Guide on what to complete for your preparation

Guide on what to complete for your
preparation for the animation exam
All areas must be attempted in order
to gain a grade for the exam which is
worth 40% of your final mark
Area of study A: FROM PAST TO PRESENT- Giants
Area of study B: PEOPLES AND PLACES- The roman Empire
• Mission statement: you must give reasons as
to why you have chosen this specific question.
Art forms to investigate
You must stick with using a combination of moving image and visual arts ( animation)
but you must also show that you have thought about using different artforms to
develop your idea from. Below is an example of what you need to add on this slide
Moving Image
Visual Arts
(set design/character design)
- A Jinn could appear and
burn something and
transform into an animal
or human.
- A Shadhavar could be
drinking from an oasis
in a desert.
Set design:
- A dark forest with burnt or
chopped down trees.
- A desert with an oasis.
- A desert with an oasis and a
burnt down tree next to it.
Art Forms
Original Writing
I could
develop my
own piece of
music based
on the film
I could look at
Roman gods
and develop a
scene from a
famous story
that shows what
has happened to
them since the
fall of the
Roman empire
I could develop a story
that looks at a famous
Roman legend s and
develop into a piece of
You must explain why you have chosen
your art from in more detail
• I have chosen to explore the visual arts and
moving image because.......
• Try to include the following
• I have gained skills in animation by......
• I can tell a good story through animation
• I will have more room to create and
experiment because...............
Mood Board
Roman Empire/Giants
• How have these been recorded in history?
Find examples and evidence on this slide.
Research your chosen area by finding three
animations/films/stories/TV shows that have explored
your chosen question
• Place an image or screen shot onto the slide and
analyse. Use the following questions
• Explain how your chosen piece of media links to
your chosen question
• How has the animator/director etc develop the
• How have they created a mood in the scene?
• What camera angles have they used and Why?
• How will you use this scene to develop your own
This image has been taken from the film
Gladiator which was directed by Ridley Scott.
He won an oscar for this film. I feel it relates
to the question the Roman empire as it
shows how the Roman empire became a
republic because of one slave. Ridley Scott
has used an older film called Sparticus to
develop this story as that it also about a slave
rising up against the Roman Empire.
This scene has been shot so the actor takes
up most of the screen so the audience feels
his presence and scream. He is clearly angry
so the director wanted to have the whole
body so we can see how powerful he is.
I could use this type of shot to show my
characters being angry I also like how the
story is about one person fighting against the
whole empire. I could use this to develop
further for my own story.
• You need to start and develop 3 basic story
ideas for your animation. They do not need to
be long. Have a look at the example below
• I could create a big fight scene that shows a
tribe defeating a Roman legion.
• You need choose one of your synopsis and develop it
into your treatment. This will then go on and become
your animation storyboard.
• A treatment needs to include the following
• Summary – what is going to happen
• Concept- what type of animation will it be? Funny,
thriller, horror, romance. Explain why you have chosen
the concept
• Target Audience: Who are you aiming the animation
at? What consideration will you need highlight?
• Conclusion- what problems do you for see and what
can you do to fix them.
Character design
• Include at least 3 different character design.
You can use an original drawing or image to
develop on from. Evaluate all designs
Background design
• Create at least 3 different background designs
and evaluate
Story board
• Sketch out your story board and include
written descriptions
• Evaluate what you have done so far and link it
back to the exam question. How could you
improve further and what do you need to get
organised for your final piece?
Make your props
• evaluate