Survey Question Comments #8: Comments about Club Communication methods. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Don't like Thursday dinners. I eat at the A-bar on Thursday's. Use email and make the upgrade of website for members only. Put directory on it and don't print it. Should keep informed if truly desire to be an active member. Helps to understand why decisions are made if communication is available in a variety ways. Of course, it is the responsibility of an active member to read the communications! Food quality and service was uneven this past summer. Gordon’s Food Service is a poor purveyor of above average meals. Thursday Night Dinner announcements are really hard to decipher depending on the speakers. The PYC Website needs to be updated. It should be the "go-to" location for all club communications. PYC website needs to be updated earlier in the year. THE CLUB HAS SEVERAL MEMBERS WHO ENJOY CIGARS. THE NORTH END OF THE PIER SHOULD BE SET ASIDE FOR THESE MEMBERS. My answer for "Would you support paperless billing..." would be "Yes, I would use it, but I don't have a preference." On Line communication is just great. Keep up the good job. It would be nice to have more on line material to see the activities/announcements as well as to have them posted in the bar area. Communication is particularly important for those who are not in Pentwater full time. What about Wed. night and Sat. races?? We do a poor job with social media Do everything on the web Website needs makeover to be useful. Then could be very useful The website and online Board Minutes are out dated and need to be redesigned. Website does not have much info on it. Sometimes the emails get overwhelming-- the emails are excessive. It could be a weekly email that puts everything in one, but it is a little much when emails come-- and there is something in the subject line, that someone is sick, or last minute specials. It needs to be a little more organized with the information. Never have been on the web site but love the emails Too many e-mail announcements. The website is too complicated, hard to find current information...can previous year's info be archived? The more digital the better especially for those of us who travel a great deal and are away from conventional mail. It would be very useful to make better use of the Internet and PYC website. For example the club directory should be distributed digitally preferably by a pdf members who object should be allowed to opt out of providing information other than their names in the digital version so they will not worry about their privacy, There can never be enough communication avenues! Email the most effective ( but I never got or missed this survey request until now) I'm a new member and have not been exposed to all of these but on-line/electronic is my preferred communication. It is what is in the information shared that is sometimes NOT useful. If there were ways to share more of the things that are going in in the community and the club, all email, that might be helpful. Appreciate the emails regarding events – Good communication is very important. Keep everyone informed. Sometimes my computer has difficulty adjusting from home to cottage. #10 Year round club or longer season? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Have always thought the community as well as longer season members could utilize the club, if we lengthened the season. Obviously, we would want to charge non-members for usage. I also believe it would promote positive feelings within the community to "share" this wonderful resource. Yes but keep it simple. Longer season versus year round Longer season April to Oct would be good 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. I believe a year round club would only work for a larger community with more full-time residents. It Isn’t cost effective to keep the club open year-round. Longer season April 1 to Nov 30 Longer season Not enough people around to make it feasible. The current schedule seems about right, but if it was open longer that would be fine too. Through New Year's would be nice as we often have a long fall season. But perhaps the club could open for special occasions such as New Years Eve. If there are enough people interested I would like to see the club open thru Oct. If that were a reality would rather have a seasoned manager like our previous one. Year around would be so wonderful Like the idea of being open for all Sept weekends. May to October is rational Possibly longer season Many members head south or west for the winter... Longer season would be good for continued socializing Wouldn't be worth it to me and would have to cost more money in dues. A full time club manager is needed Longer not year round Would love it to be open May 1- November 1 Just Christmas, New Years and Easter. We loved the Sunday brunches. The season could go longer even without staff. I would like the club to be open the 1st of May till October 31. The season is too short for the amount of dues and activities. But not if there is an increase in dues to support it.. Way to expensive to run the club for a longer season It depends on cost as no one is in town in the winter. Again, I am a new member and still working through how much time I will spend in town but would eventually like a longer season. Since we are primarily in Pentwater during the summer months a longer season is unimportant to us. New this year More weekends in the fall would be nice Not in its current food quality state. I have used the club in "off season" for business dinners and it is has been less than adequate. No staffing, staff not trained to help with a meeting, poor quality food. Most clubs that extend their seasons have an offering that will attract business use too to off set the costs. Pentwater is a tiny village.....not many members stay year 'round It would be nice to see the Club's hours extended on weekends in the Fall for those of us who remain. The weather is usually delightful. I realize that staffing could be reduced, but may be an issue. That would be hard to staff and possibly raise the annual membership dues. Not sure. Longer not year round #11: Reasons we have joined the Yacht Club. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The club needs to allow smoking on the dock in a designated area or at designated times. Opportunity to meet like-minded people; there are so many great people we've met at PYC. Visited the St. Augustine, FL.YC this winter..........It can't hold a tiny candle to PYC!!! Youth programs are important Bridge Ensign racing is an important part of the club's culture, but I don't participate. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Hang out with friends & introduce new residents to our Club Limited other locations in Pentwater to have a small meal or drink. Best food in town for dinner! Weekly Bridge competition Just a great place to have cocktails and dinner I love being able to park at the Yacht club when in town and I love the free tea, snacks, coffee and water Why do you not recognize the offshore fleet equally as important ... Connect with friends; the bar! It is a "yacht club" so boating, sail or power, should always be a priority Host opportunities to gather with business friends in the region during the summer. You’ve listed them all. #12 Comments about currently scheduled Events: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Can we do basket night every night? Keep things simple and do them really well. Need another response stating not attended, but interested in attending in the future I'm a new member Love the Thurs dinners and have worked at those. Lots of fun getting to know new members There needs to be a column for have not attended but would in the future. We are hoping to spend more time in the summer in Pentwater and will look to attend more events I am, perhaps, not a good resource for this question as I have done all of the above due