syllabus - sj MILLER

University of Missouri Kansas City
TE 494/5494:001 Capstone Middle School/Secondary English Language Arts
Number of Credits: 2
Instructor: Dr. sj Miller
Phone: 816.235.2467
Department: Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
Office: Room 320, SOE, Volk
Class Time, location: Volker Campus, SOE, RM 243
Office hours: M: 2:00-4:00PM
Mondays, Week 1, 7, 13: 4:30pm to 6:15pm
and by appointment
All on-line discussions will take place Monday night from 6-7:30pm.
Co-requisite: Current placement in Student Teaching
School of Education Mission Statement
To recruit, prepare, and support outstanding teachers, mental health professionals, and
administrators who will create lifelong opportunities through education for America’s diverse
urban communities. This mission is focused on the development of six concepts: academic
excellence; strategic innovation; inquiry leading to reflective decision-making and problemsolving; skilled and knowledgeable professionals working collaboratively; democracy, diversity,
and social justice; and creating caring and safe environments.
Course Description
This mostly on-line seminar is designed for students who are in their last professional semester of
the teacher education program, and are in a full time student teaching placement. The course will
serve as a culminating experience, drawing together, reviewing and expanding on major
concepts, which have been addressed throughout the previous three semesters and address
salient issues in your student teaching placement. During this class we will expand on the
following topics from prior courses including but not limited to: issues in school law, classroom
procedure theories and strategies, strategies for accommodating and assisting special needs
learners, building critical thinking activities into the curriculum, planning and implementing
authentic assessments, reflecting on social justice/injustice, discussing school bullying, and
examining the obligations, challenges, and realities of the teaching profession. This seminar will
provide you the opportunity to finalize the Teacher Work Sample.
University of Missouri – Kansas City Mission
UMKC’s mission is to lead in life and health sciences; to deepen and expand strength in the
visual and performing arts; to develop a professional workforce and collaborate in urban issues
and education; and to create a vibrant learning and campus life experience.
Values of the School of Education and University reflected in this course
Academic excellence as demonstrated in the use of best practices, and strong written and oral
communication skills. Inquiry leading to reflective decision-making and problem solving as
demonstrated in the use of critical thinking, ability to address real world challenges, and use of
practices informed by theory and research. Skilled and knowledgeable professionals working
collaboratively as demonstrated in the ability to work with students, families, communities, and
other professionals. Democracy and social justice as demonstrated in the respect given to
diversity of students and other professionals, and the awareness of the influence of cultural
identity on development, values, and worldviews. Creating caring and safe environments as
demonstrated in forming respectful relationships with students, committing to students’ social,
intellectual, and emotional development, and demonstrating concern for students’ health and
Intended Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to…
1. Understand the breadth and scope of federal, state, and local bodies of law that govern
education in America (MoSPE 3C1, InTASC standard 9, SOE values 1, 2, and 3, ELA 9).
2. Describe and demonstrate how to organize the classroom, manage records and
materials, create a classroom that is a safe and caring community, and respond to both
positive and negative student behaviors. (MoSPE 3C1, 3C2, 3C3; 51, 2, 3, 6C1 and 2,
7C5 InTASC standard 3, SOE value 5, ELA 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7).
3. Understand and be able to incorporate in all curriculum and classroom planning
strategies and protocols that meet the needs of all special needs learners. (MoSPE 3C2,
3, InTASC standard 2, SOE values 2 and 3, NCATE standard 4, ELA 5 and 7).
4. Understand the importance of teaching critical thinking, and describe how critical thinking
can be built into daily plans and classroom activities (MoSPE 4C1, 2, 3, InTASC standard
8, SOE values 2 and 5, NCATE standard 1, ELA 2, 3).
5. Describe and demonstrate the use of varied authentic assessment strategies for all
learning activities including formal and informal strategies (MoSPE 7C1, 2,3 4, InTASC
standard 6, SOE value 1. NCATE standard 2, ELA 6).
