Industrialization - Loudoun County Public Schools


Study Guide for Midterm DUE January 16/17


List the 5 major world religions, their founders and holy books ?

1. Judaism, Abraham, Torah

2. Christianity, Jesus, Bible

3. Islam. Mohammad, Koran

4. Hinduism, Various, Vedas

5. Buddhism, Siddhartha, Eight Fold Path, Four Noble Truths


Which religion has the Sunni and Shite sects? Islam


Which of the 5 major world religions is considered the oldest? Hinduism


What is the difference between monotheism and polytheism? One God vs Many Gods


Which religion has the Caste System? Hinduism


Which 2 religions believe in reincarnation? Hinduism and Buddhism


When and where did the Renaissance begin? Italy 1400’s to 1500’s


Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy? Italy was rich, had merchants


What is a humanist? What do they study? Many Renaissance artists were humanists

Focused on human potential and achievements on earth

Focused less on religion

Studied history, literature, and philosophy


What does the word Renaissance mean? Rebirth of art and learning


What ancient cultures did humanist’s study? Greece and Rome


Who was considered the “Father of Humanism”? Petrarch


What did Michelangelo accomplish? The David, The Pieta, Sistine Chapel Ceiling


What did Da Vinci accomplish? Mona Lisa, Last Supper


What did Shakespeare accomplish? playwright


What did Erasmus accomplish? In Praise of Folly


Which invention helped spread Renaissance and Reformation ideas? Who invented it? Gutenberg the Printing Press


Which religion was involved in the Reformation? What was the Protestant Reformation? Catholic, protesting the

Catholic Church corrupt practices


Who started the Protestant Reformation, Why and How? Martin Luther, Catholic Church corrupt, 95 Theses posted to church door


Where did the Protestant Reformation begin? Wittenberg Germany


Who were John Huss and John Wycliffe? How do they relate to the protestant reformation? Early Christian reformers who believed that people should be allowed to read and make their own decisions about church practices. Martin

Luther studied them


What does the word protestant mean? protest


Why were people angry with the Catholic Church? Many priests were illiterate, Nuns and priests were having illegitimate children, Church officials were charging to see holy remains and objects, Simony: allowed church officials to be bought by the highest bidder, and Indulgences: buying an indulgence was supposed to forgive you of sins committed or of future sin. Meaning you would spend less time in purgatory.


What is an indulgence? buying an indulgence was supposed to forgive you of sins committed or of future sin. Meaning you would spend less time in purgatory


Put these beliefs/statements with either ML or JC or King Henry; Salvation by faith alone ML, Divorced his wife

King Henry, England King Henry, Germany ML, France JC, Bible ultimate source of authority ML, strict work ethic

JC, Anglicanism King Henry, predestination JC, 95 thesis ML, all humans are equal under God ML, faith revealed or achieved by living a righteous life JC


Who were the Hapsburgs? What religion were they? The Hapsburgs were a very wealthy ruling family. For years the head of the Hapsburg family became the German King and Holy Roman Emperor. They were Catholic.


Which queen made Anglicanism the official religion of England? She also defeated the Spanish Armada. Elizabeth I


What was the Edict of Nantes? Freedom of Religion for French Protestants


What was the 30-year war? Who was involved? The Thirty Year War (1618-1648)- The Thirty Year War was a conflict over religion, territory and for power among European ruling families.


Who changed the war from religious to political in nature? Cardinal Richelieu


What is religious tolerance? Being tolerant of any religion


What is capitalism? How did the 30 Year War and the Reformation led to capitalism? Economic system in which the government stays out of the way, it weakened the Catholic Church’s hold on the governments


What was the Catholic Counter Reformation? What was the goal? How did they attempt to gain back followers? For years people have been speaking out against the Catholic Church. Dissenters prior to Luther included, John Wycliffe –

England, John Huss –Bohemia. The Catholic Church mounted a series of reforms to try to reassert its power and get supporters back


Who were the Jesuits? Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) was founded by Ignatius of Loyola to spread Catholic doctrine around the world. The society consisted of clergy committed to educating people about Catholicism and conduct missionary work .