to my 6 years service on the Board etc. However, I probably have worked and attended these events on my own. We are usually only here between Thursday and Sunday and love to attend as many events as possible. Looking forward to the Kentucky derby party New member New member. Look forward to participating in many I marked 7 answers in the I'd go category but I needed a" I'd like to attend this event but I have not yet category" When I was a member I didn't really get invited to a new member tea or dinner! We never were formally recognized or welcomed like that. The invite needs to be more formal if it was just announced in the newsletter. A more formal invite would have made us aware that we needed to attend. Board members should make an effort to sit with new members at parties like the Kentucky Derby too. We went, knew no one and no one really said hello to us. I have volunteered for and attended at one time or another almost every activity that has been held at the club. I think many of these activities are important to other members but we just aren't interested in participating ( i.e. fashion show) Again, a new member. I hope to attend more in the future. I am a new member and attended only a few times during the 2013 season. We have not attended any of these special events. We look forward to doing so this year Funny, you don't give the survey option of I have not attended. You only say NO that I am not interested. I was not aware of about 40% of the events. No longer able to do a lot of this but used to enjoy Sat. dances & Thurs. dinners ~ plus sailors luncheons. All very fun, very social events, appreciate all the hard work that goes into them Family members who once belonged to the PYC as well as friends who were once members have commented how friendly and welcoming the club is now compared to when they were members. We are usually only here between Thursday and Sunday and love to attend as many events as possible. Looking forward to the Kentucky derby party. I have a better view from my cottage on the channel. Grew up going to Thurs. night dinners in the 50's and 60's. Now that I'm "grown-up" they are something that I do not miss at all. #17: Suggestions for new Events/Activities. 1. 2. More activities like the Mystery Party We have little or no activities for children. We have NO activities for teens. Why not? Also, there are plenty of activities for the late 60's and 70's crowd but limited activities for the 40's to 50's crowd. Maybe weekend dance parties after 8pm with ability to use sound system and our own music? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. How about a reciprocal party with another yacht club located on Lake Michigan - like Ludington The club has a very nice mix of activities. Adult Sunfish Races I answered maybe but I think the majority of these things would be well received. Woman's sunfish fleet. Summer activities for children and visiting grandchildren Bonfire pit is a fantastic idea!!! Movie night would be fun using the large screen used for the MSU/ UM football game Happy hour 1/2 off drinks and snacks Bocce game - could create teams and involve more people......easy for all bodies / men and women We play it 5-7 days a week in Florida...........have thought of it for the club but room........each day could be 2-3 matches involving 12 persons / could have your day to play so all could participate who were interested!! You could have at least 16 people per day and involve 80 people in a five day week. Casual, not that hard to toss a round ball to get close to a tiny ball......provides lots of fun for all ages......our grandchildren play with us and love it!! Live Trivia! There used to be one dance with live music each month, June, July, and August. It was one of the best things about the club. We miss that. Safety at Sea and Sailing Rules Seminars. Bring back the sailing clinics to help newcomers learn to sail. It would be nice to see more activities for kids to for members with kids and to attract younger members with young families. We should also create events when kids from town can participate without being members. I love the idea of weekend entertainment on the deck!!!!!!!!! Bingo for prizes would be fun too! How would I get on a boat if I don't have one to fish? How do I let people know I want to sail in a race? Bocce Ball Bocce ball Focus on quality of food and food service. Foodie events like wine tastings with local wineries. Farm to table experiences tied to local farmers. Guest chefs in from around the country. I would LOVE to see the PYC contribute to the community yearly -- either by $$'s or "work force". Put me down for Shuffleboard twice/ or bocce ball How about a musical talent night? Or maybe even a talent show? #19: If you haven’t volunteered for the club, or have volunteered very little, why not? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. We are too old ------now! I am still busy with other volunteer projects. I have volunteered often but not in leadership positions. Feel guilty that I have not! Need to make more of an effort! Other commitments, including work, and a low level of club usage. Enjoy working on the Thurs. Dinners which all I can handle at the present with my work schedule. I am still working in the Chicago area, but would like to volunteer if/when I am able to coordinate. I have volunteered several times a year for the Thursday night dinners, and have enjoyed doing that. As a new member last year, we volunteered for a few events, primarily the Thursday dinners. I felt we were just getting into the swing of things and testing the waters, so to speak. Would consider other volunteer situations, as we get more familiar with the club and members. I have volunteered for Thursday night dinners and social events Sorry, we don't get up much Age and health issues limit our involvement Again, physically limited. Age Impaired It is really my fault but I need to step up and help. When I have volunteered the people I work with were very friendly and open. Business owner, so summer is to busy of a time to volunteer. Will be retiring in a few years and would love to become more active as we spend more time in PNTW 18. I do volunteer as much as I can. 19. Just joined in 2013 but did volunteer to work a Thursday night dinner and Back from the Mac. 20. I have enjoyed volunteering when I am able, I still work full time and have to balance heavy travel. i have always felt welcome to join in, the club's Board does a good job in communicating needs and schedules. 21. By the time we get to Pentwater....first week in June.........all the spots are taken on volunteer sheets. Eager beavers get there first!! 22. I work full time and volunteer at the school and other orgs 23. Time constraints 24. I work as construction manager and would be able to help with maintenance. I am a trained carpenter. 25. I would on weekends if it was needed 26. We try to volunteer, but we aren't in Pentwater much before July and many of the activities we would enjoy are already over (Planting, for example) or filled (Thursday dinners). 27. Way too much criticism/ not enough thanks. 28. Still helping 29. We are in Pentwater during weekends only. Most of the volunteer meetings are during the week in the day. We are not retired nor are we full time residents. 30. Volunteered in 2011 but haven't been asked since. 31. Too many family obligations. I can't do things spur if the minute. BUT I always wish I could be more involved! 32. Too many back surgeries. 33. I work full-time, year-round. Very little time for anything. 34. Lived elsewhere and worked until this fall I should have more time now and plan to help more often 35. New member and I hope to be in Pentwater more this year. 36. Have volunteered a number of times and seldom ever hear back. Implies that help isn't needed or my help wasn't wanted 37. I am helping with the decorations for the Kentucky Derby Party and will help with the flowers. 