Cómo diseñar objetivos de aprendizaje en unidades temáticas y cómo verificar su logro Dr. Blair Bateman Brigham Young University Objetivos: Ejemplos buenos y no tan buenos Objectives • Bell work: Fill-in-the-blank handout on reflexive verbs • Correct bell work • Explain reciprocal reflexive p. 119 • Activities A & B p. 120 in pairs • Game: Piccionario w/vocab from chapter Objetivos: Ejemplos buenos y no tan buenos Objectives • Familiarize students with food products in Argentina, the way their supermarkets are set up, and the way prices are written. Objectives: Students will be able to . . . ∙Understand and interpret two authentic Argentine websites ∙List typical products in an Argentine supermarket ∙Compare Argentine products with those sold in U.S. supermarkets ∙Write prices correctly in Spanish ∙Demonstrate understanding of advertising used by Argentine supermarkets by producing their own supermarket advertisement Objetivos buenos… • Especifican lo que los estudiantes deben saber y ser capaces de hacer al final de la lección. • Son lo suficientemente específicos para poder evaluar fácilmente lo bien que se han logrado. Mejor No tan bueno • Learn the present • Students will be able to use the yo form of regular present tense –ar verbs to tell what tense of regular – they do in their free time. ar verbs. • Practice listening • Students will be able to correctly write down the phone numbers that callers left on a comprension. Spanish answering machine. • Watch a video • Students will be able to describe the tradition about las of las posadas using key vocabulary such as posadas in peregrinos, posada, villancicos, piñata. Mexico. • De Las aventuras de Alice en el país de las maravillas Alice: Cheshire Puss, would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to. Alice: I don’t much care where— Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go. Alice: —so long as I get somewhere. Cheshire Cat: Oh, you’re sure to do that, if you only walk long enough. Tipos de objetivos • Objetivos comunicativos • Objetivos lingüísticos • Objetivos de contenido • Objetivos culturales Objetivos Comunicativos • Las tareas o funciones linguísticas que los estudiantes van a aprender. • “Students will be able to order a meal in a restaurant.” • “Students will be able to describe their morning routine as they prepare for school.” Objetivos Lingüísticos • Los conceptos gramaticales y el vocabulario que los estudiantes van a aprender. • “Students will be able to give affirmative and negative commands in the tú form.” • “Students will be able to use the preterite and imperfect to relate a humorous experience.” Objetivos de Contenido • El material académico o temático que los estudiantes van a aprender. • “Students will be able to locate the countries of Central America on a map.” • “Students will be able to identify animals that live in the rain forest.” Objetivos Culturales • Los productos, las prácticas y las perspectivas culturales que los estudiantes van a aprender. • “Students will be able to compare and contrast eating habits in Spain and the U.S.” • “Students will be able to discuss the cultural perspectives associated with the Día de los muertos in Mexico.” La evaluación del aprendizaje La evaluación eficaz . . . • Concuerda con los objetivos de la lección o unidad, permitiendo verificar si se han cumplido los objetivos propuestos (es decir, si los estudiantes han aprendido lo que se pretendía) Image: José A. Warletta Tipos de evaluación Ejemplos de evaluación Objetivo • Students will be able to use the yo form of regular present tense –ar verbs to tell what they do in their free time. • Students will be able to correctly write down the phone numbers that callers left on a Spanish answering machine. • Students will be able to describe the tradition of las posadas using key vocabulary such as peregrinos, posada, villancicos, piñata. Evaluación • Observe students as they describe their free-time activities to their partner. • Verify that students wrote down the phone numbers correctly. • Have students write a paragraph about las posadas using the vocabulary words listed; give points for content and correct use of vocabulary. Listas (checklists) • Comprueban si los estudiantes pueden hacer o han hecho algo (“sí / no”) Exemplo: Entrevista con una persona hispánica en Utah Yes Tells interviewee’s gender, age, birthplace, and occupation Explains how and when interviewee immigrated to Utah Describes at least one challenge the interviewee face Describes how interviewee maintains a connection to his/her culture Speaks for a minimum of 3 minutes. Turns in written version of interview summary. No Matrices de valoración (rúbricas) • Especifican los criterios a evaluar al llevar a cabo una tarea • Utilizan una gama para medir el rendimiento de los alumnos en cada criterio • Especifican lo que constituye un desempeño excelente en cada criterio (y en algunos casos, un nivel medio e inferior de rendimiento) Rúbrica para examen oral Poor Excellent Pronunciation: Correct sounds; stress on correct syllables; acceptable accent 1 2 3 4 5 Vocabulary: Correct use of words and expressions for task 1 2 3 4 5 Grammar: Correct use of language rules studied so far 1 2 3 4 5 Task Performance: Overall ability to accomplish task 1 2 3 4 5