Hamlet Questions

CP English IV
Mrs. Lynch
Hamlet Questions
Directions: Use these questions to guide your reading & understanding of Hamlet.
Use a quote to answer each question with an asterisk.
Act I
Scene 1
1. What have Francisco and Marcellus seen?*
2. What does the vision look like?*
3. What does Horatio think the appearance of the ghost foreshadows?*
4. Who was the late king’s rival and what did he challenge him to do?
5. In their fight, what happened? What was the consequence of this loss?*
6. What is young Fortinbras trying to do?
7. Explain the parallel reference to Julius Caesar and the supernatural
occurrences in this play.
8. What do the men try to do to the ghost that is illogical?
9. What might the crowing of the rooster symbolize?
10. How does Claudius feel about marrying Gertrude?*
Scene 2
11. What does Fortinbras expect Claudius to do?
12. How will Claudius stop Fortinbras’ plan?
13. What does Laertes want from the king? *
14. How does Hamlet feel about Claudius?* Explain.
15. What advice does Gertrude provide Hamlet?* Why do you think this is?
16. Does Hamlet’s outward appearance reflect his internal feelings? Explain.
17. What does Claudius say about Hamlet’s grief that is pretty darn insulting?*
18. Note Claudius’ feelings on death. How does Shakespeare use irony to explain
his own feelings about death?
19. Once everyone leaves, Hamlet shares his true feelings. What does he wish?*
20. How long ago did his father pass away?*
21. What did Gertrude do after her husband passed?*
22. Is Hamlet going to express his feelings?* Why or why not?
23. Explain the exchange between Horatio and Hamlet about Hamlet’s parent’s
recent life events.
24. What does Horatio explain to Hamlet?*
25. What was the ghost wearing?* What could this symbolize/foreshadow?
Scene 3
26. Of what does Laertes warn Ophelia?
27. In your own words, explain Polonius’ life advice to his son Laertes.
28. What, above all, is the most important advice he gives?* What does this
29. What does Polonius think Hamlet is trying to get from Ophelia?
30. What does Polonius have to say about Hamlet’s promises?*
Scene 4
31. What is the time and setting in these scene?* What does this foreshadow and
CP English IV
Mrs. Lynch
32. For what are the Danish criticized?*
33. What does Hamlet want to know from the ghost?*
34. Why doesn’t Horatio want Hamlet to follow the ghost?* Why doesn’t Hamlet
Scene 5
35. To what is the ghost referring when he says, “My hour is almost come/When
I to sulfurous and tormenting flames/Must render up myself.”?
36. What does the ghost ask Hamlet to do?*
37. How did the king supposedly die?*
38. How did the king REALLY die?*
39. Why does the king have to suffer in purgatory?
40. What is the one condition the king sets as Hamlet seeks his revenge?*
41. What favor does Hamlet ask of Horatio and Marcellus?
42. Hamlet lets us know he will be acting a certain way in the future. How will he
be acting?*
Act II
Scene 1
1. What does Polonius want Reynaldo to find out?
2. What other mischief is Polonius putting Reynaldo up to?*
3. What does Hamlet look like when he sees Ophelia?* Why does he look like
4. What do Ophelia and Polonius think made him crazy?*
Scene 2
5. What does Claudius ask Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to do?*
6. What does Gertrude suspect is the cause of Hamlet’s recent lunacy?*
7. What news does Voltemand bring Claudius?
8. What did Hamlet give to Ophelia?
9. Polonius believes Hamlet is crazy for another reason. What is it?*
10. Do you believe Hamlet is really crazy or that he is just acting? Explain.
11. Explain why Hamlet says, “Denmark’s a prison”.
12. Why, does Hamlet believe, that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were sent to
check on him by the king and queen?*
13. Who is on the way to entertain Hamlet and his family?
14. Why isn’t the troop as popular as before?*
15. To whom does Hamlet compare the child actors? Explain.
16. The first player begins to tell the story of Pyrrhus. Explain how this parallels
Hamlet’s family situation.
17. What does Hamlet mean when he says, “The less they deserve, the more
merit is in your bounty”? Do you agree with this?
18. In his long monologue, Hamlet reveals his feelings towards himself about his
ability to take revenge. How does he feel?*
19. What, according to Hamlet, is murder able to do?* Explain this analogy in
your own words.
CP English IV
Mrs. Lynch
20. What is Hamlet going to use to double-check the king’s guilt before he
pursues his vengeance?*
Scene 1
1. Explain the dramatic irony with the players appearance in the court.
2. What are Claudius and Polonius watching Hamlet for during the play?*
3. Hamlet’s speech is one of the most famous speeches of all time! Explain what
he is really saying in this “To be or not to be” speech.
4. Explain the following quote: “The power of beauty will sooner transform
honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can transfer
beauty into his likeness. This was sometime a paradox, but now the time
gives it proof.”
5. Why does Hamlet encourage Ophelia to “get thee to a nunnery”?
6. Though Hamlet is referring to cosmetics, what does he really mean when he
says, “God has given you one face and you make yourselves another”?