38. Would do so in the future if events were more applicable to my age and interest. Or if I saw the events benefiting the local community as a whole. 39. Entertain guests that tend to conflict 40. Work and chasing after kids take up most of my time currently. 41. I have been a member for a long time and so I don't volunteer to do things as I did in the 1980's and 90's. #21 Other Merchandise Suggestions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Can and bottle cozies Non hooded sweatshirts Merchandise should never generate a loss - sell it at a profit or don't sell it. Last year the merchandise was far better and more "yacht club" appropriate than in the past years. Better quality and classic styles. Love the Land's End merchandise. Can't think of any. Buy some larger women's sizes PYC cocktail napkins. PYC playing cards The quality of the item is most important to me. I want it to last and be something I will/ can use for a while. Last year the golf shirts and the ladies sweat shirts with the partial zip were great quality. I bought several because I tuck them away for Christmas gifts for my kids. The cotton was high quality, the styles were good. Different colored caps Only PYC logo merchandise!! Last year's merchandise was the best we have seen. Very good looked like nice yacht club gear. Thank you. The merchandise offered by the club improved significantly last year. High quality is much more important to me than price. It must be good value for the dollar but the price does not make or break the sale high quality merchandise that fits and lasts makes the sale. The higher the quality the more likely we would to purchase (such as embroidered goods rather than screen printed). I would also like an embroidered PYC beach umbrella please (wink!) 16. Actually it depends on all three equally...quality, price, and style. 17. I have put my email on the list in the clothing room several times with a specific item and size I wanted and never got a note back telling it was available for pickup or that it would not be available. 18. Nothing that says PYC 19. Need a revamp of the logo before we should start selling stuff. Should not try to compete with local businesses in Pentwater. 20. Do really miss the wine glasses. Nice gifts. #22: Comments on the overall condition of the Pentwater Yacht Club and Deck. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. South deck furniture (old iron stuff) is chipped and looks awful. Love the ice tea and cookies The dry storage area always looks disorganized and we seldom see it used a great deal. That might be because we are there on Weekends primarily. In all changes we need to watch safety and make sure as our members age we are watching and removing barriers. The docks are very tippy and insecure, we need adequate night lighting on the front deck and although it is improving we have further work to do here. The railings on the docks and the new ramp to the side decks were excellent work along with the guard on the front ramp. We have made a great deal of progress but need to be mindful of safety. The improvements have been impressive and those who worked on the upgrades should be applauded. It would be nice to have some additional lighting for ambiance and safety on the front decks. Something nautical that fits in. Interior redesign is warranted. Bar could be relocated closer to the tented area and move the Hatch to the parking lot wall area. Kitchen could be expanded into flowerbed/sign area. I think the dining room needs to be fancier. The bright openness doesn't feel welcoming and cozy. I think the windows close it off from the lake too much...we need French doors with screens maybe. I love the side tent but it needs a chandelier and white lights or something festive. Maybe some ferns or flowers in urns to give it a richer feel. Cushions on the chairs and flowers that can't blow over on the tables everyday so every visit feels like we are expected and special. Oh, and glowing candles at night would be lovely too! We need an upper deck to go to for more outdoor seating. The front deck is too crowded at parties. The bathrooms are ok but always smell funky. The bar should be bigger somehow. I feel more comfortable there because it is a smaller space. Done Now. Sorry! Someone needs to read about the metrics of surveys and projected response rates. :) Serious problem on front deck, which seems to be pulling away from club. The docks are very unstable, bordering on unsafe. Dry boat storage area is getting used for car parking, and launching boats from there is very difficult. I think the club is quite nice considering what we pay for membership. Parking is limited by land available. I am concerned about the underpinnings of the club. The floor in the dining room needs to be refinished - it always looks sticky & dirty Again, if the food and food service and wine list were all improved, we could all be more accepting of the physical space. The view is incredible, the deck spectacular, the access for boating, outstanding. Seems to be pretty much up to date. Floors need to be clean. Mismatched Plates & silverware give a cheap, sleazy impression. We should standardize and improve quality of everything that sits on the dining tables. Entry and bar floors need work. Look dirty. The marina docks need repair or replacement. The ladies bathroom needs total renovation by a professional. Both bathroom doors should be replaced with 6 panel doors painted white as do the doors to the office, store and storage areas. It would be great to replace the old club with 2 stories, double decks, etc. The flowers always look terrific, as does the new front door. As long as we can park on the village green, our parking is adequate. Not sure how, but a bigger bar area would be appealing. Carpeting in bar and entryway area needs replacing. Dock chairs are very hard on some people with back problems. Adirondack are not ergonomically safe for one's back. They look cute but any Dr. will tell you they are awful for the back. We should have showers for visiting boaters Kitchen could use improvements! The club looks great! Would love to have a bar to sit at in the bar. 24. Very appealing atmosphere 25. You need an N/A category, need more tent covered seating and servers outside; retractable awning over the blue chairs would be nice but I know it's pricey 26. I mentioned this several years ago, but the deck is moving out from the front club wall on the south portion past the deck door and is sinking too. Supports are getting washed out under this part of the deck. I know I have been under the Club many times. 27. The bar is too small 28. The tent over deck area needs a cleaning of the bugs from the previous year or when it is put away and either needs repairs of the tears or replacement! The ledges under the inside windows need to be wiped down a couple times a week because the dead bugs just lay there & at times for weeks… who wants to see that when they are looking out at the beautiful view of the channel? In general, clean up of inside of club (not just vacuuming but windows cleaned, fingerprints off doors, dusting) needs to be done on a weekly basis. More attention to the day-to-day cleanliness needs more attention. 29. The more boating activities and emphasis, the more interesting the club in my estimation. I can eat anywhere. 30. The building has 100-year-old charm, and the recent improvements are fantastic (ceiling, lighting, bulletin boards, new entry wall picture frames) and we mostly focus on the outdoors, a beautiful little club we love it. But some inside areas feel dated and could be upgraded. The wood floor is pretty but it could stand refinishing. The bar is pleasant but so crowded, any room for growth? The flooring in the bar looked good years ago but it now feels and looks dirty. The dishes in the Dining Room are all miss-matched and the silverware is thin like a cheap diner. Dishes and silverware are small items that can have a big impact -they don't need to be fancy or expensive, they could just be upgraded to something that feels more country club like, instead of a dorm cafeteria. Our country club in the Detroit area has custom dishes with the logo, they found a great deal from a restaurant supply vendor - they were not expensive. 