6. Understand and appreciate the nature of teaching as a profession, and all of the
challenges, obligations, and rewards that are a part of teaching in 21 st century America
(MoSPE 8C1, 2,3,9 C1, 2, 3, InTASC standard 9 and 10, SOE values 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5,
ELA 9 and 10).
Program Goals
This course will help you develop some of the competencies to complete the teacher education
program. In particular you will strengthen your skills in designing and implementing instructional
programs and strategies for diverse student populations; motivating students to read, write,
speak, listen, view, and visually represent. This course will help you with all the Mo-Spe
principles, with a particular focus on 3, 7, and 8 Keep a copy of these principles and reflect on
them often as you complete this course and your program.
Required materials and instructional strategies
Access to device/equipment for videotaping and for viewing learning segments taught during
class; flash drive/CD--to word process all learning segment plans and portfolio documents;
notebook--for taking class notes and class discussion reflections; binder or folders (for portfolios
and inquiry projects); Xeroxing costs--for duplicating learning segments/materials, and a UMKC
email address. Possible strategies employed--discussion, simulation, role-playing, modeling,
cooperative learning, large and small group activities, hands-on projects, providing for special
Required texts:
Ayers, W. (2010). To teach: The journey, in comics. New York: TCP Press.
Campbell, D., Cignetti, P.B., Melenyzer, B. J., Nettles, D.H., Wyman, R. (2013). How to develop a
professional portfolio 6th ed. New York: Pearson.
Common Core Standards for the Secondary Language Arts (2012). Download from
(Talk to a teacher in your school to locate this)
Recommended Link:
(FREE Information regarding MLA and APA format may be found at the following site:
Professional Dispositions
In this course, a high degree of professionalism is required from all students. This course will
strive to foster a respectful learning community. It is expected that community (class) members
will demonstrate intellectual maturity, democratic values and attitudes (respect, sensitivity,
responsibility, and cooperation). As future school leaders it is important to learn to be team
players and exemplary professionals. Please know that display of unprofessional dispositions will
affect your course grade. The instructor reserves the right to manage a positive learning
environment and thus will not condone inappropriate conduct in the course. Generally,
academic/professional misconduct by a student shall include, but not be limited to: disruption of
classes (side bar conversation), rudeness toward the instructor or other class members,
insensitivity, misrepresenting information presented in class, manipulative and negative behavior,
etc. Engagement in any of these behaviors carries penalty in terms of dismissal from the course,
significant point reduction including grade reduction by one letter grade, or course failure.
Responsibility- Completion of all assignments is necessary but not sufficient to pass the course.
As a community of learners, attendance and participation in discussions (in-class, during cohort
time and online) are extremely important. Students will have clear expectations for learning
activities and receive timely feedback. The basic premise in this course is that meaningful
learning results from a process of rational discourse. Your responsibilities are to take charge of
your learning and to maximize your learning by reading assigned materials, participating actively
in class discussions and other activities, respecting the dignity of each class member,
communicating legitimate needs and concerns to the instructor, completing required assignments
on time and with high quality, and keeping track of your assignments and progress in class. In
addition, your responsibility is to maximize learning opportunities for your classmates by sharing
with them your knowledge, insights and perspectives during the learning process.
Materials Submission and Access
Blackboard Course Management -Participation required of students.
Course Requirements and Evaluations
Discussion Leader/Original Responses 25%
Unpacking the Common Acsd. Stand
Revising/Updating 4 Tasks
Showcase portfolio
Professional dispositions
Class attendance, prep, participation
100 %
Grading Scale:
A 95-100
A- 90-94
B+ 86-89
B 83-85
C+ 76-79
C 73-75
D+ 67-69
D 64-66
F 0-59
B- 80-82
C- 70-72
D-- 60-63
*There is always a quality factor to everything you do in this course to prepare to become an
English teacher and to fine-tune your expert abilities. To receive an A, 90-100%, you'll have to
know your subject matter thoroughly, complete everything on time and with your best efforts,
demonstrate a clear understanding of literacy practices (with very few errors in formal situations
of reading and speaking, excellent writing skills, and proficiency with technology), come to class
on time, miss no more than one class, have insightful class contributions, solid learning
segments, and a mature teaching attitude on a regular basis.
