Wk5 T1 Vocabulary

Name: ___________________________________________ Week5T1 Vocabulary
Word and Part of Speech
Definition in your own words
Draw a picture that represents the word
Use the word in a meaningful sentence
Word and Part of Speech
Definition in your own words
Draw a picture that represents the word
Use the word in a meaningful sentence
Word and Part of Speech
Definition in your own words
Draw a picture that represents the word
Use the word in a meaningful sentence
1. foyer (n)- the lobby or front entrance of a theater, hotel, apartment building, or house
2. incognito (adj)- having one’s identity concealed to avoid attention
3. rye (n)- a tall, hardy variety of grass with soft, blue-green leaves and light brown grain
Word and Part of Speech
Definition in your own words
Draw a picture that represents the word
Use the word in a meaningful sentence
Word and Part of Speech
Definition in your own words
Draw a picture that represents the word
Use the word in a meaningful sentence
Word and Part of Speech
Definition in your own words
Draw a picture that represents the word
Use the word in a meaningful sentence
4. jitterbug (n)- a dance popular in the early 1940s consisting of twirls, splits, and somersaults; performed to
boogie-woogie and swing music
5. reciprocal (adj)- mutual
6. digression (n)- the act of straying from the main topic in a speech or writing