31. I think that the kitchen needs a complete redo. 32. Why oh why the blue in the women's bathroom -- how about a change, please? we sure have enough blue throughout the club! 33. Excellent ~ the welcoming flowers and flower boxes! 34. The women's restroom always has a terrible odor! 35. It's very hard to slide chairs over the carpet in the dining area. #23: Which of the following facility improvements would you like to see the Club investigate and possibly fund during the next 5 years? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Again, the improvements have been very nice; they have been a big improvement. New carpeting is needed in the front entryway. It is very dirty. The bar floor needs to be replaced with something that can be cleaned. A shower for visiting boaters especially during the Back from the Mac would be a good addition - maybe some thing portable we could rent? Bar area is too cramped and should have a bigger seating area. Finding space to expand obviously a problem It depends on the cost and whether it can be done with current dues/assessments. Indoor dining area has been improved over last few years. Think outside areas, bathrooms and kitchens need attention now As mentioned previously, I think the dining room floor needs to be refinished. The interior of the club has undergone many wonderful renovations and it's looking very nice - continuity is excellent! Further updating and, of course, maintaining is always necessary. As far as reworking the kitchen for efficiency, it sounds very reasonable but I'm not sure how inefficient it is currently. Not a penny should be spent until the food service and quality of food and wine options is improved. Warm or even hot red wine is the standard of service that we have to avoid in the future. We need to invest in our people and their ability to prepare and serve the food first. The slant in the floor in the main dining room is so noted. Is there a way to change the seating so it's not as noted? Also, the deck dining chairs are so uncomfortable? Why didn't we go with something more suited for a yacht club? A durable white wicker look? We need more dock space and outdoor seating. Outdoor tables could use a new coat of white paint. The bar area is far too small. This inhibits people from visiting and hanging out at the club, a feature I would think we want to encourage. Already very nice Overall it is a very nice and relaxing environment. Should focus on maintenance of recent improvements versus complete renovations. Keep it nice, do not let it slide into disrepair. Overall I am very happy with the facilities and operation You need a N/A category; see comments for previous question The Deck tables need painting and/or replacing. Tarp is getting to end of life. The bathrooms seem fine with recent improvements/touch ups BUT an addition of a shower for overnight reciprocal visitors would be nice and take the club up another notch. 18. Increasing docking would be great, but I'm not sure there is room to expand. 19. The Dining Area is utilized to the max and the staff does a good job making it all work quite smoothly. My comments are listed above and they relate to table settings, not the overall Dining Area, which I think, functions fine. 20. Kitchen the most important 21. Won’t have much of a club if the groundwork collapses...a lot of the "interior decorating" can wait, the club is very presentable, shows good when visitors stop 22. I would like to see the overall food quality improved #24: How important is the restaurant to your overall Pentwater Yacht Club experience? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. When at the cottage I want to relax and not cook. Occasionally with guests, I have been embarrassed by the quality of a dinner &/or service. More often than not, the service is excellent and the food good. Let's move toward fresh salads, better cuts and choices of meats, burgers that have been hand formed. Fish that isn't breaded. Better quality, lower sodium, less processed food choices. Why is it Pentwater is so far behind the times when it comes to fresh dining choices? I don't expect fine dining at the PYC. I am primarily focused on the sailing aspects of the club. The more simple meals are great and a good price. Keep it simple and tasty with some creative sauces and some ethnic options like Mexican, Pesto Pasta, Fish Taco's or a Great Burger night made with locally ground beef instead of Gordon Food (tasteless) I am shocked that the restaurant does not break even at the very least. It should! I do not feel that dues should subsidize the cost of running the restaurant. I would think the dining room manager would be a critical person to help make this a money making operation. Staffing levels and food costs need to be adjusted based on business. This should not be difficult to do, It can be one of the best places to eat in Pentwater and the only place with an outstanding view Would not be a member without the restaurant we would not be members without a decent restaurant Would not be a member if there was no dining and bar area. Pentwater dining is very limited. The Club offers us one more option. It is very important to us and the quality should be better than what is offered in town. We would like for it to replace the quality we lost when The Nickerson Inn burned down. So far it has not achieved that for us. We like to eat there/here This is the reason we go to the Club to see friends, entertain guests and to enjoy a good meal. Because Pentwater is a small town, we rely on the PYC for dining options for guests and our family. It is a pleasant experience to dine and watch the water. Food does not have to be 'gourmet' or 'fine dining' but just fresh and served up promptly This is the only place we eat out in the summer and an important part of our reason for being at the PYC The food is fair at best, not enough fresh healthy choices. Too much fried food, and frozen foods.... and we have great local farms, and fresh meat suppliers all around Oceana County. Without the restaurant and nice dining we would likely not be members. We pay high membership dues so we can eat here, get good food, and good service and a fantastic view with a lake breeze without the cold drafts of air conditioning. If the dining experience is not there the value of the club is severely diminished. We pay extra dues to subsidize the dining. It is the MOST important part of our membership we entertain guests there a lot. This cannot be over stated. Attention to detail; adequate staffing; reasonable hours and supervision that is willing to pitch in and get it done in busy times. The menu should be simple without too many items, given the lack of space for storage of food and preparation. If people are looking for a gourmet experience, they're better off head up to Traverse City or down to Muskegon or Grand Rapids. The most important thing is the view, and then the ability to have a snack or a bite to eat. I really don't think people will support higher prices for "gourmet" preparation. Getting a lot better. 2013 was excellent This is where most of the club spends their time and is the focus for most members enjoyment of and use of the club Last years menu was great! Service was also much improved! :) I think the dining room overwhelms the club - it should not be the club's priority. Believe there's been a definitely upgrade in the food and service – That's why I joined. Enjoy eating at the PYC. Service is sometimes very slow also can be caused by kitchen which I'm sure is hard to cook in. #25: Is the club your first choice for dining out in Pentwater? