Describe five characteristics of living things

Describe five characteristics of living things.
You are working at the Vancouver Aquarium as a curator. A local university has donated
a box turtle and you are in charge of setting up a habitat. Identify, in detail, the four basic
needs of the box turtle and tell how you would design an exhibit that would meet its
Tell how a pond might begin, and how it may eventually become a meadow.
One organism has been classified in the Kingdom Animalia, and in the phylum Chordata.
What is a major characteristic of this classification?
Is a mushroom a plant? Explain your answer in detail.
Why would you refer to a chloroplast as the “kitchen” of a plant?
Identify two destructive fungi and two fungi that are beneficial to humans.
Some fungi live on the roots of many plants in a symbiotic relationship. Explain.
What are some differences between a plant cell and an animal cell?
Why do we use a classification system for organisms, and why do we use Latin instead of
Why is this unit called “Diversity of Life”?
What is mold?
How does a pillbug relate to the term “decomposer”?
Identify differences and similarities between birds and mammals.
Name five nicknames for a A. vulgarae
Why does a pillbug have to live in a humid environment?
Describe behavioural and structural adaptations and give an example of each.
This body of water may have started with a piece of glacier left behind.
This part of the food chain breaks down decaying organic matter into nutrients.
Pill bugs need humidity to help this body part work properly.
This kingdom includes crabs and lobsters.
This phylum includes vertebrates.
This part of the food chain eats plants.
This part of the food chain eats mostly primary consumers.
This helpful organism is found clinging to the roots of many plants.
Organisms from this kingdom produce their own nourishment.
Plantae, Animalia, Monera, Fungi. This kingdom is missing.
Living things are classified using this ancient language.
This basic need is in short supply at the bottom of a pond.
Water obtains oxygen from diffusion with air from the surface, and from these
This is what you might call an animal that eats producers and consumers.
This system moves liquids such as blood or sap throughout an organism.
A duck’s bill has these things close to the surface of its bill to help it search for food.
The name of the eagle’s bill describes the job it can do.
Camouflage is this type of adaptation.
Migration is this type of adaptation.
This is the Latin name for human beings, using genus and species.
A mule is missing this characteristic of living things.
This Class of Plantae includes trees and dandelions.
Pond algae belong to this kingdom.
This is another name for some algae found in marine waters.
In scientific classification of living things, this category is found just above species, and
is usually identified by just the first letter.
This is the class of living things in which you would find hollow bones.
A bird’s hollow bones allow them to fly more easily, and to provide extra space for
storing this substance.
This class of animal does not urinate, but expels all waste through an opening called the
Ostriches, penguins and emus lack this ability.
This type of plant is rooted in the soil at the bottom of a pond but sticks out into the air
above the surface.
This is the name for decaying organic material found at the bottom of a pond.
Tropical rainforests are found closer to the Equator; our rainforest is identified as this
other type.
This is the name of an organism that attaches itself to another organism and harms it
while it extracts nutrients.
When a fungus that attaches itself to plant roots exchanges nutrients and water for
carbohydrates, their relationship is referred to as this.
In the Kingdom Monera, organisms are typically one-celled and lack this cellular part
found in other cells.
Bacteria are found in this kingdom.
Many antibiotic medicines come from this type of organism.
Many arctic animals store body fat for this purpose.
Banana plants are pollinated by this mammal.
Scientists have identified 70 thousand different species of this organism, but believe that
up to 1.5 million may actually exist.
Homeostasis is a term used to describe the maintenance of a constant internal body
temperature for some animals. These animals are described using this term.
More than 20% of all known mammalian species are this animal.
This is an example of a carnivore in Kingdom Plantae.
Whales and owls hunt using this adaptation.
Water striders stay at the surface of the water because they don’t break this.
85% of all plants on Earth are found here.
Butterflies and hummingbirds share this food source.
This body of water may have started with a piece of glacier left behind. POND
This part of the food chain breaks down decaying organic matter into nutrients.
Pill bugs need humidity to help this body part work properly. GILLS
This kingdom includes crabs and lobsters. ANIMALIA
This phylum includes vertebrates. CHORDATA
This part of the food chain eats plants. CONSUMERS
This part of the food chain eats mostly primary consumers. SECONDARY
This helpful organism is found clinging to the roots of many plants. FUNGI
Organisms from this kingdom produce their own nourishment. PLANTAE
Plantae, Animalia, Monera, Fungi. This kingdom is missing. PROTISTA
Living things are classified using this ancient language. LATIN
Because of bacteria, this gas is in short supply at the bottom of a pond. OXYGEN
Water obtains oxygen from diffusion with air from the surface, and from these
organisms. PLANTS
This is what you might call an animal that eats producers and consumers. OMNIVORE
This system moves liquids such as blood or sap throughout an organism. VASCULAR
A duck’s bill has these things close to the surface of its bill to help it search for food.