What was the Inquisition? Inquisition was established to reinforce Catholic doctrine. During the inquisition Catholics would seek out and punish people for going against the Catholic Church.



What happened at the Council of Trent? tried to fix problems - decided Martin Luther was wrong and that Christians needed both faith and good works, not just faith to get to heaven. False indulgences should be banned and the church’s interpretation of the bible was the only one allowed.


Put the following statements with the correct empire: Asia Minor Ottoman, Istanbul Ottoman, North Indian

Mogul, Taj Mahal (know what it looks like) Mogul, inflated by British textile industry Mogul, Islam Africa, exported slaves and raw materials Africa, coffee and ceramics Ottoman, emperor controlled trade by enclaves

China, imported manufactured goods Japan, tea and porcelain China, isolated Japan, ruled by shoguns Japan

38. Who was more isolated China or Japan? Why? Japan because they did not export or import and wanted not contact with outside influences

39. Why did China and Japan want to be isolated? Outside influences

40. What modern day city became the capital of turkey and became the capital of the Ottoman Empire? (use to be

Constantinople) Istanbul

41. What ancient trade route connected Asia with the Mediterranean basin? Silk Roads


Where was/is the Trans-Saharan trade route located? Sahara Desert and Northern Africa


What product did Ghana, Mali and Songhai trade? Salt


What products did China trade/invent? paper, compass, silk, porcelain


India used maritime trade routes across the Indian Ocean to trade which types of products? textiles, numerals system


Which European country was first to explore? Portugal


Which modern day country did France colonize? America Canada


List the 4 G’s: Gold, God, Glory, and Gadgets


Why did Europeans need a trade route to Asia? What happened to Constantinople? Because the Ottoman Empire took over and stopped the trade. Became Islamic


What is mercantilism? What was the colony supposed to provide its mother country with? According to mercantilism, how does a country become powerful? A countries power is connected to its wealth. Raw materials, money trade


What was the middle passage? What was transported along the Middle Passage? Middle passage between Africa,

Europe and the Americas. Slaves were transported


Which explorer conquered the Aztec Empire? Cortez


Where were these people from and what did they do:

Vasco Da Gama – Portugal route to India

Columbus – Spain discovered the Americas

Cortez – Spain conquered the Aztecs

Pizzaro – Spain conquered the Incas

Magellan – Spain circumnavigate the globe

Drake – England first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe

Cartier – France discovered Canada


What countries did Triangle Trade connect? What products were traded? Africa, Americas, and Europe. Slaves, raw materials, rum, gold


What was the Columbian Exchange? How did the Columbian Exchange change the world? Exchange of goods and services between continents. Allowed for goods and services to become world wide


How did livestock change the Americas? Allowed for transportation, agriculture, food


How did corn and potatoes change Europe? They allowed for an easily grown food source


What happened in America when explores arrived and began to colonize? ( 3 things)


Which disease killed off the most natives? Small pox


Who was eventually used as slaves in the Americas? Africans


What technological advancements made exploration easier or possible? 3 things caravel, astrolabe, compass


Why were the Europeans able to dominate the native so easily? Technology, guns


Who created the navigation school in Portugal? Prince Henry


What effects did the European Plantation system in America have on the people and land? Harsh conditions for workers, depleted the land of resources


Why were these new colonies referred to as “New Spain” and “New France” ? founded by France and Spain


What does self- sufficient mean? Being able to support yourself completely


What are joint-stock companies? individuals each put in a percentage of the cost associated with colonizing and plantation work


What was the commercial revolution? a period of European economic expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism which lasted from approximately the 13th century until the early 18th century.