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. In Pentwater it is the best, however Ludington has great choices Only because of the view and not because of the menu or food choices. It is high on our list but we like variety and sometimes want a quiet dinner incognito, so to speak. If the quality was high and offerings were sufficiently healthy we might consider take-out from PYC. We sometimes do that with Thursday Night Dinners. More often than not. But for a good burger we go elsewhere. Fish is the best - love it During the summer months, it is our primary dining spot. Equal to another establishment in town. Keep food affordable and try to keep some returning staff. If I want a superior meal, I'll prepare it at home. It depends entirely on the chef. Some years good. Some years not so good. If I could change one thing about the club, I would find a great chef from somewhere that is miserable in the summer, and give them a chance to spend their summers in heaven in Pentwater. Seems doable. Very happy with the facilities and food/service We need some vegetarian food on the menu. Sometimes With last year's cooks it was the best place in town to eat. Only wish there was a light breakfast available more frequently. I would like it to be my first choice but we need to get the menu resolved. With all of the local food, simple, good recipe development that is easy for a kitchen staff to learn (this cant be left up to a seasonal chef) and the fact that food nationwide is simply better nowadays and should be, it's easy to do ;) Prices can be higher than competition in town IF the quality is better. It is about VALUE not price. Value is a ratio of quality and price. Pentwater does not have a high quality dining option. It needs one. Someone will do it and be successful during season. The Blue Moon in Ludington is the closest option we have found. The club should be better than the locals we have now. Options and quality are mediocre Sorry, it's not worth the money to eat average "bar food". I would like it to be. Sometimes we just want a really good burger or a Chicago dog. Simple and cheap but predictable and good. I would like it to be my first choice I wish it was. The food is inconsistent. But don't know if it would be year around. It is in the summer because the other places are so busy. Second choice The bars and the boathouse are competition in Pentwater. Usually it's the first choice It would be if the food and service were improved dramatically. Enjoy all aspects -- from the "cheap eats" on basket night, to Saturday night which I believe should be the "white tablecloth time" and the fun Thursday night dinners -- would not be upset if the menu weren't as large if it would help in keeping costs down – In summer. Lunch and or dinner. Yes, I enjoy the lake view. #26: What drives your decision to dine at the club? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Emphasize locally grown foods More locally grown vegetables would be nice Friendly and comfortable atmosphere. Bar service has always been excellent - great people & service. Food quality and pricing could be improved. Being able to eat outdoors at the lake Again, we are not a gourmet restaurant but we can become more current. How about renting the kitchen to qualified restaurant or catering people? Let the professionals cook for us and stop trying to have volunteers figure out the restaurant business. I believe prices can be raised somewhat without suffering loss of business, but it needs to be done gradually. Restaurant hours/days of service are too long. OK for restaurant to only be open for lunch 3 or 4 days a week...would cut down on kitchen employees' hours. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Dining on the deck is very important. This outdoor dining area should not be taken up on Weds by ensign members who take up tables at beginning of dining time and are not purchasing drinks or dinner. To introduce friends and new residents to our club. Good service - fast service helps to give the right impression The wait time at the club is typically too long. As a member we get used to it, but it is not good when you bring a guest. Although service improved last year, there is still room for growth. Staff needs to be trained to always get a cocktail order and deliver the order quickly, and also stop by to tell a table you haven't forgotten about them if service takes longer than expected. A smile goes a long way to making people feel better. The menu should not strive to be a fine dining experience. Good quality food for a fair price should be the goal. A fair price is one in which the club is not subsidizing the cost of the restaurant. Would like to see smaller portions for a lesser price. Food quality is important but could be improved Great place to meet with friends You can always find friends at the club to dine with Mostly it the social atmosphere of the dining experience. The atmosphere, the option to eat in town, the option to relax with our kids and friends and have a drink on the deck, we love it all. My wife loves to cook and is a gourmet cook, but she looks forward to a night out - these are our top reasons for dining at the PYC. I cannot say the quality of the food this past year was one of our reasons for eating out. I am not sure of the reasons- if chefs or cooks changed, but we were not impressed with many of our meals last year. We seldom eat dinner at the club, because of the menu and food quality. You need to train the staff on serving and pouring wine! Also better wine glassware would be nice. The menu continues to improve every year! The variety of good vegetarian alternatives has been a challenge but some progress has been made. Improvement in this area will be appreciated. There are alternatives in both Ludington and Whitehall that offer the same experience without the annual membership fees. Both have a great deal more parking than PYC. Our prices should be reasonable to overhead Mostly to feel connected to the club. We like to bring guests but the food and atmosphere needs to be better. We need to go back to making reservations on the deck Because it is our club Listed menu as neutral as it is about the same as what is available elsewhere. The Wednesday night baskets are a good idea. Maybe we can think up other ideas like this. Again, we need a ton more questions in this survey about the staff, staff training, chef capabilities, -- maybe we need to invest in a new kitchen. Maybe we need to do grill only nights to improve the quality of the food. I believe in supporting our club. It's a great place for family and guests. #28: Because we are a club, do you expect food quality to be better than the local competition? Drink prices should be lower than local competition, food should be the same. I expect it to be good but not 5 star. Would rather have good soups, salads, and sandwiches. We need to maintain standards of excellence. No margin, no mission - we must charge to cover our expenses. The reasons we would quit PYC would be deterioration in food/service or fiscal mismanagement. 4. If not better, then certainly with a range of choices and less heating up a dinner fresh off the back of a truck. If we will not pay for better food, then let us know that food quality is being sacrificed. If the Club can't offer a better meal than The Brown Bear, then let's up our ambiance in the dinning room and bar. 5. See above. 6. Since we aren't trying to turn a profit, our prices should be somewhat lower. However, I realize that we don't have the financial support that a restaurant may have to commit funds to improving quality and service. 7. Local restaurants have some good food. I hope for parity most of the time and, for special events, superior quality. The view and social life give PYC an edge. Prices should be comparable. 8. I expect the food and drink prices to be at least comparable with local competition. If slightly lower, it does offer a good value to members who may use it more. 9. I feel the food/bar should be on a break-even scale and not necessarily be a moneymaker. 