student has to know

1 . Subject: "Subject and problems of psychiatry and narcology. Organization of
psychiatric and narcological service. Feeling and perception pathology. Age features of the
sphere of feeling and perception.
The student has to know:
and problems of psychiatry;
of feeling and perception at some mental pathologies.
The student has to be able:
to differentiate different types of violation of feeling, perception and representation; to collect
complaints, anamnestichesky or katamnestichesky data.
2 . Subject: "Thinking. Norm and pathology borders. Age features of the sphere of
The student has to know:
and logical thinking;
eting violations of thinking.
The student has to be able:
differentiate different types of violation of thinking; to collect complaints, anamnestichesky or
katamnestichesky data.
3 . Subject: "Psychology and pathology of memory, attention, intelligence"
The student has to know:
definitions of the concepts "memory", "attention" "intelligence";
physiological bases of processes of storing;
methods of research of memory, attention and intelligence;
classification of violations of memory, attention and intelligence;
the syndromes including in the structure of violation of memory, attention and intelligence,
nosological features of most often meeting violations of memory, attention and intelligence.
The student has to be able:
and intelligence, to differentiate different types of violation of memory, attention and
intelligence; to collect complaints, anamnestichesky or katamnestichesky data.
4 . Subject: "Emotions, norm and pathology borders, age and specific features.
Pathology of emotional and strong-willed and any activity. Syndromes".
The student has to know:
in techniques of research of the emotional and strong-willed sphere and sphere of any
– the strong-willed
sphere and any activity;
sphere and the sphere of any activity.
The student has to be able:
sphere and the sphere of any activity, to differentiate different types of violation to the emotional
and strong-willed sphere and the sphere of any activity; to collect complaints, anamnestichesky
or katamnestic data.
5 . Subject: "Consciousness. Consciousness levels. Conscious and unconscious activity.
Syndromes of the broken consciousness. Main psychopathological syndromes.
Classification of mental diseases".
The student has to know:
-quality and quantitative violations of consciousness, their clinical
od "from a symptom to a syndrome, from a syndrome to a
inical characteristic;
syndromes, characteristic for endogenous mental diseases;
The student has to be able:
from violation of consciousness, to differentiate
different types of violation of consciousness. To find approach to the patient having any mental
disease, to differentiate different types of violation in spheres of mental activity, to collect
complaints, anamnestichesky or katamnestichesky data, to make the preliminary sindromalny
6 . Subject: "Problem of the personality. Patokharakteriologichesky development of the
personality. Psikhopaty, as psycopathy frustration. Psychogenic diseases. Neurosises (age
features: children's neurosis (enuresis, logokloniya, tics, etc.)). Jet psychoses"
The student has to know:
patiya, main clinical characteristics of each option;
tment of psikhopatiya in a phase of a decompensation, neurosises, jet
The student has to be able:
complaints, anamnestichesky or katamnestichesky data, to estimate the mental status, to make
the preliminary diagnosis, to define need of the address for an out-patient order to the
psychiatrist or hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.
7 . Subject: "Schizophrenia. Clinic, current, forecast. Children's autism.
Independent chek of patients"
The student has to know:
rms of schizophrenia;
The student has to be able:
To find approach to the patient having schizophrenia; to collect complaints, anamnestichesky or
katamnestic data,
to estimate the mental status, to make the preliminary diagnosis, to define need of the address for
an out-patient order to the psychiatrist or hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.
8 . Subject: "Epileptic illness. Benign children's epilepsy. Good-quality: mioklonichesky
epilepsy of early children's age. Children's epileptic абсанс (piknolepsiya). Juvenile
mioklonichesky epilepsy. Epileptiformnye syndromes. Mental violations at craniocereberal
traumas. Psychoorganic syndrome".
The student has to know:
• types of convulsive attacks.
• mental equivalents: Disforiya, twilight frustration of consciousness and its out-patient options.
• clinical manifestations of continuous mental violations.
• changes of the identity of the patient by an epileptic illness.
• violation of thinking, emotions, memories, intelligence.
lls of assistance to the patient during a convulsive attack and the epileptic status.
s of an epileptic and traumatic
illness of a brain and abilities of their description in the diary.
The student has to be able
epileptic illness; to collect complaints,
anamnestichesky or katamnestichesky data, to estimate the mental status, to make the
preliminary diagnosis, to define need of the address for an out-patient order to the psychiatrist or
hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.
9 . Subject: "Alcoholism, alcoholic psychoses. Drug addiction, toxicomania. Gender
features of alcoholism and drug addiction. Teenage alcoholism and drug addiction"
The student has to know:
eptibility to a zbolevaniye by alcoholism, drug
addiction, toxicomania;
ogressing alcoholism, drug addiction, toxicomania;
The student has to be able:
complaints, anamnestichesky or katamnestichesky data, to estimate the mental status, to make
the preliminary diagnosis, to define at the level of VOP need of the address for an out-patient
order to the psychiatrist or hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.
10 Subject: "Mental violations at somatic, endocrine and infectious diseases and
The student has to know:
stations of diseases of somatic genesis;
The student has to be able:
collect complaints, anamnestichesky or katamnestichesky data, to estimate the mental status, to
make the preliminary diagnosis, to define at the level of VOP need of the address for an outpatient order to the psychiatrist or hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.
11 . Subject: "Mental disorders of vascular genesis. Mental disorders at involutional and
senile age. Senile psychoses"
The student has to know:
eases of vascular genesis in psychiatry, their clinical characteristic;
senile age.
The student has to be able:
advanced and senile age; to collect complaints, anamnestichesky or katamnestichesky data, to
estimate the mental status, to make the preliminary diagnosis, to define at the level of VOP need
of the address for an out-patient order to the psychiatrist or hospitalization in a psychiatric