What was the scientific revolution? Why did it occur? The Scientific Revolution was a new way of thinking about the natural world. Based on: careful observation (what you can see) a willingness to question widely accepted beliefs reason

Know what these people did

Copernicus: Heliocentric theory

Kepler: elliptical orbits of the planets

Galileo: used telescope to confirm Copernicus’ theory

Newton: Theory of Motion

Harvey: Blood circulation


What were Enlightenment thinkers interested in doing? Changing the way that monarchs rule and how they see their people.


How /why did Galileo anger the Catholic Church? He proved Copernicus’ theory was true that the Sun is the center of the universe not the Earth, which is opposite to what the Church said.


Why did Enlightenment and Absolute monarchies disagree? Enlightenment thinkers believe that the people have a right to have ideas and govern themselves. Absolute monarchs believe that they have absolute power.


What were the major ideas and beliefs of the following enlightenment thinkers AND what did they write

John Locke: Life Liberty and Property Two Treaties on Government

Hobbes: people are evil, absolute monarchs, Leviathan

Rousseau: separation of powers, The Spirit of Laws

Montesquieu: direct democracy, The Social Contract

Voltaire: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, lots of writings


How did Enlightenment ideas help start the revolutions in America, France and Latin America? Enlightenment thinkers tried to change the way the governments were run and tried to convince rulers to rule justly.


What Enlightenment ideas are present in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence? Life, Liberty, Property,

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, separation of powers


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson


List 2 famous composers of the Age of Reason or Enlightenment Mozart, Bach


Who wrote Don Quixote? Cervantes


Which technical advancements made farming and transportation easier?( 4 inventions) all weather roads, new farm tools, ship building, railroads


What was the Magna Carta? Who signed it? Why? King John, guaranteed people certain political rights


Who was Charles II and what did he restore? Son of Charles I restored the monarchy after Cromwell


What was the Glorious Revolution and who came to power? Why? Bloodless revolution that took James I a catholic out of power and put William and Mary on the throne


What was the Habeas Corpus? Who signed it ? Why? Criminals brought to a judge and not the monarch, Charles II, made the law equal for all


What is Common Law ? The law is equal to all, everyone is equal under the law


List the first political parties. Whigs and Tories


Who had Charles I executed? Thomas Cromwell


Put these events in the correct order: The English Civil War, The reign of Oliver Cromwell, The Restoration, The creation of the Whigs and Tories, and Glorious Revolution.


What is parliament? Why did absolute monarchs dislike parliament? lawmaking body in charge of handing out the money for the government. Because it took power away from them.


How did England slowly become more democratic? What types of doctrines and ideas were passed? By passing laws and doctrines, civil war. Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus


What does the doctrine of Divine Right state? God given right to rule, kings believe that they have this right to rule


Who support it? Absolute monarchs, conservatives


What did Absolute Monarchs believe? Divine Right


Who were the following rulers? Where did they rule?

Peter the Great: Russia, absolute ruler

Louis XIV: France

Frederick the Great: Prussia

95 . How did Peter help Westernize Russia? Western clothes, no beards, women’s rights, new products, new capital, trade with Europe

96 . Who said, “I am the State!”? Louis XIV

97 . What was Prussia known for? Great military

98. What is the name of Louis’ palace? Versailles


Why did the French Revolution begin? Louis needed more money for taxes and the third estate was unhappy with paying all of the taxes


How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution? Who fought during the American Revolution? Why did they fight? If America won then the French people could win


What was the Estates General meeting? Meeting of all three estates in French society


Why were Bastille and Versailles significant? French people took over and took control


What happened to Louis in the end? Who came to power after Louis? Beheaded, Robespierre


What was the Reign of Terror? Who led? Lots of people beheaded for not agreeing with the new French government



What is a guillotine? Beheading machine


What type of government did France have at the end of the revolution? republic


What positive things was Napoleon able to accomplish? 3 things schools, civil service, roads code of laws


Why was the Napoleonic Code so significant? Everyone was equal


What negative things did Napoleon do? Emperor, dictator, fought wars


How did the following help led to Napoleon’s downfall a.

