Welcome to 1A! Room 114 Mrs. Dorn *Please read the “note” on your child’s desk and reply on the opposite side THANK YOU! Schedule 8:50-9:10 Students arrive, select lunch, unpack 9:15-9:30 Calendar Math 9:30-11:15 English/Language Arts-Reading/Writing 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:15 Recess 12:15-12:30 Read-Aloud/Bathroom Break 12:30-12:45 Science/Social Studies 12:45-1:15 Word Building 1:15-2:00 SPECIAL 2:05-2:45 Math 2:45-3:15 Finish Math or Science/Social Studies Special Schedule Monday- Integrated Arts Tuesday- Music with Mrs. Froehlich Wednesday- Library with Mrs. Tomczak Thursday- Art with Mrs. Schneider Friday- Phys. Ed with Mr. Crawford – 6 week rotation – see schedule in foldercurrently: art is first rotation. Thursday News Go Green! List of items can be accessed via NA website Email blast every Thursday from the district. Sunday night eblast from PFA Go GREEN! Class news & announcements – Greater effort to use E-MAIL rather than paper copies. – If this isn’t a good way to communicate with your family, please let me know. Communication Write a note – Pick up for today – Early dismissal for today – Medication for today Call school secretary – Pick up for today – Early dismissal for today – Medication for today E-mail: sdorn@northallegheny.org – I check it in the morning before 9AM, at lunch and after school when the kids leave. Voicemail: 724-935-4044 – I will check my voicemail each morning when I get to school. Remind If you would like to receive text message reminders, please join 1A’s “Remind” group! You do not need to download the app! Messages will be delivered via text messages Please send a text to 81010 with the message @1a2015-16 Website NA Marshall Elementary Building Staff Dorn, Sarah Information about Curriculum Lunch menu Volunteer calendar Link to Think Central Think Central Think Central Raz-Kids ELA (English Language Arts) Reading: Story Town- Harcourt and leveled books Reading Components – Phonemic Awareness-working with sounds – Phonics/Spelling-sound to letter – High Frequency Words – Comprehension-understanding – Fluency-reading like we talk (Prosody) – Robust Vocabulary-words – Grammar – Guided Reading/Flexible Grouping ELA (English Language Arts) Writing Handwriting The Writing Process Speaking and Listening Math Developing concepts w/ manipulatives Practicing for understanding Developing fluency of numbers & facts Topics: – – – – – – – – – – – – – Addition & Subtraction Concepts Addition & Subtraction Facts up to 18 Graphs Numbers to 100 Geometry Addition & Subtraction to 20 Money Time Fractions Measurement Operations Data Problem Solving Texts/Resources: – Every Day Counts (calendar system) – Harcourt Math Pennsylvania Edition – Otter Creek Math Facts (Rocket Math) – Problem Solver Rocket Math Program to help memorize basic facts Differentiated Goal based on how many numbers they can write in one minute Addition/Subtraction/Mixed Facts Will not start until second semester Rocket Math How to Practice – Use practice sheet that comes home to have your child verbally read the problem and the answer. • If your child hesitates or gives an incorrect answer, tell the correct answer, your child repeats it, then goes back 3. – Flashcards Science Living and Nonliving Habitats How Plants and Animals Live Life Cycles Food Chains Land, Water, and Air Weather Science Pond Walk – Each season, weather permitting, we will take a “Pond Walk” to the pond that is located behind our playground. – Our “pond walks” are always tentatively scheduled due to weather. – Please have your child wear old tennis shoes on the day of a scheduled pond walk. – Goal for each pond walk is to notice and record “changes” in the season by looking at sky conditions, plants and animals observed. We then compare the changes to our last walk. Social Studies Scott Foresman Social Studies text- All Together UNIT 1: UNIT 2: UNIT 3: UNIT 4: UNIT 5: UNIT 6: TIME FOR SCHOOL IN MY COMMUNITY WORK ! WORK ! WORK ! OUR EARTH, OUR RESOURCES THIS IS OUR COUNTRY OUR COUNTRY, OUR WORLD Report Card Anti-Bullying Getting better at getting along Anti-Bullying Second Step – Prevention – Monthly themes (respect, friendship, responsibility) --Class Meeting -Impulse Control -Empathy -Anger Management Anti-Bullying Program Getting Better at Getting Along Olweus Bully Prevention Program - Monthly Themes (i.e., respect, responsibility) - Anti-Bullying Rules - Class Meetings - Role Playing MES Anti-Bullying Rules 1. We will not bully others. 2. We will try to help students who are bullied. 3. We will try to include students who are left out. 4. If we know someone who is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home. How can you help? If your child reports a bullying incident… – Bullying is an unwanted, repeated behavior. – Please e-mail or call Mrs. Dorn first! Homework Folder PLEASE check this folder every night! Left at Home- keep all of these papers Right back to School- this should be your 1st grader’s homework or it will be something else that needs to be returned to school. All About Me Week Each child is assigned a week- see schedule in folder Fill out poster, pictures, special items in “Golden Bag” Estimation Jar Lunch Money You should have received a letter detailing the POS system used by our cafeteria. Your child has a “pin” number to purchase a school lunch in the cafeteria. **Magic Number** Money may be applied to your child’s account on any day. Please make sure that your child’s name, our classroom section and room number (1A-114), pin number, and the