
Scientific Name: Helianthus
Family: Magnoliopsida
If you ever happen to see a big, pretty, circular yellow flower,
chances are, it's a sunflower. These plants range anywhere from
approximately 20 to 157 inches tall. They use their seeds for the
reproduction process, and make their food using a process called
The sunflower thrives throughout all 50 states. It is a very eyecatching flower. It is dormant in late fall and all during winter.
People can start planting this summertime flower in mid to late
spring. When planting, keep in mind that the soil should be
“Sandy/Loamy” and 55-60 degrees F. Wait till the outdoor weather
is about 75-80 degrees, and happy planting!
Human/Environmental Impact
Sunflowers have not really had the biggest impact on our history. They do, however, provide
health benefit such as preventing cellular damage, improving digestion, increased energy levels, stronger
bones, etc. Seeing that they are also considered a food crop.
Historical Significance
They originated in Asia and South/Central America around about 3000 BC, but now, as said
before, thrive in all 50 states. Which means no, they are not an invasive species. Although I am sure
something can be done somewhere in the world to help the sunflowers, we do not really need/have to do
anything because they are definitely not very popular in Cadiz.
By: Brianna Kassinger