Continental System-blockade of Britain, did not work Britain blockaded them back



Peninsular War- Spain/Portugal v France for supporting Britain, did not work lost a lot of men c.

Invasion of Russia- cold, winter, no supplies went with 700,000 men came back with less than 10,000

What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna? What 3 things did it accomplish?

B: Balance of Power—no country in Europe too powerful

A: A new map of Europe drawn that made France weaker

C: Congress of Vienna (1815) Peace conference after Napoleon

K: Kings restored to power


Who led the Congress of Vienna? Klaus von Metternich, Austria


What was the Balance of Power Doctrine? Making sure that no country in Europe was to powerful


What did the Congress of Vienna restore? monarchies


How did Liberals and Conservatives differ? Liberals wanted limited democracies, Conservatives wanted absolute monarchs back


Why did new political maps have to be redrawn after the Congress of Vienna? Because France had gotten to big and needed to be punished.


What is Nationalism? Extreme pride in your county not your leader


How did Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna help spark a growth in Nationalism? Automatically giving the kings back power without the say of the people.


Which political group (liberals or conservatives) led the revolutions in Europe around 1848? Where they successful?

Why? Liberals some were but the absolute monarchies that were put into place were failing


Which country first made slavery illegal? Britain


Which countries did Latin American colonies want to rebel from? 3 European countries Spain, Portugal, and France


Which social group led most of the Latin America Revolutions? Creoles, Spanish born in new world


What are viceroys? Colonial officers


Which religion was forced on the natives by the Europeans? Catholic


Why did the Latin Americans want to revolt? Nationalism, Enlightenment ideas


Who was Toussaint L’Ouverture? Slave who led revolt in Haiti


Who was Simon Bolivar? Latin America, Venezuela freedom


Who lead the Mexican independence movement? Miguel Hidalgo


What is nationalism and what role did it play in the revolutions that occurred around the world in the 1800s? Extreme pride in your county not your leader, not wanting to be forced to have a foreign leader


What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine? To keep the Europeans out of the Americas


Why did Italy and Germany want to be unified? Nationalism, and they were behind the rest of Europe


Who unified Northern Italy? Count Camille Cavour


Who unified Southern Italy? Giuseppe Garibaldi


Which states were the last to join a unified Italy? papal


Why did Italy continue to struggle after their unification? Different languages north and south, different technology north and south


Who unified Germany? Otto von Bismarck


Describe the religious divide in Germany prior to the Franco-Prussia War? Protestant v Catholic, Bismarck knew that if they had a war then the south would support him.


Why is Otto Von Bismarck considered a Realpolitik? He is willing to do all that is necessary to get things done


What is a Realpolitik? Justified all means to achieve and hold power


How did the Franco- Prussian War help unify Germany? Southern Germany did not support Bismarck, so he created a war to gain their support



What was the Agricultural Revolution? Increased production of goods, services, and crops.


How did the Enclosure Movement help increase food production? How did enclosures led to urbanization? Larger farms, more efficient, small farmers got bought out


How did the Seed Drill help increase food production? Made it easier to plant crops


What is Industrialization? Machine made instead of hand made


Where did it begin and why? 3 reasons England, government stable, water power, people, and raw materials


What industry was first to become “industrialized? textiles


What are textiles? cloth


How did the following help spark industrialization or help it

Cotton – started the textiles

Iron – built the machines

Steel – stronger than any other materials

Steam Engine – provided the textiles

Coal – ran the machines


What did the following men invent and why were these inventions important?

James Watt – steam engine

Eli Whitney - cotton gin

Henry Bessemer - steel

Edward Jenner – small pox vaccine

Louis Pasteur - bacteria

James Hargreaves- Spinning Jenny


List 3 positive impacts industrialization had on the world…. List 3 negative impacts Positive: education, jobs, work, cities, vaccines, standard of living rose and factories. Negative: pollution, poor working conditions, crowded cities, and diseases.