amount are written on the outside of the envelope. If your child has brought money for only that day’s lunch, he/she will take the money with them to lunch. Parent Volunteers Parent volunteers are very welcome and needed in our classroom. If you can assist in any way, your help will be greatly appreciated! All volunteers must report to the office before coming to the classroom. Please sign in and receive an identification badge. Please sign out and return the badge when you have completed volunteering in our classroom. You are not permitted to visit any other areas of the building without permission. The school policy is that parents are not to bring other children when they volunteer. Volunteer Clearances Independent Volunteers – Any volunteer who 1) works under the general direction and supervision of an adult employed by the District; and 2) provides direct services to students or may, from time to time, have or may be reasonably expected to have unsupervised contact with students. Examples of Independent Volunteers include, but are not limited to: volunteer tutors, classroom center volunteers and chaperones for field trips. Assistive Volunteers – Any volunteer who 1) works directly under the supervision and direction of an adult employed by the District; and 2) does not provide direct services to students or have unsupervised contact with students. Examples of Assistive Volunteers include, but are not limited to: homeroom parents, individuals who assist with school activities and holiday parties. Classroom Presentation Volunteers – Any individual who volunteers to present during a classroom lesson or school activity and is under the direct supervision of a classroom teacher or administrator during the entirety of the presentation. These volunteer opportunities are typically one-time events. Examples of Classroom Presentation Volunteers include, but are not limited to: Guest Speakers, Mystery Readers, TAG volunteers and College Admission Career Day volunteers. Elementary Field Day volunteers may fall into this category provided they are under the guidance of and directly observed by a classroom teacher or administrator throughout the event. Individuals at North Allegheny will not be permitted to serve as an independent or assistive volunteer unless they have submitted the appropriate clearances. Parent Volunteers (con’t) Parent volunteers might be needed to run a center, which might involve a game or activity, sticker word books, miscellaneous, organizing, cutting, assembling, whatever DID YOU SIGN UP TONIGHT??? Birthday Celebrations We like our children to share birthday celebrations with their classmates! Due to the “Wellness Policy” and to protect children with allergies, please consider a non-food item if you want to provide a treat. Edible treats MUST be approved by nurse 48 hours prior to distribution. See the list of suggestions on MES website. We can celebrate half birthdays for those who have summer birthdays. Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless there is one for every boy or every girl or all children in the class. We don’t want any hurt feelings. Behavior Management Explicit Directions SMILEY Chart Green/yellow/orange/red Daily SMILEY Calendar in folder Phone call Homework Spelling (Monday-Thursday) – Practice every night! – Test on Friday Math (Monday-Thursday) – Typically one side or the other side will be optional or done together in class and the other will be homework. Reading – Rereading stories, sentences, words, etc. for fluency Homework will always be stamped HOMEWORK Word Building Homework Reading practice Lessons 1-30 (entire year) Keep aligned with Spelling words Match Lesson # on list and homework Weekenders • The Weekender is simply a journal where your child will write about “something” they did over the weekend. It could be going some place special or watching T.V and eating pizza. • It will come home every OTHER weekend. Sticker Word Books Sticker word books are OPTIONAL practice to help increase your child's fluency. A fluent reader can read smoothly and accurately. Sticker word books can be turned in as soon as your child can read at least ONE page fluently. It will be sent home again once an adult has read with your child. Parent volunteers will be asked to read Sticker Books with students in the class. Book Orders Please don’t send cash. Write a check made out to Scholastic. Ordering ONLINE www.scholastic.com Set up account www.scholastic.com/parentordering Class User Name: mrsdornsclass Password: dorn Recess The children go outdoors for recess unless it is extremely cold, raining, or snowing. It is always windy on this hill. Please keep these factors in mind and dress your child accordingly. Name on coat, hat, gloves if possible. CogAT Testing The CogAT (a cognitive abilities test) will be administered to the First-Grade students November 9-12. – Make sure your child is well-rested and has eaten breakfast Miscellaneous Tyler SIS/ Math/ Spelling TRANSITION Report Cards Curriculum Guides available online Our 3 Little Words Questions? Don’t forget!!! If you haven’t already… If you are interested, sign up to be a mystery reader or classroom volunteer. Have you joined the PFA? Please leave the writing and picture but take the yellow folder! **Donation Tree** – Box Tops Questions? Please know that if you ever have a question or concern, no matter how big or small, please write a note, email or call me. We are a team and together we will work to make first grade a wonderful experience for both you and your child