European Middle Ages Guided Reading Outline I. Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms 1. What is another name for the Middle Ages? What years does it include? 2. What three roots create the foundation for this time period? B. Invasions of Western Europe 1. What are three effects of invasions and constant warfare following the Roman Empire? 2. Who were the main people who could read or write during this time? 3. What language was most information written in? 4. How did different dialects of Latin develop? C. Germanic Kingdoms Emerge 1. What replaced the Roman provinces? What type of communities did Germanic people’s live in? How were they governed? 2. Who followed each Germanic chief? 3. Why didn’t the Germans establish large territories? 4. What modern day countries comprise Gaul? 5. What group held the power there? 6. Who was their leader and why is he significant? 7. How did the Christian Church in Rome support Clovis? D. Germans Adopt Christianity 1. What did missionaries do? 2. Who did they seek to convert? 3. Why did coastal southerners concert to Christianity? 4. Define monasteries5. What are monks and nuns? 6. What did Benedict and his sister write? 7. Who was the pope who broadened the power of the papacy? 8. Define Secular9. What regions did Gregory claim for the church? E. An Empire Evolves 1. Who controlled the largest and strongest empire? 2. Where did Charles Martel the Battle of Tours? Against followers of what religion? F. Charlemagne Becomes Emperor 1. How large was Charlemagne’s empire? 2. What event signals the joining of Germanic power, the church and Rome? 3. How did Charlemagne reduce the power of nobles? 4. Who ruled the Frankish kingdom? 5. What did the Treaty of Verdun do? 6. What system did the lack of central authority lead to? II. Feudalism in Europe A. Invaders Attack in Western Europe 1. What modern day countries do the Vikings come from? 2. What were the Vikings armed with on their swift raids? 3. Why did the Viking reign of terror fade away? 4. What direction did the Magyars attack from? 5. How did they treat captives? 6. What direction did the Muslims attach from? 7. What was their goal in the 600’s and how did it change by the 900’s? 8. How did most Europeans live during this time? 9. Who gained followers as a result of these attacks? B. A New Social Order: Feudalism 1. What did Charles the Simple give to Rollo the Viking in exchange for loyalty? 2. Define landlord3. Define fief4. Define Vassal5. What was the feudal system depend upon? 6. Describe the role of knights in medieval society? 7. Who was at the base of this system? 8. What is the difference between a serf and a slave? C. Manors: The Economic Side of Feudalism 1. What was a manor and what role did it play in the system? 2. What did the lord provide? 3. What did serfs provide? 4. How far did most serfs ever go from the manor? 5. What products were used in everyday life? 6. What are some taxes paid by peasants? 7. What type of housing did peasants have? 8. What was the life expectancy for serfs? III. Age of Chivalry A. Knights: Warriors on Horseback 1. What role did saddles and stirrups play in battle? 2. What role did mounted knights play in battle? 3. What did vassals give knights for their military service? 4. What did knights buy with wealth from fiefs? 5. How did knights prepare for war? B. Knighthood and the Code of Chivalry 1. Define chivalry2. What was the ideal knight supposed to be? 3. What are responsibilities of a page and a squire? 4. What age did men qualify to become knights? 5. What were the two uses of the castle? C. The Literature of Chivalry 1. What was the topic of epic poetry? 2. Define troubadours3. What did troubadours sing about? D. Women’s Role in Feudal Society 1. Were women thought of as equals to men? 2. What wartime responsibilities did noblewomen have? 3. Where were most women’s activities limited to? 4. What were the key responsibilities of peasant women? IV. The Power of the Church A. Far Reaching Authority of the Church 1. What was power based on in the church? 2. Define clergy3. What were the two main responsibilities of bishops? 4. Who was the main contact for the church? 5. What bonded people together during feudalism? 6. Define sacraments7. What was the church a center of for villagers? 8. What were the two most important holidays? 9. Define canon law and who had to follow it? 10. What was the pope’s punishment for who did not follow? 11. Define interdictB. The Church of the Holy Roman Empire 1. What church officials supported Otto I? How did the pope reward Otto? 2. What was Otto’s German-Italian nation later called? 3. The Emperor Clashes with the Pope 4. Define Lay Investiture5. Which pope banned this practice? Why? 6. What is the name of the German Emperor who was excommunicated by the pope? 7. What did Henry do after being excommunicated? 8. What was the outcome of the Concordat of Worms? V. Disorder in the Empire 1. What allowed Frederick to dominate the German princes? 2. What was the alliance of Italian princes and the pope called? 3. What technology did the Lombards use to defeat Frederick? 4. Did the feudal states of Germany ever unite during the Middle Ages? 5. Why or Why not? Peasants serfs and servitude