USI Final exam review sheet Define each term

USI Final exam review sheet
Define each term- identify cause, effect and significance
2)Plymouth, puritans, religious freedom for themselves, intolerance of others
3)Mayflower compact
4)Roger Williams & Anne Hutchinson
5)Bacon’s Rebellion
7)Navigation acts
8)Salutary neglect
9)French and Indian War
10)Albany Plan of Union
11)Sugar Act
12)Stamp Act & Stamp Act Congress
13)Thomas Paine Common Sense
14) Boston Massacre
15) Battle of Saratoga Turning point of Revolution
16) Shay’s Rebellion
17) Northwest Ordinance
18) Constitution & Bill of Rights
19) Abigail Adams- “Remember the Ladies”
19) Whiskey Rebellion
20) XYZ affair and Quasi War with France
21) Alien and Sedition Acts
22) Nullification theory, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
23) Jefferson, Louisiana Purchase
24) Embargo Act
25) 1st Great Awakening and impact
War of 1812-Causes, outcome, significance
Hartford Convention
Decline of Federalists party
Monroe Doctrine
“Corrupt Bargain”
Erie Canal Completed 1825
Impact of the Erie Canal on Westward expansion
Lowell textile mills & mill girls
Early labor struggles and role of women in fighting for better wages/hours/conditions
Industrial revolution
Market economy
Ely Whitney
Interchangeable parts
Samuel Slater
Samuel Morse & telegraph
Age of Jackson & Jacksonian Democracy
Spoils System
Indian Removal policy and Trail of Tears
Whig Party
Henry Clay
American System
John C Calhoun
Nullification Crisis
Supreme Court cases (know the date too, because early cases set precedents for other court rulings):
McCullough v. Maryland
Gibbons v. Ogden
Dred Scot v. Sanford
Missouri Compromise
Social Reform movements
Asylum and prison reform (Dorothea Dix)
Abolition movement
William Lloyd Garrison & the Liberator
Middle Passage and Equiano’s story
Frederick Douglass
Sojourner Truth
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
American Colonization Society goals
Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman
Manifest Destiny
Utopia movements
Henry David Thoreau
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bank of the United States & Jackson’s war against the bank
Battle of the Alamo
Texas annexation
Mexican War and Mexican Cession
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Wilmot Proviso
Popular Sovereignty
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Law
Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Bleeding Kansas
Sumner-Brooks incident
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Stephen A. Douglas
Free Soilers
Birth of the Republican party
John Brown abolitionist activities in Kansas
John Brown’s Raid of Harper’s Ferry 1859
Lincoln’s Election
Southern Secession
Civil War- important battlefields and turning points
Ft. Sumter
Bull Run
Ironclads battle at Hampton Roads
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Address
Union strategy & Lincoln’s war goals
Important generals for both Union and Confederacy
Why the South lost? And how the South could have won the Civil War
Reconstruction amendments
Successes and failures of Reconstruction