false authority

Katilyn Wyatt and DeAnna Mabe
 Using a biased, suspicious, or incredible source to defend a
X is true because Y says so. Therefore, what Y says must be true
Students in particular may look
at their teachers as a person of
authority. Teachers are meant to
help others learn. Since they are
in charge they believe they have
the authority to tell students
what can and can’t be done or
what is true and what isn’t.
Subway/ Girlfriend commercial
Lancôme makeup uses Julia Roberts,
the famous actress, as their model.
When women in society see that
Roberts uses Lancôme makeup
products, they are lured into using it
also because they view Roberts as an
authority figure.
The Crucible Act 1
 Page 188: Hale: “You will confess yourself or I will take you
out and whip you to your death, Tituba!”
Hale accused Tituba to witchcraft only by the evidence of what
Abigail said. Hale has no real authority over Tituba yet Tituba
and Hale
 Page 189: Hale: “Glory to God! It is broken, they are free!”
Hale and Parris believe Betty and Abigail were under the devil’s
spell. However, when Tituba confessed, Abigail and Betty began
to accuse different girls from the community. Hale believes
because of this, the Devil is gone.
The Crucible Act 2
 Page 195: Mary Warren: “She could not say a single one.”
Proctor: “And so they condemned her?”
Judge Hathorne uses the ten commandments as a test to see if people are
involved in witchcraft. Sarah Good was a women who Abigail accused.
She couldn’t recite all 10 commandments therefore she was condemned
for witchcraft.
 Page 201: Francis: “For murder, she’s charged! For the
murder of Goody Putnam’s babies.”
Rebecca Nurse is charged for the murder of Goody Putnam’s babies
without any real evidence. The only evidence used against her is the
word of Anne Putnam therefore making it false authority of taking
Rebecca Nurse into custody.
The Crucible Act 3
 Page 211: Cheever: “I think it be evidence.”
Proctor is being accused as the Devil’s worker. Only because he
doesn’t have a good church record. He is known to plow on
Sundays. The court uses this as evidence against him although
many in the town have been known to plow on Sundays.
The Crucible Act 4
 Page 239: Danforth: “Do you sport with me? You will
sign your name or it is no confession, mister!”
Although Proctor has already confessed of his sins, Danforth
requires him to sign his name so he can hang the document at
the church for the village to see his own credibility as well as
Proctor’s confession. The document is not really needed, yet
Danforth thinks it must be used or Proctor is hanged.
Works Cited
 Hagin. False Authority. KSU, n.d. Web. 27 November 2002