7. Claudius is suspicious of Hamlet. What does he decide to do to avoid
8. Why must “madness in great ones must not unwatched go”?
Scene 2
9. What does Hamlet hate that actors often do?*
10. According to Hamlet, what happens in one scene of the play that may be close
to reality?*
11. What does Hamlet ask Horatio to do and for what purpose?*
12. Polonius’ reference to Julius Caesar is significant here. Explain why
Shakespeare includes this.
13. What sarcastic comment does Hamlet make about his mother?*
14. Summarize what happens in the play within the play.
15. Hamlet expresses his feelings about the queen remarrying through the play.
Find a quote that show his true feelings.*
16. Gertrude says, “The lady protests too much”. Why is it so significant that she
says this?
17. What is the name of the play within the play? Explain the meaning behind
18. Why does Claudius get mad and demand that they stop the play?
19. What does this behavior tell Hamlet?
20. Hamlet acts as if he doesn’t know why his mother and step-father/uncle are
upset. Why do you think he does this?
21. Explain the analogy Hamlet uses about himself and the pipe.
22. How is Hamlet going to act when he goes to see his mother?*
Scene 3
23. What does Claudius ask Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to do?*
24. Why are they going to do it? *
25. What is Polonius doing in this scene and why?*
26. What is Claudius wondering about his sin in his monologue before Hamlet
CP English IV
Mrs. Lynch
27. Why doesn’t Hamlet kill Claudius while he is kneeling and has the perfect
Scene 4
28. Explain the following lines Gertrude: “Hamlet, thou hast thy father much
offended.” Hamlet: “Mother, you have my father much offended.”
29. How does Hamlet feel about his mother right now?*
30. What does Hamlet do to Polonius? Why?
31. What does Hamlet compare this murder to?*
32. Why does Gertrude want Hamlet to “speak no more?”*
33. What does Hamlet say about Claudius that lets us know he really hates him?*
34. What makes Gertrude think Hamlet has lost it?*
35. Gertrude believes it is Hamlet’s craziness that is the problem, but he sets her
straight. What does he say?*
36. What does Hamlet ask his mother not to do?*
Act IV
Scene 1
1. How does Gertrude think Hamlet is?*
2. Why do you think Gertrude doesn’t mention a word of her first husband’s
murder to Claudius?
3. What are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern going to do?*
Scene 2
4. Hamlet calls Rosencrantz a sponge. How is this accurate?
Scene 3
5. Why can’t Claudius punish Hamlet to the full extent of the law right now?*
6. Why does Hamlet call Claudius his mother? This is seemingly illogical at first,
but also a rude insult.
7. What does Claudius have planned for Hamlet when he arrives in England?*
Scene 4
8. Why are the Norwegians and Poles fighting over this seemingly useless piece
of land?*
9. Explain what Hamlet means when he says, “ What good is a man if his chief
good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed?”
10. Find the quote that shows Hamlet finally convincing himself that he MUST
seek revenge, no matter the cost.*
Scene 5
11. What has happened to Ophelia and why?
12. Claudius summarizes all the bad things that are occurring in his kingdom.
Note these using a quote.*
13. What are the men doing outside?*
14. How does Laertes react when he found out his father was killed?*
15. What does Laertes mean when he says, “This nothing’s more than matter”?
Scene 6
16. In your own words, summarize Hamlet’s letter to Horatio.
17. What reasons does Claudius give Laertes for not immediately punishing
Hamlet for the murder of Polonius?
CP English IV
Mrs. Lynch
18. What are Claudius and Laertes planning to do?
19. Note their exact plan.*
20. Explain the details of Ophelia’s death.
Act V
Scene 1
1. Why is the gravedigger questioning Ophelia’s burial?
2. According to Hamlet, what happens to all people in death?
3. Does the gravedigger know to whom he is speaking? Explain.
4. Hamlet reflects on the circle of life using two famous leaders. Who does he
mention and what does he say about life’s natural cycle?
5. Why isn’t the priest going all out for Ophelia’s funeral?
6. What does Hamlet say about his feelings towards Ophelia? *Quote his earlier
feelings about her that were in direct contrast with this statement. Why do
you think he does this?
Scene 2
7. What “war” is going on in Hamlet’s head that won’t let him sleep?
8. What does Hamlet discover about Claudius’ plan?*
9. What did Hamlet’s letter to the King of England say? Why does he do this?
10. Why does Hamlet think he has the right to kill Claudius?*
11. What is Laertes good at, according to Osric?
12. What is the king proposing for Hamlet and Osric?
13. What is ironic about Hamlet’s statement, “We defy augury”?
14. What does Hamlet use as his excuse for insulting Laertes?*
15. Claudius is making sure Hamlet dies from all angles. What other ways does
he have planned for Hamlet’s death, even if Laertes doesn’t stab and kill him?
16. How does the king’s plan backfire? (Note several ways).
17. How do all the main characters die? List their names and their cause of
18. What does Fortinbras have his men do at the end of the play?
19. How did the first murder of Hamlet’s father turn this country into a tailspin
of betrayal and death? Could this have been avoided? Explain your reasoning.