Chapter 27: Evolution Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Evolution of Small Organic Molecules • Experiments by Stanley Miller in 1953 tested the hypothesis that small organic molecules were formed at the ocean’s surface. • The first atmospheric gases (methane, ammonia, and hydrogen) were placed into a closed system, heated, and circulated past an electric spark to simulate lightning. • A variety of amino acids and organic acids formed. Miller’s experiment Macromolecules • There are three hypotheses concerning how small organic molecules could give rise to macromolecules: • The RNA-first hypothesis. • The Protein –first hypothosis. • The Clay theory RNA and Protein arose together The Protocell • Before the first true cell, there would have been a protocell that had a lipid-protein membrane and used energy metabolism. • Fox has shown that if lipids are available to microspheres, the two form a lipid-protein membrane. • Other work by Alexandr Oparin has shown that concentrated mixtures of macromolecules form coacervate droplets that a semipermeable boundary may form around. The True Cell • A true cell is a membrane-bounded structure that can carry on protein synthesis to produce the enzymes that allow DNA to replicate. • It is possible that the sequence of DNA to RNA to protein developed in stages. • Once the protocells acquired genes that could replicate, they became cells capable of reproducing, and evolution began. Microevolution Five Agents of Evolutionary Change • Mutations provide new alleles and therefore underlie all other mechanisms that produce variation. • Genetic Drift changes in gene pool by chance due to fouder effect or bottleneck effect • Gene Flow is the movement of alleles between populations (via migration) • Nonrandom Mating, when individuals pair up, not by chance, but by genotype or phenotype. • Natural Selection, where populations become adapted to their environment (specialized) Natural Selection • Natural selection is the process by which populations become adapted to their environment. • Evolution by natural selection requires: • Variation • Inheritance of the genetic difference • Differential adaptedness • Differential reproduction. • Three types of natural selection are known: • Stabilizing selection – an intermediate phenotype is favored. • Directional selection – one extreme phenotype is favored. • Disruptive selection – both extreme phenotypes are favored over an intermediate phenotype. Chapter 30: Animals: Part I Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction o display. Evolution and Classification of Animals • Animals are multicellular heterotrophs that ingest their food. • Animals belong to the Eukarya and kingdom Animalia. • In general, animals have some form of locomotion and have tissues and organs. • The adult is typically diploid and practices sexual reproduction. • An embryonic stage undergoes development. Evolution of Animals • It is difficult to trace the complete evolutionary tree of animals because softbodied animals are poorly preserved as fossils. • All animals probably evolved from a protistan ancestor. • All the major animal phyla include some invertebrates, animals without backbones. • The phylum Chordata is mainly composed of vertebrates. Animal diversity Criteria for Classification • The classification of animals is based on the level of organization or number of germ layers, symmetry, type of coelom, body plan, and presence or absence of segmentation. • An evolutionary tree based on these features depicts a possible evolutionary relationship between the animals. Evolutionary tree Evolutionary tree Invertebrates Characterizing Animals • • • • Level of Organization Type of Body Plan Type of Symmetry Type of Coelom Level of Organization • Animals can have the cellular level, the tissue level, or the organ level of organization. • One of the main events during animal development is the establishment of germ layers. • If two germ layers (ectoderm and endoderm) are present, then the animal has the tissue level of organization; if all three germ layers are present, the organ level of organization is attained. LOOK! These Are “germ layers” that are the basis Of STEM-CELLS! • • • • Type of Body Plan Two body plans are present in the animal kingdom: the sac plan and tube-within-atube plan. Animals with a sac plan have an incomplete digestive system with only one opening. Animals with the tube-within-a-tube plan have a complete digestive system. Two openings allows for specialization along the length of the tube. Type of Symmetry • Animals can be asymmetrical, radially symmetrical, or bilaterally symmetrical. • Asymmetrical animals have no particular symmetry. • Radial symmetry means the animal is organized similar to a wheel. • Bilateral symmetry means the animal has definite right and left halves. • Bilateral symmetry leads to cephalization. • Type of Coelom • A true coelom (in coelomates) is an internal body cavity completely lined with mesoderm, where internal organs are found. • Coelomates are either protostomes or deuterostomes. • Acoelomates have mesoderm but no body cavity. • Animals that have a pseudocoelom have a body cavity incompletely lined with mesoderm. Introducing the Invertebrates • Sponges are asymmetrical. • Cnidarians have radial symmetry. • All other phyla contain bilaterally symmetrical animals. • Flatworms have three germ layers but no coelom. • Roundworms have a pseudocoelom and a tubewithin-a-tube body plan. Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Sponges: Phyllus Porifera • Sponges are mainly marine animals at the cellular level of organization. • The sponge body wall has an outer layer of epidermal cells; a middle layer consisting of semi-fluid matrix where amoeboid cells transport nutrients, produce spicules, and form sex cells; and an inner layer of collar cells with flagella that wave water through pores and out an osculum. Sponge Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Phyllum: Cnidara • Cnidarians are mostly coastal marine animals with a tissue level of organization and radial symmetry. • They may be a polyp or a medusa or may alternate between the two forms. • They have cnidocytes that discharge stinging nematocysts, long threads that may have spines and contain a poison. • Cnidarians are diverse and include sea anemones, coral, and jellyfishes. Hydra • A hydra polyp has an outer layer of epidermis derived from ectoderm and an inner layer called gastrodermis derived from endoderm. • Mesoglea lies between the two layers and contains a nerve net that communicates with muscle fibers so that the animal is able to move. • Digestion begins in a gastrovascular cavity and finishes in gastrodermal cells. • Nutrients and gases are distributed from layer to layer by diffusion. Anatomy of Hydra Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Flatworms • Flatworms are characterized by the tissue level of organization and a sac body plan. • These acoelomates have three germ layers, and have all organs except respiratory and circulatory organs. • The flat body facilitates diffusion of oxygen and other molecules from cell to cell. Planarian Schistosomiasis Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Roundworms • Roundworms have the tube-within-a-tube plan; they are prevalent in soil and some parasitize animals and plants. • The pseudocoelom is a body cavity incompletely lined with mesoderm. • The fluid-filled interior forms a hydrostatic skeleton. • Most species of roundworms have separate males and females. Coelom structure and function Roundworm anatomy Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Molluscs • Molluscs, along with annelids and arthropods, are protostomes because the first embryonic opening becomes the mouth. • Because the true coelom form by the splitting of the mesoderm, protostomes are also schizocoelomates. • Many protostomes also have trochophore (top-shaped) larvae. Molluscan diversity Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Annelids • Annelids are segmented both externally, and internally by partitions called septa. • Annelids have a hydrostatic skeleton, and partitioning of the coelom permits each body segment to move independently. • The tube-within-a-tube body plan allows the digestive tract to have specialized organs. Polychaete diversity Earthworm, Lumbricus Leeches • Most leeches are fluid feeders that attach themselves to open wounds using suckers. • Bloodsuckers, such as the medicinal leech, can cut through tissue. • An anticoagulant (hirudin) in their saliva keeps blood from clotting. Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Arthropods • Arthropods are the most varied and numerous of animals. • The success of arthropods is largely attributable to a flexible exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and specialization of body regions. • Three body regions – head, thorax, and abdomen – with specialized appendages in each region, and a well-developed nervous system characterize this group. Arthropod diversity Insect diversity Arachnid diversity Chapter 31: Animals: Part II Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Echinoderms • Echinoderms and chordates are deuterostomes. • In deuterostomes, the second embryonic opening becomes the mouth and a coelom forms by outpocketing of the primitive gut making these animals enterocoelomates. • A dipleurula larva is found among some. Protostomes versus deuterostomes Evolutionary tree Invertebrates Characteristics of Echinoderms • Echinoderms are a diverse group of marine animals; there are no terrestrial echinoderms. • They have an endoskeleton consisting of spine-bearing, calcium-rich plates. • Echinoderms are often radially symmetrical, although the larva is a freeswimming filter feeder with bilateral symmetry. • Echinoderm Diversity • Echinoderms include: • Sea lilies (class Crinoidea) • Sea cucumbers (class Holothuroidea) • Brittle stars (class Ophiuroidea) • Sea urchins and sand dollars (class Echinoidea) • Sea stars (class Asteroidea) Echinoderm diversity Sea star anatomy and behavior Kingdom Animalia Sub-Kingdom Metazoa Sub-Kingdom Parazoa Phyllum Cnidera Phyllum Porifera Phyllum Platyhelminths (jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomae) (flukes, tapeworm, planeria) (sponges) Phyllum Aschelminths Phyllum Mollusca (rotifers and nemotes: ascaris) (snail, clams, octopi) Phyllum Annelida (segmented worms) Phyllum Arthopods Phyllum Echinodermata (insects, lobsters, spiders) (starfish, sea urchins) Phyllum Chordata (early and late vertebrates) Chordates • Chordates (tunicates, lancelets, and vertebrates) have: • a supporting notochord, • a dorsal hollow nerve cord, • pharyngeal pouches, and a • post-anal tail at one time during their development. Chordate characteristics Evolution of Chordates • The lancelets and tunicates are invertebrate chordates. • Vertebrates include the fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. • Cartilaginous fishes were the first to have jaws; amphibians evolved legs and invaded land. • Reptiles, birds, and mammals have means of reproduction suitable to land. Evolutionary tree of chordates No way! Invertebrate Chordates • Lancelets and tunicates are the