Precision Partners Expectation #1 • Each partner has a role they MUST fulfill • All means ALL. EVERYONE must participate. Precision Partners Expectation #2 • Use the speaking part you are given • This also includes sentence frames Precision Partners Expectation #3 • You will be randomly called on to report your discussion to the class • Be on task and LISTEN carefully to each other!!!! Precision Partners Expectation #4 • I will give you some wait time to think through your answers first. • During this time, you are expected to remain SILENT. Think through your role and what you want to say to fulfill it. adulation, n. ajlulleylshun score how well you know 1s2s3s4s5 this word synonym(s) explanation/examples Fawning Flattery • Excessive admiration or praise image Roots -lat= to bear or carry -ion=state;condition The positive review of the new actor were of ________. Your turn: The soccer player enjoyed the adulation of his fans when they ___________. anachronism, n. ulnaklruhlnizlum score how well you know 1s2s3s4s5 this word synonym(s) Chronological error Misplacement explanation/examples image • someone or something assigned to the wrong time in history or time Roots ana=backward chron= time -ism= practice of The novel is full of _______. Your turn: An ancient king ____________ would be an anachronism. asperity, n. uhlsperliltee 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) Rigor Harshness score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner Roots asper=rough She responded with such _______ that we knew she was deeply offended by the question. Your turn: I don’t like the asperity of ___________. belie, v. bihllie 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) deceive disguise score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • Give a false representation Old English Beleogan=to deceive by lies. The student’s test scores _________ his claim of completing his work Your turn: The girl’s delicate beauty belies her ___________. bellicose, adj. 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) Warlike combative bellilcose score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • inclined to fight, quarrel, or go to war Greek bell=war The hockey players became more __________ as the competition became more fierce. Your turn: If people were more bellicose, there would not be _______. chicanery, n. shilkaylnerlee score how well you know 1s2s3s4s5 this word synonym(s) explanation/examples image deviousness • Deception by cheating trickery Roots Cozen=a cheater The candidate only won the election through ___________. Your turn: She showed chicanery by ___________. decorous, adj. 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) polite appropriate declorlous score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • characterized by proper manners, appearance Roots Décor=proper, dignified We are required to follow the oppressively ___________ standards of a royal court. Your turn: At tea she had to be decorous so she ___________. deleterious, adj. dellilterrleelous score how well you know 1s2s3s4s5 this word synonym(s) hurtful damaging explanation/examples image • Harmful to health Roots delete=harm -ious= full of Using nuclear power can be ___________ for the environment. Your turn: Her comment was deleterious when she said___________. diffident, adj. difflildent 1s2s3s4s5 score how well you know this word synonym(s) explanation/examples Bashful Timid • Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence image Roots diff=away from fid= believe She was ___________ about stating her opinion. Your turn: Because I feel diffident in new situations, I ___________. epiphany, n. elpiphlanly 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) Realization Inspiration score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • A sudden revelation Greek Epi=on/upon -phany= show/make visible Seeing her father again when she was an adult was an ___________ that changed her view of her childhood. Your turn: He had an epiphany when he ___________. evanescent, adj. 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) evlalneslcent score how well you know this word explanation/examples image Disappearing • Vanishing; fading away suddenly Fading Roots van=become empty -ent= performing an action The vibrations in an instrument are ___________ because when you stop playing, they stop playing. Your turn: Her beauty was as evanescent as ___________. florid, adj. florlid 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) Fancy Flushed French Flor=flower -id =pertaining to score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • Red or flushed complexion • Flowery A ___________, gilded mirror took up most of the wall. Your turn: Her florid face was a result of _____________. frugal, adj. synonym(s) Thrifty Cautious frulgal how well you know 1s2s3s4s5 score this word explanation/examples image • economical; prudent; not wasteful Roots Frug=fruit His meals are the ___________ fare of the poor: bread, cheese, and water. Your turn: The family was very frugal so they ___________. gauche, adj. gohsh 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) awkward ungraceful French Gauche=left score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • Lacking ease or grace • Unsophisticated and socially awkward Would it be ________ of me to ask her how old she is? Your turn: I could tell he was gauche when he walked into the room and ___________. hedonistic, adj. 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) Indulgent Luxurious Roots hedon=pleasure heedlonlisltic score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • devotion to pleasure and selfgratification Their spring break trip to Mexico became _________. Your turn: Many people are hedonistic when it comes to __________. ideologue, n. ildeluhllog 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) Idealist Fanatic score how well you know this word explanation/examples • a person zealous about an ideology image Greek ideo=idea/appearance The revolutionaries proved to be impractical ________ who had no idea how to run a country. Your turn: As long as there are two ideologue controlling political parties _____. incisive, adj. inlcilsive 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) Clear Direct score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • penetrating, biting, cutting, trenchant Roots cise=to cut She is known for her ___________ mind and quick wit. Your turn: Marcus stuck to his own ideas in such an incisive way that __________. intrepid, adj. inltreplid 1s2s3s4s5 synonym(s) Brave Bold score how well you know this word explanation/examples image • Fearless Roots In=not Trepidus= alarmed The _______ explorer continued his journey through uncharted land. Your turn: I made an intrepid move when I ________. jettison, v. synonym(s) Lighten Dump jettlilson how well you know 1s2s3s4s5 score this word explanation/examples image • to throw off a burden or obstacle; discard With his ship rapidly sinking, the captain ordered a last-ditch _________-of much of its cargo. Your turn: Once finals were over, the students jettisoned their studies and ___________. kowtow, v. synonym(s) kowltow how well you know 1s2s3s4s5 score this word explanation/examples image Go along with • To act as a servant Roots kou=to knock tou= head He was unable to ________ sufficiently and show the respect demanded by them. Your turn: I kowtowed when I agreed to __________.