Hamlet Vocabulary Assignment

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Vocabulary Assignment
Directions: Find a synonym for the word in column one. Write the part of speech and a
brief definition for the word in column three. Remember that the word
must be defined, and a synonym supplied, in context with the work.
Column One
1. assay
2. augment
3. beguile
4. conceit
5. confute
6. congeal
7. countenance
8. diligence
9. discourse
10. doublet
11. emulation
12. gorged
13. hectic
14. indulgence
15. kindle
16. manifold
17. mirth
Column One
18. mitigate
19. moiety
20. obsequious
21. offal
22. partisan
23. pate
24. posterity
25. quagmire
26. retrograde
27. rivals
28. rouse
29. sharked
30. sheeted
31. sinews
32. suspiration
33. tenable
34. vaunt
35. wit