Questions - Kingdom Animalia and Simple Invertebrates

Name: _____________________________________
Date: _______________
Period#: ___
I. What is an Animal? (Animals pp. 6-11)
1. What are the levels of biological organization from simplest to most complex?
2. Define the following terms:
a. cell:
b. tissue:
c. organ:
d. organ system:
3. What are the four major functions of animals?
4. How do animals obtain food and oxygen? Provide an example of how a specific animal
is adapted to obtain food or oxygen.
5. Based upon your answer to question 4, are animals heterotrophic or autotrophic?
6. Homeostasis refers to stable conditions within an animal’s body. Provide two examples
of how animals maintain homeostasis.
7. Why do animals move? Provide examples of how animals move.
8. Define the following terms:
a. sexual reproduction:
b. fertilization:
c. asexual reproduction:
9. Approximately how many phyla make up Kingdom Animalia?
10. What three characteristics help determine how animals are classified?
11. Define the following terms:
a. vertebrate:
b. invertebrates:
12. What percentage of all animals (> 1.5 million species) are invertebrates?
II. Animal Symmetry- (Animals pp. 12-14)
13. What is the definition of symmetry?
14. Complete the chart below:
Type of Symmetry
(Without Symmetry)
Larger and more
True front and back
Quick movement
Sense organs in the
front (anterior end)
No distinct front
or back end
Live in water
Slow Moving
Simple Body Plan
DRAWING (Add the
line(s) of symmetry)
*Additional DIRECTIONAL TERMS to know for organisms with bilateral symmetry:
 anterior
 posterior
 dorsal
 ventral
 medial
 lateral
III. Phylum Porifera – the Sponges (Animals pp. 15-17)
15. Where do sponges live?
16. What is a sponge and what does it look like?
17. To which phylum do sponges belong? What is the meaning of this phylum name?
18. Describe each type of sponge cell and label it on the diagram:
a. collar cells (choanocytes):
b. spikes (spicules):
c. Jelly-like (amoeboid) cells:
d. Pores (porocytes):
19. How does a sponge obtain food and oxygen?
20. How does a sponge reproduce asexually?
21. How does a sponge reproduce sexually?
IV. Phylum Cnidaria – (Animals pp. 19-25)
22. What is a cnidarian?
23. What three characteristics do both cnidarian body plans have?
24. How do cnidarians use stinging cells to obtain food?
25. Complete the chart below:
body shape
mouth and tentacle
What lifestyle is the
body plan adapted
Figure 13 to label
mouth, tentacles,
and central cavity)
26. How do cnidarians reproduce asexually?
27. How do cnidarians reproduce sexually?
28. What is a colony? Provide two examples of cnidarian colonies.
29. What is a coral reef and why are they important?
30. What is a Portuguese Man-of-War and how are the different polyps in the colony
V. Worm Phyla (Animals pp. - pages 26-32)
31. What are the three major phyla of worms?
32. What three body structure characteristics
do all worms share?
33. How is the nervous system of worms adapted to help them survive?
34. How do worms reproduce sexually?
*Many worm species are hermaphrodites - individual organisms that have both
male and female sex organs.
35. How do worms reproduce asexually?
36. What do flatworms (Phylum Platyhelminthes) look like?
37. Provide examples of flatworms?
38. Define the following terms:
a. parasite:
b. host:
c. free-living organism:
d. scavenger:
39. What is a planarian and how do they obtain food?
40. What structures on a planarian’s head help it to survive?
41. Identify each of the structures on the planarian (*not in book):
brain (ganglia)
ventral nerve cord _______
42. What is a tapeworm?
43. What is the purpose of the hooks and suckers on the head of a
44. Where do roundworms (Phylum Nematoda) live?
45. What do roundworms look like?
46. What is a one-way digestive system and why is it more efficient?
47. What are examples of free-living and parasitic roundworms? (*Not in your textbook)
48. Describe the body structure of a segmented worm (Phylum Annelida)?
49. What tissues and systems do segmented worms have?
50. What is a closed circulatory system?
51. How are earthworms beneficial to the environment?