Invertebrates Notes

● An animal without a backbone
● 95% of animals are invertebrates
1. Sponges
a. Simplest invertebrates
b. Asymmetrical- no symmetry
c. live underwater
2. Cnidarian:
a. animals with armlike parts called tentacles that
are poisonous
b. ex. jellyfish
c. some have radial symmetry and some are
3. Mollusks:
a. Most have shells and live under water
b. Snails and slugs are only ones that live on land
c. bilateral symmetry
d. ex. snails, oyster, clams
4. Echinoderms:
a. Has spiny skin and internal support-endoskeleton
b. Has tentacles
c. ex. starfish and sea urchin
5. Arthropods:
a. largest group
b. jointed legs and bodies divided into groups
c. Exoskeleton-hard covering that protects bod and
keeps moisture
d. some of have gills and others tubes to breathe
e. Arthropods are divided into subgroup or divisions
i. Insects, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Centipedes
and Millipedes
6. Flatworms:
a. flat bodies
b. harmless
c. simplest of worms
d. bilateral symmetry
e. ex. tapeworm
7. Round worms:
a. thin bodies with pointed ends
b. live inside bodies of others animals
c. 1 way digestive system
8. Segmented Worms:
a. Live on land
b. body divided into segments
c. bilateral symmetry
d. ex. earth worms, sandworm
● Workbook page 26-28
● Early Finisher read page 90-94