Blackboard Discussion Leader/Original Responses (25%). You and a partner will be leading
seminar ONLINE, as it relates to class readings and your placements. You should be prepared to
participate in discussion by knowing the readings and having one salient question planned (20%
of the grade is for completing the full set of assignments with insight and command of the
language—up to 2% each; and 5% is for preparing and leading the class discussions with
meaningful contributions that show clear comprehension, deep reflection, and advancement of
topic, not just talking because it is your turn or to fill up space—up to .5% each.).
Participation norms:
1. By noon the day the discussion leaders are expected to upload a thought-provoking
question as it relates to the week’s readings/placements/”thinking prompts”. Look for the
connection(s) between the two. Feel free to invite discussion about what is working well
and solicit comments that reflect celebratory classroom or school-wide topics of note. If
in some cases where an issue is absolutely pressing, you can opt to use this format:
ERRs: Describe an event happened in class/ how you responded/ and ask for
recommendations for other possible responses.
2. Both you and your partner, in separate entries, are expected to be the first responders to
the question.
3. Each student is expected to respond three times to the discussion during the set time.
Basic rubric for the constructed question:
.5—The question contributed to the class discussion with meaningful contributions that
show comprehension, deep reflection, and advancement of topic. The question was
open ended (meaning did not lend itself to a simple “yes”/”no” but provoked ongoing
reflection) and was relevant to students’ field placements and course readings.
0—The question was not uploaded
Basic rubric for weekly Blackboard:
5—Student contributed to the on-line discussion on time with meaningful contributions
that showed clear comprehension, deep reflection, and advancement of topic. Student
made thoughtful comments or posed questions to at least 3 others in the class (unless
you were the first person in the thread). Comments were supported by resources and
masterful use of grammar and citations were used.
4- Student contributed to the on-line discussion with somewhat meaningful contributions
that showed strong comprehension, reflection, and somewhat advancement of topic.
Student made somewhat thoughtful comments or posed questions to at least 2 others in
the class. Comments were mostly supported by resources and effective use of grammar,
and citations were used.
3- Student contributed to the on-line discussion with adequate contributions that showed
moderate comprehension, reflection, and did not advance the thinking of topic. Student
made attempts to comment or posed questions to at least 1-2 others in the class but
conversation was attenuated. Comments were sometimes supported by resources
and use of grammar and citations were often marred by errors.
2- Student contributed to the on-line discussion with poor or attenuated contributions that
showed little comprehension, reflection, and no advancement of the thinking of topic.
Student made a brush stroke to comment or pose a question to others in the class but
attempt was shallow and superficial. Comments were rarely supported by resources
and use of grammar and citations were poorly constructed or included.
1- Assignments met all of the expectations to earn a "5" but the assignment was late.
0—Student did not contribute to discussion.
Unpacking the Common Core Standards or Core Academic Standards (10%) Each week, 4
students will upload into Blackboard a reflection of their assigned CAS SLA standards (students
will be assigned 2 standards each), and are asked to unpack, and explain what it means in the
context of the classroom, and from that, invite the class into a brainstorming session for
connecting it to a learning segment plan. Handouts to follow.
Participation norms:
1. By noon the day the CAS leaders are expected to upload their reflection.
2. Each student is expected to respond twice to each standards’ discussion during the set
Basic rubric for CAS response:
5—Student contributed to the on-line discussion on time with meaningful contributions
that showed clear comprehension, deep reflection, and advancement of topic. Student
made thoughtful comments or posed questions to at least 2 others in the class, supported
by resources and masterful use of grammar and citations (when necessary) were used.
4- Student contributed to the on-line discussion with somewhat meaningful contributions
that showed strong comprehension, reflection, and somewhat advancement of topic.
