Greek timelines

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Greek Timelines
Government in Athens
Direct democracy
Like most civilizations, Athens was ruled by a king.
Instead of just one ruler, Athens was next ruled by a small group of rich people.
The next kind of government Athens had was rule by a strong person who takes
power. Two important examples were ___________________ and
____________________ who worked to reform Athens.
Finally, under Pericles Athens became the kind of government where people have
the power. Athens was the first place in the world to give power to the people. In
Athens the citizens made the laws themselves. Citizens not only had the right to
rule but they had a duty to rule. To be a citizen you had to be:
Event Timeline
King Phillip of Macedon takes over
Peloponnesian League
Alexander the Great conquers Persia
Peloponnesian Wars
Golden Age of Pericles
Alexander the Great takes over Greece
Persian Wars
Battle of Marathon
Hellenistic Age
Delian League
Battle of Salamis
Athens and Sparta work together to fight against the Persian Empire. Athens and
Sparta win. Important battles are:
(sea battle on ships)
Because Greece won the Persian Wars, a sixty year period of learning and
democracy happens in Athens. During this time, Athens was rebuilt and the
Parthenon was constructed. Philosophers, writers, scientists, mathematicians and
artists created many famous works.
Athens and Sparta started competing with each other over trade and power.
Finally, these two city-states went to war. Sparta won, but both Athens and Sparta
were weakened. In the war friends of Athens formed the
_______________________ and fought against the
__________________________ (friends of Sparta).
This happened because Greece became weaker during the Peloponnesian Wars.
He was the son of King Phillip and a student of Aristotle.