The Crucible ACT 1 Journal Questions Each student gets one journal question and 40 minutes to answer it in their journals. Each student should write at least 100-200 words. Page numbers should be noted in the journal entry. 1. What types of things do the people of Salem not allow their children to do that we do today? Why? 2. What is the problem with Giles Corey’s thinking about his wife reading strange books? 3. Why does Abigail blame Tituba? 4. Why is Mrs. Putnam so hysterical? 5. Who does Tituba accuse and why? 5. Why does Tituba give that long speech about how the devil told her to kill Parris? What motivates her? 6. What does Parris say that shows he has heard rumors about Abigail and Proctor? How does she respond? Why does he ask? 7. Why does Ann Putnam send Ruth to Tituba? And why is Parris shocked and upset by this? 8. Rebecca Nurse understands what is really going on in this village. Why? How? Why don’t Parris and Putnam listen to her? 9. Why doesn’t John Proctor go to church often? What kind of trouble does this cause for him? 10. How is the argument about firewood an important symbol of what is going on, what is to come and about the character of this little community? 11. Parris accuses Proctor of being the member of a “faction” in the church. What does he mean and why is this important? Why would it be prudent that Proctor not joke about this accusation as a response? 12. Hale says that his books are “weighted with authority.” What does this mean and why is it important to this story? 13. Rev. Hale knows Rebecca Nurse by reputation. He lives in Beverly, which though by our standards is close by, would have been quite a trip back then. What has he heard about her? Why is this important to the story?