Cranial Nerve Knowledge Check - Practicum-Health-II-2011-2012

Cranial Nerve
Knowledge Check
Practicum Health Science II
• Use your knowledge of the cranial nerves to
answer the following questions or
• List the correct number and spelling of the
cranial nerve.
1. I control the sensation of taste
on the anterior portion of the
2. I am responsible the neuron
responsible for lateral eye
3. I am the neuron responsible for
the sense of smell.
4. I am the neuron responsible for
the ability to hear.
5. I am the neuron responsible for
the sensation of taste on the
posterior portion of the tongue.
6. I am the neuron responsible for
visual acuity.
7. I am the neuron responsible for
the control and movement of the
muscles of the jaw.
8. I am the neuron responsible for
sensation of the pharynx.
9. I am the neuron resposible for
the movement of the eyes up and
10. I am the neuron responsible
for controlling the ability to
11. I am the neuron responsible
for controlling the sensation to
the skin.
12. I am the neuron responsible
for the ability to move the head
and neck.
13. I am the neuron responsible
for the extraoculor movements of
the eye.
14. If you have the patient smile,
frown, or move their eyebrows up
and down, what cranial nerve are
you checking?
15. If you use the Snellen chart
during your PE, what cranial nerve
are you assessing?
16. If you check the gag reflex
during your PE, what cranial nerve
are you assessing?
17. If you use the process of
directional gaze during your PE,
what cranial nerve(s) are you
18. If you check the gag reflex
during your PE, what cranial nerve
are you assessing?
19. If you have the patient say
“ah” what cranial nerve are you
20. If you stand 2 feet behind the
patient and whisper a phrase and
have the patient repeat the
phrase you whispered, you are
assessing what cranial nerve?
21. If during the assessment you
palpate the patient’s temples and
have them clench their teeth,
what cranial nerve are you
22. If you have the patient say a
sentence out loud, what cranial
nerve are you assessing?
23. I am the neuron responsible
for the position of the tongue.
24. I am the neuron responsible
for the ability of the pupils to
dilate and constrict, what cranial
nerve am I?
25. If during the PE you ask the
patient to turn head and shrug
shoulders against passive
resistance, what cranial nerve are
you assessing?