The name of the eagle’s bill describes the job it can do. SHREDDING BEAK
Camouflage is this type of adaptation. STRUCTURAL
Migration is this type of adaptation. BEHAVIOURAL
This is the Latin name for human beings, using genus and species. HOMO SAPIENS
A mule is missing this characteristic of living things. REPRODUCTION
This Class of Plantae includes trees and dandelions. EMBRYOPHYTES
Pond algae belong to this kingdom. PLANTAE
This is another name for some algae found in marine waters. KELP
In scientific classification of living things, this category is found just above species, and
is usually identified by just the first letter. GENUS
This is the class of living things in which you would find hollow bones. AVES
A bird’s hollow bones allow them to fly more easily, and to provide extra space for
storing this gas. OXYGEN
This class of animal does not urinate, but expels all waste through an opening called the
cloaca. AVES
Ostriches, penguins and emus lack this ability. FLIGHT
This type of plant is rooted in the soil at the bottom of a pond but sticks out into the air
above the surface. EMERGENT
This is the name for decaying organic material found at the bottom of a pond.
Tropical rainforests are found closer to the Equator; our rainforest is identified as this
other type. TEMPERATE
This is the name of an organism that attaches itself to another organism and harms it
while it extracts nutrients. PARASITE
When a fungus that attaches itself to plant roots exchanges nutrients and water for
carbohydrates, their relationship is referred to as this. SYMBIOTIC
In the Kingdom Monera, organisms are typically one-celled and lack this cellular part
found in other cells. NUCLEUS
Bacteria are found in this kingdom. MONERA
Many antibiotic medicines come from this type of organism. MOULD
Many arctic animals store body fat for this purpose. INSULATION
Banana plants are pollinated by this mammal. FRUIT BAT
Scientists have identified 70 thousand different species of this organism, but believe that
up to 1.5 million may actually exist. FUNGI
Homeostasis is a term used to describe the maintenance of a constant internal body
temperature for some animals. These animals are categorized using this term.
More than 20% of all known mammalian species are this animal. BAT
This is an example of a carnivore in Kingdom Plantae. VENUS FLY TRAP
Whales and owls hunt using this adaptation. ECHOLOCATION
Water striders stay at the surface of the water because they don’t break this. SURFACE
85% of all plants on Earth are found here. OCEAN
Butterflies and hummingbirds share this taste in food. NECTAR
Organisms made of one cell are called this. UNICELLULAR
Organisms made of more than one cell are called this. MULTICELLULAR
Bacteria propel themselves with this whip-like structure. FLAGELLUM
This is the name of the organelle in a plant cell that helps it create its own food.
This is the extra structural feature of a plant cell and bacteria cell that isn’t found in an
animal cell. CELL WALL
Plants are not found in deep ocean areas because of a lack of this. LIGHT
Crabs and lobsters are members of this part of the food chain. DECOMPOSERS
These organisms break down decomposed organic material into chemical nutrients for
plants. BACTERIA
The diversity of life increases as these two factors increase. HUMIDITY AND
The size of bacteria is measured in these units. MICRONS
This is one waste product from bacteria living in your intestines. METHANE
These types of pond plants grow completely under water. SUBMERGENTS
Effects of other living things on the growth and development of a plant are said to be this
type of factor. BIOTIC
These creatures lay their eggs in water, and their young resemble small fish.
This creature loses its tail as it becomes an adult. TADPOLE
98% of all the animals in the world are in this category. INVERTEBRATES
These animals have an internal skeleton made of bone. VERTEBRATES
These animals can regulate their own body temperature and give birth to live young.
Mammals nourish their young with this liquid. MILK
Aquatic mammals use fins and these body parts to swim. FLIPPERS
Largest family of mammals, have two sets of sharp incisor teeth. RODENTS
These animals are believed to be evolved from dinosaurs. BIRDS
Birds have three differentiating characteristics: feathers, wings, and this feature. BEAK
This animal can dislocate its own jaw to allow it to swallow prey larger than its mouth.
Animals that can’t regulate their own body temperature are often called this. COLDBLOODED
These organs allow fish to breathe oxygen under water. GILLS
Fish have a gas-filled sac that allows them to float in the water without swimming.
Fish with this type of skeleton will sink if they stop swimming. CARTILEGE