World History II Benchmark #1 Review Directions: Using your notes

World History II Benchmark #1 Review
Directions: Using your notes, book, and any other resources you can find, answer the following questions.
WHII. 2a
1. Identify on the map above the major empires in the world in 1500
a. England
b. France
c. Spain
d. Russia
e. Ottoman Empire
f. Persia
g. China
h. Mughal Empire
i. Songhai Empire
j. Incan Empire
k. Aztec Empire
2. Define “Renaissance”.
3. Where did the Renaissance begin? Where did it spread to?
4. What were the achievements of:
a. Leonardo da Vinci
b. Michelangelo
c. Shakespeare
d. Erasmus
5. Show on the map above the location of the 5 major world religions in 1500.
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism
6. Draw on the above map the following trade routes in 1500:
a. Silk Road
b. Indian Ocean routes
c. Trans-Saharan
d. Northern European to Black Sea
e. South China Sea routes
7. Name an advancement due to trade from the following areas:
a. China
b. India and Middle East
8. What scientific ideas were passed along trade routes?
WHII3: Reformation
9. The Reformation started because of problems Europeans had with the Catholic Church.
a. Popes were more concerned with ____________ than religion, and largely came from Italy.
b. The Church had a lot of ____________ and ___________ that conflicted with other
c. Corruption in the Church, particularly the sale of _______________ for forgiveness of
10. Who started the Reformation?
What action of his started the Reformation?
b. What were his beliefs concerning religion?
11. What was predestination?
Who came up with the idea of it?
12. Who created the Anglican Church (Church of England)?
Why did he create this church?
b. What did he do with the lands in England that belonged to the Catholic Church?
c. Who was the head of the Anglican Church?
13. What changes did Queen Elizabeth I make in terms of religion in England?
What was the significance of the Spanish Armada?
14. Reformation in Germany
a. What area of Germany followed Luther and became Protestant?
b. Which royal family in the Holy Roman Empire continued to support the Catholic Church?
c. From the 16th through 17th centuries, what did Protestants and Catholics constantly do in the
Holy Roman Empire?
15. Reformation in France
a. Signed by Henry IV, what law granted French Protestants (Huguenots) freedom of worship?
b. Who brought France into the Thirty Years war, and changed it from a religious war to a
political war, making it the last religious war in Europe?
16. Catholic (Counter)Reformation
a. Meeting that re-established Catholic practices and beliefs.
b. Founded to spread Catholicism around the world.
c. Church courts created to reinforce Catholic beliefs and punish those who moved away from
17. What invention helped Luther and the Protestants spread their ideas quickly around Europe?
WHII4: Exploration
18. What were the three major motivations behind Europeans exploring the world? (3 G’s)
19. What types of technology did Europeans use to explore the world? Where did these innovations
come from?
20. What leader from Portugal sponsored a navigation school and encouraged overseas exploration?
21. Identify the discoveries and nation of the following explorers
a. Vasco da Gama
b. Christopher Columbus
c. Hernando Cortez
d. Francisco Pizarro
e. Ferdinand Magellan
Francis Drake
g. Jacques Cartier
22. What religious faith was spread to the New World? How?
23. What were the two major ways in which the Native American population was destroyed?
24. Who was brought to the Americas to work as slaves?
25. Show on the map below the general locations of the Spanish, English and French empires in the
26. Describe the Columbian Exchange.
Name three things that came from the Old World
b. Name three things that came from the New World
27. What was the triangular trade system?
28. What was the impact of the massive amounts of gold and silver that were brought to Europe from
the Americas?
WHII5: World Empires @1500
29. Ottoman Empire
a. Where was the Ottoman Empire located?
b. Where did the Ottoman Empire expand to? What religion did they spread?
c. What was the capital?
d. What primary items did they trade in?
30. Mughal Empire
a. Where was the Mughal Empire located?
b. What religion did they spread?
c. What famous building did the Mughal emperor Jahan build?
d. What industry did they help support for Great Britain?
e. What did European nations establish in India?
31. China and Japan
a. What did the Chinese create to control trade?
b. What was the Japanese military leader called?
c. How did Japan react to foreigners?
32. Define mercantilism.
WHII6a: Scientific Revolution
33. Describe the achievements of the following:
a. Nicholaus Copernicus
b. Johannes Kepler
c. Galileo Galilei
d. Isaac Newton
e. William Harvey
34. What were the impacts of the scientific revolution?
WHII6b: Absolutism
35. What were the characteristics of absolute monarchs?
36. Louis XIV (14th)
King of…
b. Palace he built…symbol of…
37. Peter the Great
a. King of…
b. Major goal/accomplishment as king…
WHII6c: English Constitutionalism
38. Which English king was executed at the end of the English Civil War?
39. Who took over power in England after the English Civil War? What type of government did he
40. What was the “Restoration”?
41. Describe the Glorious Revolution?
42. Whose power was weakened as a result of the Glorious Revolution?
43. What did the English Bill of Rights do?
44. What two political parties were founded after the Glorious Revolution?
WHII6d: Enlightenment
45. What was the “Enlightenment”?
46. Describe the philosophies and books of the following Enlightenment figures:
a. Thomas Hobbes
b. John Locke
c. Baron de Montesquieu
d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
e. Voltaire
47. What two countries revolutions did the Enlightenment influence?
48. What document, written by Thomas Jefferson, was influenced by Enlightenment ideas?
49. Whose government and constitution was influenced by Enlightenment ideas?
WHII6e: French Revolution
50. What were the two major causes of the French Revolution?
51. What event symbolized the beginning of the French Revolution, and describe it.
52. What was the “Reign of Terror”?
53. What happened to the French king, Louis XVI (16th)?
54. Who rose to power in France and ended the revolution?
What were his accomplishments?
WHII6f: Cultural Achievements
55. What was the Romantic period in art? Who was the most famous Romantic painter?
56. Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are examples of…
57. The first novel, Don Quixote, was written by…
58. What advancement in infrastructure allowed for year-round travel and trade?
59. What allowed for the agricultural revolution?
WHII7: Latin American Independence
60. Describe the social class system created in the Spanish colonies.
61. Who started the independence movement in Mexico?
62. Which Caribbean island had a slave uprising against the French? Who led this uprising?
63. Who freed the northern areas of South America from Spanish rule?
64. What was the reaction of the United States towards the revolts of Latin American peoples in the
early 19th century?