution What laws and decrees need to be created? What laws need to be changed? How can regulation help, not impede Dry Ports? How can MOCI improve implementation and enforcement? Infrastructure Are the Dry Ports built with the right design and size? Do they have the right equipment and facilities? Do they have good access roads? Can they connect to roads and railways? Investment What kind of investment can improve dry ports? Who are the investors? Can Public Private Partnership (PPP) work”? What is the estimated sum? Can ADB, EU, EBRD or Islamic Development Bank help? 27 Points for Discussion • PPP law • New International Conventions • Simplify Visa for Drivers • Simplify Road Pass for Trucks • Simplify Land Ownership, Transfer and Acquisition Laws 28 In India, there are many Dry Ports known as Inland Container Depot (ICD). For example, containers arrive in Mumbai and truck to ICD outside Delhi. In the ICD, transport operators can consolidate and break bulk. One serious problem is land ownership rules are not clear, which impede the Federal Government’s ability to acquire land. Land Acquisition has to be developed to empower Government to acquire land for developing dry ports. One important aspect is how to valuate land. Such laws are important so that investors can be attracted in PPP. 29 Points for Discussion • Access Roads • Extend Railways into Dry Port at Mashare Sharif? • Warehouses, Refrigerated Storage • Road-Side Services (e.g. Petrol Stations, Cafes, Motels for Drivers) • Trucking Terminal, Car Parks • Express Lanes/Green Lanes 30 In Kyrgyz Republic, the country sets up ‘express lanes’ at border crossing points. This allows special trucks to cross the border faster through shorter queue and less paperwork. Afghanistan can consider to include this feature for TIR trucks. These trucks should be able to cross the Dry Port faster since they satisfy the stringent criteria under TIR. 31 Points for Discussion • What kind of investors should we target? • Can we utilize international donor organizations? • What kinds of concessions should we give? • What kind of outcomes do we want? (investment dollars, employment, technology transfer) 32 PRC welcomes investor-operator to setup logistics parks, factories and whole sale centres in Class I Dry Ports (located at international border). To attract investors, many incentives are designed and given. 1. Tax Holiday on land rentals 2. Waive of import duties for importing of machineries and equipment 3. Using electronic logistics information system to expedite customs clearance and simplify paper work 4. Establish a joint border cooperation centre with Kazakhstan (total about 5 hectares). Citizens from both countries can enter and procure items without paying taxes. 33 E-mail: 34