invertebrate chordates. • Lancelets are small animals found in shallow water along the coasts; they filter feed on microscopic organisms. • Tunicates (sea squirts) live on the ocean floor and filter water entering the animal through an incurrent siphon. • Adult tunicates lack chordate characteristics except gill slits, but adult lancelets retain the four chordate characteristics. Habitat and anatomy of a lancelet, Brachiostoma Anatomy of a tunicate, Halocynthia True Vertebrates • At some time during their lives, all vertebrates have the four chordate characteristics. • The notochord is replaced by the vertebral column; this endoskeleton demonstrates segmentation. • The internal organs are well developed and cephalization places complex sense organs at the head. • Vertebrates are distinguished in particular by these features: • Living endoskeleton • Closed circulatory system • Paired appendages • Efficient respiration and excretion • High degree of cephalization • The evolution of jaws allowed some vertebrates to take up the predatory way of life. Milestones in vertebrate evolution We got bones! We made it on land! We laid land-eggs! The first vertibrate animals to arrive: Fishes! • Today there are three living classes of fishes: jawless fishes, cartilaginous fishes, and bony fishes – the last two groups have jaws. • Jawless Fishes • The first vertebrates were jawless fishes, today represented by hagfishes and lampreys with no scales or paired fins. (these fish suck the blood of other fishes…like underwater vampires) • Water moves in and out through gill openings. The most primitive jawed fishes: Cartilaginous Fishes • The cartilaginous fishes include the sharks, rays and skates which have skeletons made of cartilage (like our ears and nose…strong, but still soft and flexible). • Skates and rays are flat fishes that live partly buried in the sand and feed on mussels and clams –”everybody do the stingray shuffle!” • Sharks and rays have a sense of electric currents in water, a lateral line system, and a keen sense of smell; these attributes help detect prey – they can feel you even when they can’t see you! So don’t thrash!!!! • Bony Fishes • Bony fishes have jaws and two pairs of fins and are the most diverse and numerous of all vertebrates (think: tuna, salmon, koi, etc...) • Bony fishes include those that are ray-finned (most abundant) and a few that are lobefinned; some of the lobed-finned fishes have lungs and likely gave rise to amphibians. • A swim bladder may provide buoyancy in rayfinned fishes. Jawed fishes Please don’t step on me! Amphibians • Amphibians evolved from the lobe-finned fishes and are tetrapods with two pairs of limbs. • They are represented today by frogs, newts, toads, and salamanders. • Amphibians usually return to the water to reproduce and require moist habitats. • Frog tadpoles metamorphose into terrestrial adults with lungs. Frog metamorphosis • These features distinguish amphibians: • Usually tetrapods • Mostly metamorphosis • Three-chambered heart (2 atria, one ventricle) • Usually lungs in adults • Smooth, moist skin Reptiles • Reptiles include the extinct dinosaurs and today’s snakes, lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles. • Reptiles have well-developed lungs within a rib cage; they are covered with scales that protect them from desiccation and predators. • Reptiles have internal fertilization and also lay a shelled egg, which contains extraembryonic membranes, including an amnion that allows the embryo to develop on land. The tongue as a sense organ The reptilian egg allows reproduction on land • Features that distinguish reptiles include: • Usually tetrapods • Lungs with expandable rib cages • Shelled, leathery egg • Dry, scaly skin • Fishes, amphibians, and reptiles are “ectothermic”also known as….. COLD-BLOODED! • Therefore…reptiles try to regulate their body temperature by moving to a warmer or cooler location as needed. • The opposite of this is WARM-BLOODED, or “endothermic” b/c we regulate body temp. from our insides! Look up! Beautiful Birds • Birds are characterized by the presence of feathers, which are modified reptilian scales. • Birds lay hard-shelled eggs rather than the leathery eggs of reptiles. • Birds are likely closely related to bipedal dinosaurs, although this is still under study. Bird anatomy • Anatomy and Physiology of Birds • Features of birds are related to the ability to fly. • Bird forelimbs are modified as wings. • Bones are hollow (yes way!) and laced with air cavities; the sternum has a keel to which flight muscles attach. (weigh a bird, VERY light!) • A horny beak replaces teeth. • Respiration is efficient due to air sacs. • Birds have a four-chambered heart, and birds are homeothermic. Bird beaks Bird circulatory system • Classification of Birds • The classification of birds is based on beak and foot types and to some extent on habitat and behavior. • These features distinguish birds: • Feathers • Hard-shelled egg • Four-chambered heart • Usually wings for flying • Air sacs • Homeothermic Mammals • Mammals evolved from reptiles and flourished after the demise of dinosaurs. • Mammals have hair that helps them maintain a constant body temperature. • Like birds, mammals have a fourchambered heart. • Internal development in the uterus shelters the young. • Mammary glands allow mammals to nourish their young. Dr. L Humphries Spring 2005: Fundamentals of Biology Section 1107 Biology 10 4-Units Lab Ex: 16 histology Loose fibrous connective tissue Adipose tissue Hyaline cartilage Compact bone Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Nail anatomy