10. Not better than competition but better than it was 11. Happy with the food service 12. Equal 1. 2. 3. 13. Not necessarily better but at least as good BUT it seems to surpass the local eateries in PW 14. The food is not better... or cheaper. If it were, we'd eat there more often. 15. We think that this is critically important. I think that most people are concerned about the food quality and want a place to entertain friends who are visiting. The PYC would by far be our first dining and entertaining choice if the food and service is pleasing. We would spend more money the better the food, and would pay higher prices as well. 16. I think we should have some consistently good items that are always offered that we can count on if we don't like the other choices. We should strive to make an incredible burger, club sandwich or French dip. We should be able to have a consistently good steak, chicken and fish meal. Light meals and kid friendly hot dogs and quality chicken, noodles etc. 17. I expect a reasonable price and good quality. With so few choices in town, having a club with a nice restaurant is a big membership draw. 18. Because we are a club, our prices should not be higher than the local establishments. They should be slightly lower, but the quality of the food should be equal or better than the local places. 19. Drink prices certainly should not be higher than other places; food prices probably depend on quality of food and service. And remember, we do have the best view in town and dues are low. 20. But should be as good as similarly priced facilities 21. If you don't have good food, people will not come in 22. Unfortunately, the club food is nothing special. 23. Again, would understand if our menu wasn't so large -- instead of so many entrees just one special, and a couple standards ---along with "bar food" burgers/chicken tenders/fries 24. It is a hard thing to do with the high cost of food. We must all remember high prices. #29: How would you rate the food quality? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Need more choices and more fresh food. Too much deep fried food and Gordon Food Service. Over the last several years while dining at the club we've most times we dine with a party of 4 or more there are inconsistencies in our service. There's always something that wasn't ordered and comes out late or we get the full meal served and something that's suppose to be warm is cold. There's usually a problem with the bill. For the last couple of years or more the food has been very good. Fish Dinners EXCELLENT. DESSERTS - not good- how about something homemade? Key Lime pie is easy to make or a Cream Puff Hot Fudge sundae, or apple crisp. All very easy to make. Gordon food gets pretty boring. The food quality can change from year to year but normally there seems to be effort and attention on this. Better in 2013 than in 2012. Hit or miss depending on the cook. Runs between adequate to good generally. Competitive with The Gull. Could set a whole new standard for the town. Good is as good as I find anywhere Depends on what I order, some is excellent! Between adequate and good.... it varies. Not many experiences where the food was outstanding I have been disappointed with the food at the Yacht Club. I think if there were more menu options, we would go there more. The food seems "bland" sometimes, and we like a variety of food. Also, so much fried food. I would like to see more healthy choices. Too much fried food, high calorie food... frozen food. If there were more fresh vegetables, fresh grilled fish, fresh chicken, home made burgers (not frozen!!) why do we buy packaged foods from large corporations? Good restaurants prepare their own food. So much better than 10 yrs ago!!! Some years are better than others; we could improve to be sure. I approach my meals at the club as if I am going to a friends house and their mom cooks me a home made meal that is just so so but I still enjoy it because I’m among friends. It's hit or miss. Very good to Excellent I have limited exposure although the times I have dined there it has been good. I think since we are seasonal we have a difficult time getting outstanding cooks. This is an area to get clever about Not enough experience 19. Slow service when it was opening time & only one other couple 20. The food can be excellent or good, it depends on what you order. #30: Portion Size? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Generally too large but not always Salads, soups, and meals are very good. I am not a dessert person but maybe if had choices of small desserts I would be more interested. e.g. Like what Applebee's have? Could use smaller deserts. Really? Depends on who is cooking--portion size varies depending on whim of kitchen staff. Depends on who is cooking as portions are NOT consistent Let the ladies who tell you they are too big in the survey just eat less or take some home!!! Happy I put "just right: but it is not consistent. Sometimes the portions are way too small and sometimes too much food is presented - more often it is too small however. Smaller portions is the style and I think a good trend Inconsistent portions and prep Fine I sit and watch at how many salads go back to the kitchen wasted. it is not too much food, the lettuce is so poor quality. Why such large desserts???? Believe you would sell more if you followed the current trend of small, "shooters" - bite of brownie with small scoop of ice cream $2.00 instead of the whopper pie portion -- just too much, too many calories #31: Service? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Usually starts out slow and gets better as the season progresses. 2013 was very good - a great improvement Last year was very good As a whole, I think our staff does a very good job. I have been at the club when a larger crowd was present and things didn't run as smoothly but that is not a complaint. Only time I remember of a problem was when the billing/computer was a real problem but I think that has been corrected. All things considered, I think our food service is adequate/good considering it is a summer only operation. Loved the staff in 2013! The servers are very nice. Can be very slow on busy nights Again, this can change from year to year depending on the staff at the time. Service is spotty. Usually very attentive and friendly. The young wait staff tries to please. Wait times are sometimes longer than they should be, but the staff is terrific. Generally pretty good. Occasionally a slip up but very willing to correct. Love the wait-staff It depends on the server, some are excellent and others good to adequate. When the season begins the service is sketchy as new employees accumulate to the club and it steadily improves by July. I think most members realize the club in not a 5 star restaurant and as such we do not expect that type of service but service with a smile and attention to detail would be most welcomed Depends on the server and the number of people dining In 2013 ( it was a little various but better than before) Often excellent. We have had to wait a long time several times.. Service can at times be very good but last season we had several instances of poor service. We had a lot of staff changes last year and I expect it will improve this year assuming some of them are returning. The young man that waited table was AWESOME and after a poor start to a meal he was assigned. From that point on the meal was great. Are we training our staff? 