SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE AMBUSH – A surprise attack from a concealed position on a moving or temporarily halted target. Planning. The key planning considerations include— Covering the entire kill zone by fire. Using existing or reinforcing obstacles (Claymores and other mines) to keep the enemy in the kill zone. Protecting the assault and support elements with mines, Claymores, or explosives. Using security elements or teams to isolate the kill zone. Assaulting into the kill zone to search dead and wounded, assemble prisoners, and collect equipment. (The assault element must be able to move quickly through its own protective obstacles.) Timing the actions of all elements of the platoon to preclude loss of surprise. Using only one squad to conduct the entire ambush and rotating squads over time from the ORP. This technique RALLY POINT is useful when the ambush must be manned for a long time. TL AR R NOTE: This is a technique LD and is LDMETT-TC LD dependent. Guidance and direction from higher MUST also be considered during execution. G AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SL TL AR G R SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE RALLY POINT TL AR LD LD R LD G AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SL TL AR G R SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE - Squad Column Formation - Traveling Overwatch Mvt. Technique TL AR R G SL TL AR G RALLY POINT R LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE G ORP TL R SL G AR SECURITY R RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE GOTWA TL SECURITY AR SECURITY SECURITY 5 SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE R TL SL R G SECURITY AR TL ORP SECURITY SECURITY RP Observe/Recon the area to determine The best location for a KILL ZONE and the desired support and assault team locations. Also, note the routes into and out of the area. Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Line up rucks G AR SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE KILL ZONE R TL Observe/Recon the area to determine The best location for a KILL ZONE and the desired support and assault team locations. Also, note the routes into and out of the area. RP SL G SECURITY AR TL ORP SECURITY SECURITY R Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Line up rucks G AR SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE KILL ZONE R TL SL Identify: -Right limit -Individual fighting positions (get in the prone position to ensure you can see and fire into the kill zone) R G SECURITY AR TL ORP SECURITY SECURITY RP Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Line up rucks G AR SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE KILL ZONE R R TL SL Identify: -Left limit -Individual fighting positions (get in the prone position to ensure you can see and fire into the kill zone) G SECURITY AR TL ORP SECURITY SECURITY RP Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Line up rucks G AR SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD ATTACK SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE KILL ZONE R TL 5 RP GOTWA SL R G SECURITY AR TL ORP SECURITY SECURITY Ensure you indicate where you want the claymore(s) to be set up. Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Line up rucks G AR SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD ATTACK SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE KILL ZONE R 5 RP GOTWA R Ensure you indicate where you want the claymore(s) to be set up. SL G SECURITY AR TL ORP SECURITY SECURITY TL Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Line up rucks G AR SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD ATTACK SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE KILL ZONE Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Setting up claymore(s) R R RP SL G SECURITY AR TL ORP SECURITY SECURITY TL Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Line up rucks G AR SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE KILL ZONE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Setting up claymore(s) R R RP SL ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY Tasks that may be occurring -Security -SL revealing plan to support TL and other squad members -Prepare for mission exec. SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE KILL ZONE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE Tasks that may be occurring -Security -Prepare for mission exec. -Setting up claymore(s) R R RP TL AR SL G ORP Support Team needs to be in position to overwatch the aslt. team move into position. Therefore, they depart prior to the aslt. team (I.e., 1 min). SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE KILL ZONE OBJECTIVE R G TL AR Left limit person can lead the support team into position. The TL has to inspect and validate positions. SL R RP TL AR G ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 KILL ZONE OBJECTIVE R G TL AR Left limit person can lead the support team into position. The TL/SL has to inspect and validate positions. SL R RP TL AR G ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 KILL ZONE Right limit person can lead the assault team into position. The TL/SL has to inspect and validate positions. OBJECTIVE R G TL AR AR TL G R SL Once the AMBUSH is set, SL calls and reports to higher. RP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 KILL ZONE R G TL AR AR TL G R SL TIME TO PLAY THE WAITING GAME. ENSURE YOUR WEAPONS ARE OFF SAFE ONCE SET. NOISE AND LIGHT DISCIPLINE ARE KEY. LOOK FOR AND PASS THE SIGNAL WHEN THE ENEMY IS/ARE DETECTED. RP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 KILL ZONE R G TL AR AR TL G SL RP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE R SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 KILL ZONE R G TL AR AR TL G SL RP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE R SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 KILL ZONE R AR R G TL SL TL AR RP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE G SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 KILL ZONE R AR TL G SL R G TL AR RP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 LOA AR G TL SL R R G TL Activities (may be occurring simultaneously after SECURITY has been established and EPW team has searched and secured any present enemy.) -ACE -EPW -Aid & Liter -Demo -Priority Information Requirements (PIR) -SALUTE/SITREP AR RP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 AR SL R TL G R Execute withdrawal plan G TL AR -Fire in the hole 1 (Aslt Team leaves) -Fire in the hole 2 (Spt Team and others leave) -Fire in the hole 3 (Demo Team leaves) RP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 SL R R G TL AR AR TL RP G Execute withdrawal plan -Fire in the hole 1 (Aslt Team leaves) -Fire in the hole 2 (Spt Team and others leave) -Fire in the hole 3 (Demo Team leaves) ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 Execute withdrawal plan -Fire in the hole 1 (Aslt Team leaves) -Fire in the hole 2 (Spt Team and others leave) -Fire in the hole 3 (Demo Team leaves) RP SL R AR ORP SECURITY SECURITY TL SECURITY G SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 Execute withdrawal plan -Fire in the hole 1 (Aslt Team leaves) -Fire in the hole 2 (Spt Team and others leave) -Fire in the hole 3 (Demo Team leaves) RP SL R AR ORP SECURITY SECURITY TL SECURITY G SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 RP 1. Consolidate and reorganize -ACE -SALUTE -SITREP ORP SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY 2. Report to higher SECURITY RALLY POINT LD LD LD AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SQUAD AMBUSH FM 7-8, p. 3-20 OBJECTIVE AMBUSH – A surprise attack from a concealed position on a moving or temporarily halted target. Planning. The key planning considerations include— Covering the entire kill zone by fire. Using existing or reinforcing obstacles (Claymores and other mines) to keep the enemy in the kill zone. Protecting the assault and support elements with mines, Claymores, or explosives. Using security elements or teams to isolate the kill zone. Assaulting into the kill zone to search dead and wounded, assemble prisoners, and collect equipment. (The assault element must be able to move quickly through its own protective obstacles.) Timing the actions of all elements of the platoon to preclude loss of surprise. Using only one squad to conduct the entire ambush and rotating squads over time from the ORP. This technique RALLY POINT is useful when the ambush must be manned for a long time. TL AR R NOTE: This is a technique LD and is LDMETT-TC LD dependent. Guidance and direction from higher MUST also be considered during execution. G AA SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY NOT DRAWN TO SCALE SL TL AR G R