Amendments Project

Goal: Determine which of the amendments to the Constitution (#11-27) is most important in the United States. Then,
choose one of these project options to demonstrate why this is the most important amendment.
Option 1: Short Essay
In a 1 ½ - 2 page essay, explain why the amendment you chose is the most important. Include information regarding why
the amendment was adopted, what provisions the amendment dictates, and how the country would be different
without the amendment.
Option 2: Political Cartoon
Draw a political cartoon depicting the importance of the amendment you chose. The cartoon should be creative and
clearly demonstrate how the amendment influences US government, politics, or society. The cartoon could depict an
alternate history of what could happen without the amendment in place or show how the amendment protects citizens
or grants them rights. On the back of the cartoon, write a ½ page summary of what your cartoon shows.
Option 3: Acrostic Poem
Write an acrostic poem explaining the importance of your chosen amendment. The featured word or words (down the
side) should relate directly to the amendment and be at least 10 characters long. Poems should be neat, organized, and
finished in ink.
Amendments Project Rubric
Full Credit
Project features all
parts required in
option’s description
Meets All Indicated
20 Points
Depth of Analysis
10 Points
Fully analyzes why
the amendment is the
most important in the
United States
10 Points
No errors in spelling,
grammar, word
usage, or word choice 
Project appears neat,
legible, and is logically
Partial Credit
Project is missing a
component indicated
in the directions
Explains how the
amendment is
important, but leaves
matters unclear in
some areas
Minor errors in
Some parts of the
project are sloppy,
illegible, or out of
TOTAL _____/40
Political Science: Unit 1 – Basics of US Government
Score & Comments