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. There should be more training of front line staff, and the time from ordering to receiving food should be improved. As with any restaurant in Pentwater it depends on the server It could be significantly better if trained and there are adequate numbers of staff. Last year was the best. Waiters worked out just fine, hope they are back. With the size of our kitchen, service will never be great. We do a good job with what we have. Always room for more consistency and improvement It has gotten better over the last few years. Requires constant attention, thus need a very good manager Really really nice people, need training. Staff was great in 2013, especially the wait staff. Sometimes too slow. #32: How you feel about the following suggestions to lower overall restaurant costs? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Only offer a limited menu and make it extremely high quality, efficient for the staff to prepare and serve. The servers were excellent in 2013. I don't know enough re cooks etc. Like any business, effective management of day-to-day operations is critical. Squeeze everything but quality. Fewer days, fewer entrees, modest price increases, better supervisory personnel. Some smiles around, for Pete's Sake. Our drink prices are incredibly low. Why? You can get a bottle of white wine (SC) as cheap at the club as in the grocery store. Really? Why do we have low wine and liquor prices? Isn't that how most restaurants make their money? While we are loosing money. Increase prices over two seasons to limit the sticker shock. Look at employee total earnings (hourly pay plus an estimate of tips) to see if the staff is adequately compensated. For technical reasons I had to discontinue the survey at this question. So, I am completing it now. It was suggested many years ago adding a $40 surcharge to club dues to be deducted from restaurant charges during the year. Members should not be allowed to apply the surcharge to bar bills because doing so would all but negate benefits for the restaurant. We don't need 7-day meals and it would give the staff time off. How about Sunday breakfast only and no food on Monday? Or drinks and easy snacks on Sun and no dinners and none on Mon. Nacho's, chips and dip, cold shrimp cocktail, salad, cheese & cracker, tuna salad, smoked fish spread & crackers. All of these could be available with no cooking needed and kept ready for Sunday Lunch. Train staff better so they will be more efficient. We are up only for a short time. I know this is a busy time but we really need good service from friendly trained servers. We often have houseguests on weekends. It is fun to take them boating and stop at the club for lunch. Perhaps just a simple food service would be an option for Sunday. Tuesday would be a better day to have no food service. Many members enjoy long 4 day weekends including Mondays Sunday brunch would be nice I actually would prefer a dues increase to increased food prices, then if I eat often there I save money and if I do not go down and support the club then I still support it with my dues. Experienced staff is a must to increase efficiency. Don't like the idea of increasing food prices, the quality is the same as other places in PW and it may send other people to those restaurants instead. Maybe not reduce the staff but stagger the times when they begin/end OR keep the staff but rotate/add responsibilities like making sure the place is cleaned up (fingerprints, dusting) so that you may work 8 hours but 6 are waiting tables and 2 are cleanup (at end of 6 hours shift) on a scheduled day so that everyone had a chance to rotate through that. The PYC must keep their standards high in regards to quality and service. If prices, which are very modest, need to be raised, so be it. Members will understand its just good business. Ideally, because the season is short, I would prefer to see the club remain open every day, and I would support higher dues or menu prices to pay for the additional shift of staff. Prices need to reflect the cost of the food and the cost of the servers at the very least, but the membership needs to understand this if there is a big increase in prices. If the PYC goes to only bar service on Sunday and Monday, there should be some kind of bar snacks available as well. Maybe have one person (not a cook necessarily) available to fix/serve a limited number of items that only take prep and/or microwave time. Most important nights for weekend residents are Thursday thru Sunday. 20. Most places are closed 2 days a week. If you increase costs people will expect more. 21. We pay to have the club available and for those that only come up one or two weeks a year not having the ability to eat is large negative. We need to look at staffing carefully it is hard to have enough for large pushes and NOT TOO MANY for other times. If we have basket night at low cost can it be window service and cut down on the labor. It appeared we had far too many cooks at times. 22. We might consider implementing a small minimum annual food fee, even if it's $125 or so. That could be tricky as it could cause some to drop out, this would need to be analyzed. 23. I think drinking with no food is a bad idea. Easy chips and salsa, fruit and cheese and crackers, chicken for kids or hot dog should always be available 24. If you could offer something like cheese & crackers, pretzels, pre made wrap sandwiches - something along those lines on Sunday and Monday - I don't think you'd need anything else. 25. We need to look at the price of the food we are serving and set the prices accordingly. We can't just raise prices for the sake of raising prices. If food prices go up then we have to raise the price to cover that. 26. I suggest we better manage the staff also some of our membership seem to never be making reservations that would be very helpful 27. Should focus on how to get more people in on the slow days. Need a good idea like the Wednesday baskets 28. Again, if we had a chef that the region respected they would drive by other places to come to us. We should build a reputation and train our staff and shut down Monday's if we need to - better food, great service, less hours of operation. We could OWN Sunday Brunch, if we had any of the above. 29. The restaurant should be self-supporting. Club dues should not be used to finance the restaurant. 30. No one's in the club on Mondays! Would propose Tuesday being closed too! #33: Support a Comprehensive Kitchen Study? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Have your food suppliers do this for free. Depends on the cost I think we should base prices on costs for food and drinks. Be careful not to sell things at cost or below or give away "tastes." It would need to include an evaluation of the cooking staff. This isn't rocket science. It will be interesting to see what is learned from this survey. Gordon Foods does this already when it comes to recipes, menus, food expenses! Staff expenses will be required if excellent dining service is expected. As long as the cost of this analysis is reasonable. Say $3000 or less. Next survey, please provide a N/A category But not a study by club volunteers or food service companies. Use real trained professionals! We can't continue to lose money on our largest budget item. The current staff and committee doesn't seem to have the ability or time to fix this, so an investment in a third party to make recommendations is a very good idea. Restaurant needs to be treated like a business with a manager that has overall responsibility and accountability should not vary every year depending on who is selected to be vice Commodore. Not being a fish/seafood eater, I usually find the rest of the options somewhat limited -which means we don't eat at the PYC as often as we might otherwise. My expression of support is based upon very little information. Better to follow the advice of past and present club leaders. Great Idea Really good idea Not from the board from someone outside the club or it won't be well received Depending on who does the study What you are doing already is fine. If you could improve efficiency of servers, that would be great. Keep it simple Studies are costly and rarely lead to improvements. Good quality and good service trump all the other factors. Just hire a chef!!! We have restaurant experiences members that could be tapped for this expert analysis Happy as it is We have been down that road before. I think we need to watch the costs and be careful not to give away too much free food, It has been done before, but everything from weather to who we hire as staff affects the expenses from year to year. A study for this year may not work for the following. 