What were working conditions like in factories? Unsafe, dirty 151.




What impact did industrialization have on slavery? Increased and then decreased eventually ending

What are labor unions? Why did they start? workers who join together in voluntary associations, because of the poor working conditions in the factories.

What is Collective Bargaining? Why is it used? bargaining=workers and management work together to determine pay

What is a strike? Work stoppage

What are Cottage Industries? What happened to them after Industrialization? Handmade items, they no




longer made things by hand.

How were children treated during industrialization? poorly

Economic Systems


What is Capitalism? Capitalism is an economic system in which money is invested in business ventures



with the goal of making a profit.

Who was Adam Smith? Wrote the Wealth’s of Nations

What was the purpose of Adam Smith’s Wealth’s of Nations? Governments should not interfere with the economy



What did capitalists want? No government interference in business, to be able to make a profit

What is communism? Why did it start? What’s the main goal? a more extreme form of socialism, in which the people own all aspects of business and share all goods and services. Because rich got richer and poor got



poorer. To ensure everyone was equal

Who was Karl Marx? What did he write? Communist the Communist Manifesto

How did Capitalism and Communism differ? In that Capitalism the people can determine the profit, in

Communism the government controls it all




What is socialism? a government formed economic system involving factors of production

What is imperialism? The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of


dominating the political, economic and social lives of the people of that nation

Describe the Boxer Rebellion Boxer Rebellion. China remained resistant to European influences In 1900 the Boxers descended on Beijing shouting “Death to the foreign devils”. Soldiers from Britain, France, Germany,

Austria, Italy, Russia, Japan and US step in and defeated the boxers. Boxers were poor Chinese peasants.


Describe the Sepoy Rebellion. In 1857 rumors started that the British were starting to coat their bullets with beef and pork fat. In May 1857, Sepoys(Muslim and Hindu), or Indian soldiers rebelled. Weren’t able to unite to defeat the British.

Why did Imperialism begin? National Pride- nationalism, Economic competition amongst European 169.


nations, Racism- Social Darwinism, Christian Missionaries



Why did European nations want Africa and Asia? Raw materials

What impact did imperialism have on Africa and Asia

What is a colony?

A country governed internally by a foreign power.

What is a Sphere of Influence? An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading 173.





What is a protectorate? A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power

• Where is the Suez Canal? Why is it significant? Egypt, cut travel time from Europe in half. A man made cut though that connected the Red Sea to the Mediterranean



What was the role of Christian missionaries during The Age of Imperialism? To spread Christianity

Which country opened Japan up to trade? United States

Which country controlled India during this time period? Great Britain

What was the purpose of the Indian National Congress?


Map- be able to locate the following places on a map; England, France, Spain, Russia, Songhai, Ottoman

Empire, China, Mughal Empire, Japan, Incan Empire, Mayan Empire, Aztec Empire , Germany, Italy, Portugal, India,

Prussia/ Germany , Haiti, South America, Mexico, Brazil, Silk Road,


Map- Put the following religions on the map; Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam , Buddhism

Short Answers- These are the exact questions you will see on the midterm. Be sure to back up your statements with detailed info.


Compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism. Give 2 ways in which they are similar, and two ways in which they are different.


What were some of the changing cultural values, traditions, and philosophies during the



What were the major motivations for exploration and analyze which you feel was the most influential in encouraging exploration. Please back up you ideas with evidence.


Out of the three main European absolute monarchs (Louis XIV, Frederick the

Great and Peter the Great) pick two and describe what effect did they have on their countries?


Compare and contrast John Locke’s and Thomas Hobbes’ views towards humans.

How did this view influence their feelings about the perfect kind of government?


Do you think the causes of the French Revolution were more economic or political in nature? Why?
