1st Semester Final Review Use your notebook to review the

1st Semester Final Review
Use your notebook to review the following information from each of the three units we have studied 1st semester. The Final is not a district EOC,
so it only counts the same as a regular test.
Intro Unit (Scientific Method, Metrics and Graphing)
You Should Know:
*the steps of the scientific method
*how to make an experiment more accurate
*the meaning of dependent variable, independent variable and constants and be able to identify each in a given experiment
*the metric units for length, volume and mass
*the definition of mass and volume
*whether mass changes depending on where you are in the universe
*how to create a bar graph or a line graph of data given to you (graphs must have TAIL!)
Motion Unit (Forces, Calculating Motion and Newton’s Laws)
You Should Know:
*definitions and examples of the following forces: applied, normal, air resistance, gravity, friction, magnetic, electrical, tension, spring
*how to calculate speed, acceleration, force and momentum (you will be given the formulas for acceleration, force and momentum)
*how to graph the speed of an object given the distance traveled during each time interval (for example, draw a line graph to show the motion
of a zebra…in 20 seconds the zebra goes 40 meters, then spends the next 20 seconds grazing and not changing distance, and finally travelling
240 meters in the next 20 seconds because it was being chased by a lion)
*the relationship between mass and inertia
*the definition of acceleration
*the definitions and examples of positive, negative and zero acceleration
*what each of Newton’s 3 laws mean and examples of each
Energy Unit (Potential/Kinetic, Types of Energy, Energy Transfer-conduction, convection, radiation)
You Should Know:
*how to label the following on a ski hill: most PE, most KE, PE, KE, PE, KE
*the relationship between kinetic and potential energy
*the definitions and examples of kinetic and potential energy
*how to increase kinetic and potential energy
*the definitions and examples of the following types of energy: chemical, mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, sound, nuclear
*how to draw, label and explain a diagram that shows energy being transformed but not created or destroyed (similar to but not identical to the
sun/plant/skier diagram from class)
*the law of conservation of energy and what it means
*the definition and examples of conduction, convection and radiation
*the definition and examples of insulator and conductor