Student made somewhat thoughtful comments or posed questions to at least 2 others
student in the class. Comments were mostly supported by resources and effective use of
grammar and citations (when necessary) were used.
3- Student contributed to the on-line discussion with adequate contributions that showed
moderate comprehension, reflection, and did not advance the thinking of topic. Student
made attempts to comment or posed questions to at least 2 others in the class but
conversation was attenuated. Comments were sometimes supported by resources
and use of grammar and citations (when necessary) were often marred by errors.
2- Student contributed to the on-line discussion with poor or attenuated contributions that
showed little comprehension, reflection, and no advancement of the thinking of topic.
Student made a brush stroke to comment or pose a question to others in the class but
attempt was shallow and superficial. Comments were rarely supported by resources
and use of grammar and citations (when necessary) were poorly constructed or
1- Assignments met all of the expectations to earn a "5" but the assignment was late.
0—Student did not contribute to discussion
4 Tasks Revision/Updating (20%)- Each of the four tasks will be revised/updated/completed to
align with the contexts in which you are teaching. By week 7, please resubmit your 4 tasks
electronically to me. Please submit a detailed list of changes being as specific as possible about
why you made the changes you did.
*Keep a copy of each of the four tasks to put in your Showcase Portfolio below.
Showcase Portfolio (15%) - Your final Showcase Portfolio is designed to help you with the
interview process. What you put into it will reflect on your professionalism and commitment to the
teaching profession, and in securing a possible job. Make your portfolio reflect your personality.
We will have a mock interview for you to practice discussing your portfolio.
For your portfolio, please include the following items: A Table of Contents, Resume,
Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, A Professional Photo, Teaching Philosophy, 4
Tasks, Learning segment and Unit Plans, Student Work (names must be removed),
Student Teaching Evaluations, Awards, Publications, Certification, Praxis Scores, Copies
of Clearances, and anything else that you think will enhance your marketability.
Professional Dispositions (5%)- The dispositions that you currently possess and which will
develop over the course of this professional teacher preparation program are of great importance,
as your professional dispositions strongly influence your attitudes and behaviors in the classroom.
UMKC’s School of Education has identified the most critical of dispositions on the Fitness to
Teach form. As a professional educator, you are expected to meet the acceptable behaviors for
the indicators on the Fitness to Teach form. You will not be able to pass the course and enter the
Teaching Internship if you have any “unacceptable” areas on the Fitness to Teach. You are also
responsible for maintaining weekly contact with your University Supervisor, which will be
explained to you by him/her. Formats may vary.
Participation (20%)- Includes on-line and face-to-face attendance, promptness, demonstration of
professional conduct and attitudes, participation in class discussions, and use of technology
where appropriate. Being more than 10 minutes late for class or leaving early without advance
notice will count as an absence. Besides leading one or more of the text discussions, class
participation strength will be demonstrated when we have discussions of learning segments and
films, when we are teaching and learning, and when we provide written and oral feedback for the
teaching demonstrations. You will have in-class and out-of-class responsibilities every week.