25. This, in my opinion, should not be done by the house committee or staff....not the general membership. Participants of this study should be knowledgeable and able to be helpful. 26. no whoever is the manager should be doing this as part of their job 27. Not sure how I feel about that. I think the recipes, menus, food are good or were last year and I would have to plead ignorance to staff expenses, as I am not sure what they currently are. Maybe strongly encourage members to tip better 15-20% to encourage top-notch service. 28. Exclusive use of club issued credit card for all purchases would reduce losses and streamline the bar/restaurant billing procedures. . 29. Depending on cost 30. Depends if the restaurant operations are in trouble? Because the question is there it sounds like there must be issues. There are consultants that specialize in kitchen operations- find one if this is an issue because the PYC cannot afford to allow this area to be a weak link. 31. I would hope this was a standard procedure for the club. 32. Only if it did not cost a great deal of money. 33. We have done this in the past, yet we still buy the same food from food service companies? There was a time when we had a real chef/cook, not short order cooks (but they are nice people) 34. Professional help would be great! 35. You need to understand costs, staffing needs, and meal trends to effectively operate. Timing is everything as the club can be empty one day and swamped the next. A good comprehensive study might help to create a wining strategy where there is a slight subsidy and good food and service without excess expenses. This is a difficult task unless you have worked in it previously (I have) 36. Are basket night cost effective or are we bring in extra staff for them and then losing money. A clear understanding of the fixed costs (waiters cooks etc.) and variable costs (food, drink etc.) may help us understand the operation better. The loss last year was several times prior years. Costs versus benefits are like a pendulum you can cut costs too far and hurt service or add staff too far to hurt costs. It appears that we went very highly to the staff side last year and we may need to accept a more moderate view or risk ending up like the Peninsular Club in Grand Rapids. 37. Is there not a current member who has connections to the food industry that could underwrite this cost? 38. Utilize Cisco or Gordon services for that 39. Planning; not outside consultant 40. Would depend on the cost of the study. 41. Trying this and that is a hit and miss approach. A good study may be the best bet here. 42. It depends on how much a comprehensive study costs? However, is there a way to buy produce locally to cut costs and add a "farm to table" quality? This part is the state offers so much produce - it would be wonderful to take advantage of that! 43. If we could do it internally without expense 44. I would support if we hired an expert to work with the club on all areas of menu, staff training. Possibly we could do a program with the Culinary School at Grand Rapids Community College where they might take us on as a project. Many of their folks go on to work at the JW Marriott Hotel and other 4 star sites. It would be good for them and us. 45. No, not until we get the food vendors in first -- Gordon Food Service, Sysco Frost Pack both offer very highly recommended studies for absolutely nothing -- have them in first, then if there's further questions and you'd still want more then make sure you use a firm that's located in the Pentwater area! or maybe GFS or FP could recommend a firm -- but LOCAL 46. Better training of wait staff perhaps. I like the food choices. 47. A committee should go over above with cooks and decide what they think would be best. #34: Would you support the improvement and expansion of the marina? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Increase the fees. The marina benefits a small group of members and they should pay a premium fee for a premium location. Right away Not sure how you can make it larger on the space we have. As long as it doesn't hinder the view of the channel. Have we had larger boats interested in slips but we couldn't accommodate? But... I am not well qualified to answer this question. I don't know enough about this to answer. 8. But I feel those using the docks should pay for the improvements; many members don't even own a boat and have no need for any dock! 9. If it makes the club money 10. Hard for me to imagine how increasing capital expense here will decrease the marina maintenance. Sounds like whoever wrote the question has an agenda to spend money on better docks. 11. Not interested in this direction 12. Only if economically justified 13. Most important 14. Just remember it only benefits those who have assigned slips. The fees should not be a "deal", and right now it is the best deal on the lake. 15. Don’t know anything about it 16. Return the ramp and launch area for the junior sailing program and encourage participation in the Junior Club again. 17. There are only ensign boats in this area. The rest of the club can't utilize it because of this. 18. Don't know enough to answer 19. Larger boat slips 20. Increased rent should support costs 21. Depends on the plan and the cost 22. Don’t use it, but if the board decides it is necessary, we would support it. 23. If the club charges proper fees... our dock charges should be at least 75% of local marina charges. The boaters have to pay more of the dock costs. Other yacht clubs have tiered membership fees (boat owners pay more than non-boat owners) It's fair. 24. Based my limited knowledge I do not believe your statement I think the Marina has cost money 25. The Marina operation of the club has not been a net cash producer for several years. Any cost benefit analysis will show that with the dredging, seawalls, in and out fees etc. the Marina has been in a deficit cash flow. We need to recoup the large expenditures and price the marina effectively. If an expansion and potentially permanent docks without the large maintenance would help that it should be considered. At this time with the large expenditures the club treasury should be refunded to the planned levels before any further large expenditures. Any marina expansion should be analyzed to show that it would self sustain. 26. Why not, it would also be a good service to members and create more action around the club including use of the food service and bar 27. If the profits far exceed the costs. For sure provide Kayak this idea! 28. We've spent thousands already enough 29. If done with a plan in mind and at reasonable cost. 30. You charge way to little for docking in the slips compared to regular marinas. raise the slip fees. 31. Would support this if it does not change the ambiance of the club. The view west and north should not be obstructed. 32. Again...needs to be improved for stability and safety. Expansion is questionable. (This should have been two separate questions!!!) 33. Based on economic analysis 34. Depends on the cost, total and per member. 35. We are a yacht club, right? 36. Revenue generating improvements are a good idea 37. I would once we met the needs and positive image of the inside of the club, just need to focus on inside first. 38. It is wrong that, in essence, boaters are paying to support non-boating club members. Dock fees should not be supporting the restaurant. This does nothing to encourage boating - it is a YACHT club, not a dining club! 39. As long as it's an added income producer.