SPECIAL OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday: 11AM-1PM Uniform circular motion is due to a centripetal acceleration This acceleration is always pointing to the center This acceleration is due to a net force arad = v2/R A diagram of gravitational force We want to place a satellite into circular orbit 300km above the earth surface. What speed, period and radial acceleration it must have? What is “work” as defined in Physics? •Formally, work is the product of a constant force F through a parallel displacement s. W is N.m W = F.s 1 Joule (J) = (1N.m) W>0 W<0 W=0 Work and Kinetic Energy work-energy theorem W = Kf - Ki Gravitational Potential Energy (Near Earth’s surface) U = mgy Uel = (1/2) kx2 • Work-Energy Theorem Wtotal = Kf – Ki • Conservatives force Kf + Uf = Ki + Ui • Non-conservative forces Kf + Uf = Ki + Ui + Wother Off center collisions Suppose we have several particles A, B, etc., with masses mA, mB, …. Let the coordinates of A be (xA, yA), let those of B be (xB, yB), and so on. We define the center of mass of the system as the point having coordinates (xcm,ycm) given by xcm = (mAxA + mBxB + ……….)/(mA + mB + ………), Ycm = (mAyA + mByB +……….)/(mA + mB + ………). v = rω atan = rα arad = rω2 2 2 a atan arad Kinetic Energy of Rotating Rigid Body Moment of Inertia KA = (1/2)mAvA2 vA = rA ω vA2 = rA2 ω2 KA = (1/2)(mArA2)ω2 KB = (1/2)(mBrB2)ω2 KC = (1/2)(mCrC2)ω2 .. K = KA + KB + KC + KD …. K = (1/2)(mArA2)ω2 + (1/2)(mBrB2)ω2 ….. K = (1/2)[(mArA2) + (mBrB2)+ …] ω2 K = (1/2) I ω2 I = mArA2 + mBrB2 + mCrC2) + mDrD2 + … Unit: kg.m2 Rotation about a Moving Axis • Every motion of of a rigid body can be represented as a combination of motion of the center of mass (translation) and rotation about an axis through the center of mass • The total kinetic energy can always be represented as the sum of a part associated with motion of the center of mass (treated as a point) plus a part asociated with rotation about an axis through the center of mass Total Kinetic Energy Ktotal = (1/2)Mvcm2 + (1/2)Icmω2 Rotation about a moving axis Conservation of angular momentum When the sum of the torques of all external forces acting on a system is zero, then THE TOTAL ANGULAR MOMENTUM IS CONSTANT (CONSERVED) The professor as figure skater? •It seems that danger to the instructor is proportional to interest in any given demonstration.