Your willing participation and positive attitude are a necessary component for you to succeed in
this class; your grade for class participation at the end of the course will be based on your timely
fulfillment of class responsibilities and mature attitude in all class activities. Each week will
contain important information besides discussing texts and projects and teaching learning
segments, so it is essential that you come to class. Please read this policy again so that there will
be no misunderstanding if your grade suffers because you were not prompt and professional
about attendance and preparation. *Absence is not an excuse for being uninformed: you are
responsible for any and all information presented at class meetings. (MoSPE 1.2.5; SOE
#1,2, 3; InTASC #10; NCATE standard 1)*
Professional Links
Curriculum Resources
 Activists in the pursuit of social justice –
 “Can’t let it all go unsaid: Sistahs reading, writing, and photographing their lives” –
 Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning –
 Clearinghouse on Reading, English, & Communication –
 Going Public With Our Teaching –
 Library of Congress’s Teacher Resources –
 Links to literature available online –
 Links to writing and grammar sites –
 Online Student Publishing & Writing Resources –
 Philadelphia Young Playwrights –
 Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab –
 Publishing student writing –,,,
 ReadWriteThink -
 The Online Books Page –
 Traci’s Lists of Ten –
 American Educational Research Association –
 Center for Community Change –
 Coalition of Essential Schools –
 Educators for Social Responsibility –
 Good Schools Pennsylvania –
 NCEA (National Coalition of Education Activists) -
 NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) –
 Rethinking Schools –
 Teachers & Writers Collaborative (NYC) –
 Teaching for Change –
 Teaching Tolerance
Professional Development Resources
 Bread Loaf School of English (invigorating summer study opportunity for secondary teachers) –
 Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning –
 Center for the Study of Teaching & Policy –
 Digital storytelling for teachers –
 Delaware Reading & Writing Project –
 Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education –
 English Language, Literature, and Composition: Content Knowledge (Praxis II Test)
 ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) –
 The Freedom Writers Diary –;
 Integrated Learning Communities –
 National Writing Project –
 Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education –
 Research for Action –
 Teachers College Record –
Statement on Classroom Civility, Professional Conduct, & Student Responsibility
Students are expected to come to class on time with necessary materials (paper, highlighters,
pen, texts, assignments) and be prepared to discuss pre-assigned assignments. Cell phones
and pagers are to be turned off always during class, no exceptions! I do not want anyone to text
message during class. Grades will be reflected by non-compliance to these actions.
Assignments- All assignments must be turned in during class time and NOT via email.
•All assignments must have in the upper left hand corner of the page:
o Student name
o Course name and semester
o Assignment name or code
o Date
All assignments must be created as Microsoft documents. All assignments must be turned in by
the due date specified. Late assignments are NOT permitted.
Attendance- Attend every class session, come on time, and stay for the full session. Tardiness
or early departure will result in the loss of participation points (This does not apply to students
with class overlaps who have made arrangements prior to the beginning of the semester.)
Remain in the classroom while the class is in session. Contact the instructor via e-mail no later
that 1 hour before class, if you must miss a class. Sign the clipboard at each class session. If
your name does not appear on the sign-in sheet you will be counted absent. More than 1
absence will affect the final grade. Your final grade will be reduced by 5% if you have 2
unexcused absences. Each unexcused absence after the 2nd will result in a 1% reduction of
your final grade per day. *Absence is not an excuse for being uninformed: you are
responsible for any and all information presented at class meetings.
Communication with Me- Please communicate with the instructor via e-mail at: Please do not ask the instructor for information which you can get from
other sources. You should ask the instructor only those questions that can be answered only by
the instructor. All other questions should be resolved through use of the Internet, the Blackboard
site, or a “study buddy.” When addressing your instructors, whether in person or via e-mail,
please speak respectfully and thoughtfully.
Emergency Closing Procedures – Classes are rarely cancelled because of weather – a
decision that can be made only by the chancellor. If class cannot meet due to weather, I will put
an announcement on the course Blackboard website and send an e-mail to class members via
the UMKC e-mail system. The public radio station at the university, KCUR - FM 89.5 should be
the first place you check. Students should also use the major media to ascertain if the university
is closed. In the event that class cannot meet, the Blackboard system may be utilized for
instruction in lieu of in-class attendance.
Incompletes-No incompletes will be given in this course unless there is some serious,
unforeseen disruption of the student’s semester, i.e., illness, accident, family crisis.
Participation - Students should be respectful of one another and not talk while another student is
talking. Your willing participation and positive attitude are a necessary component for you to
succeed in this class; and entails your timely fulfillment of class responsibilities and mature
attitude in all class activities. Each week will contain important information besides discussing
texts and projects and teaching learning segments, so it is essential that you come to class.
Please read this policy again so that there will be no misunderstanding if your grade suffers
because you were not prompt and professional about attendance and preparation. Students are
expected to participate in all class discussions whether whole class or small group. Students are
expected to focus on the instructor and the class activities while in class. Please, NO CELL
teaching placements!) unless invited for a particular pre-assigned assignment. Each student
should select at least 1 “study buddy” for this class. You and this person should take notes for
each other, get handouts, and convey announcements and information which the “buddy” might
have missed due to absence.
