Decade Association Exercise APUSH Review

Decade Association Exercise
Name ___________________________
Class/Pd ___________________________
Date ___________________________
Place the correct decade or group of years beside each group of specific factual information (SFI).
Remember, some items can fit into more than one decade, so be sure to read through and consider the
entire group. Don’t simply go through the exercise mindlessly. Think about:
What each item is
How it relates to that particular decade
What other terms could be associated with it
Use the following groups of years in place of decades for the colonial period:
After 1759, use decades (i.e., 1760s)
Decade Association
________ Lost Generation, Warren G. Harding, Henry Ford, Sacco and Vanzetti, Marcus Garvey
________ Bleeding Kansas, Dred Scott v. Sanford, federal fugitive slave law, Know-Nothings, Republican
________ Agricultural Adjustment Act, Spanish Civil War, Congress of Industrial Organizations, brain
trust, Huey Long
________ Alger Hiss, NSC-68, NATO, Casablanca Conference, Henry Wallace
________ Mayflower Compact, Anne Hutchinson, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, Act of Toleration,
New England Confederation
________ Louisiana Purchase, Marbury v. Madison, Barbary Wars, Embargo Act, Non-Intercourse Act
________ Pontiac’s Rebellion, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Townshend Acts, circular letter
________ American Colonization Society, Missouri Compromise, Era of Good Feelings, Tariff of
Abominations, South Carolina Exposition and Protest
________ baby boomers, Sputnik, beat generation, Brown v. Board of Education, Rosenbergs
________ Battle of Yorktown, Articles of Confederation ratified, Northwest Ordinance, Shays’ Rebellion,
Constitutional Convention
________ Irish Potato Famine, “Log Cabin and Hard Cider” campaign, utopian socialism, MexicanAmerican War, Wilmot Proviso
________ bank holiday, National Recovery Administration, destroyers-for-bases deal, appeasement,
Wagner Act
________ Chinese Exclusion Act, Dawes Severalty Act, Alfred Thayer Mahan, horizontal
integration/vertical integration, Haymarket Square incident
________ Bacon’s Rebellion, King Philip’s War, Dominion of New England, Navigation Acts, Salem Witch
________ Homestead Act, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, 13th Amendment,
transcontinental railroad
________ First Bank of the United States, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, XYZ Affair, Whiskey
Rebellion, Jay Treaty
________ bank war, spoils system, Second Great Awakening, Transcendentalism, gag rule
________ Battle of Saratoga, Thomas Paine/Common Sense, Coercive/Intolerable Acts, Olive Branch
Petition, Boston Tea Party
________ Omaha Platform, Cross of Gold speech, annexation of Hawaii, Spanish-American War, Pullman
________ First Great Awakening, Zenger case, Poor Richard’s Almanack, Albany Plan of Union, French
and Indian War
________ war hawks, Battle of New Orleans, Treaty of Ghent, Hartford Convention, American System
________ Bland-Allison Act, Thomas Nast, Henry George/Progress and Poverty, Munn v. Illinois, Specie
Resumption Act
________ Boxer Rebellion, Coxey’s Army, Louis Sullivan, Teller Amendment, Wounded Knee Massacre
________ Redemption, Freedmen’s Bureau, Battle of Little Bighorn, “waving the bloody shirt”, Boss
________ Committee on Public Information, League of Nations, Federal Reserve System, Industrial
Workers of the World, 17th Amendment