Written Work--All written work should be typed and double-spaced, preferably MLA, with a cover
page giving student’s name, date, course number, and type of assignment. Assignments must be
turned in during class.
University Policies and Student Support That Apply to This Class
Academic Honesty- The Board of Curators of the University of Missouri recognizes that
academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life of the University. Faculty members have a
special obligation to expect high standards of academic honesty in all student work. Students
have a special obligation to adhere to such standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating,
plagiarism or sabotage, is adjudicated through the University of Missouri Student Conduct Code
Computer Access – Students are encouraged to use the UMKC e-mail system and the course
Blackboard website to communicate and to access up-to-date information. All e-mail
communications regarding this course will be through your assigned UMKC e-mail account.
Student Computer Lab / Writing Support – The Computer Lab/STAR and the Technology
Learning Lab/TLL are located in Room 129 in the School of Education and are available for use
by all students. Students who desire assistance with written assignments may contact the UMKC
Writing Lab at 816.235.1146.
English Proficiency—Students who encounter difficulty in their courses because of the English
proficiency of their instructors should speak directly with their instructors. If additional assistance
is needed, they may contact the UMKC Help Line at 816-235-2222 for assistance.
Final Exam Schedule: The final exam schedule for all classes can be found at:
Grievance procedures- The School of Education has policies in place for assisting students with
concerns and grievances. The General Grievance / Complaint Policy can be found here in The
School of Education procedure for a grade appeal. If you have other concerns, you should follow
a similar process. The first step is to meet with the course instructor. If there is no satisfactory
resolution of the problem, you may bring your concern to the Division chairperson. We
recommend that you send the chairperson your concern in writing and request a meeting. If the
chairperson is unable to resolve the issue, your next step would be to contact Assistant Dean
Christine Timmerman. Once again, we recommend that you send your concern in writing and
follow-up with a request for a meeting.
Statement on Discrimination, Intimidation, and Sexual Harassment- The faculty,
administration, staff, and students of the University of Missouri-Kansas City are dedicated to the
pursuit of knowledge and the acquisition of skills that will enable us to lead rich and full lives. We
can pursue these ends only in a culture of mutual respect and civility. It is thus incumbent upon all
of us to create a culture of respect everywhere on campus and at all times through our actions
and speech.
As a community of learners, we are committed to creating and maintaining an environment on
campus that is free of all forms of harassment, intimidation, and discrimination. Any form of
discrimination or coercion based on race, color, religion, sex (gender/ pregnancy), national origin,
age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic will not be tolerated.
Should you, a friend, or a colleague ever experience any action or speech that feels coercive or
discriminatory, you should report this immediately to the department chair, the office of the Dean,
and/or the Affirmative Action Office. The Affirmative Action Office, which is ultimately responsible
for investigating all complaints of discrimination or sexual harassment, is located at 218A
Administrative Center, 5115 Oak Street; the office may be contacted at 816-235-1323. All formal
complaints will be investigated and appropriate action taken. See:
Harassment_20080902.pdf, with adaptations by Michael Garvin)
Student Conduct expectations and sanctions for violations, including academic dishonesty (like
see: .
Students with Disabilities -- To obtain disability related accommodations and/or auxiliary aids,
students with disabilities must contact the Office of Students with Disabilities (OSSD) as soon as
possible. To contact OSSD, call 816-235-5696. Once verified, OSSD will notify the course
instructor and outline the accommodation and/or auxiliary aids to be provided. For more
information go to:
Student Evaluation of Teaching – It is the policy of UMKC that student evaluations of the
instructor’s teaching will be conducted in all classes. A nationally-normed teaching evaluation
instrument will be administered via an online survey that provides student anonymity at the end of
the semester.
UMKC Attendance Policy - Students are expected to attend and participate in the class.
However, excused absences may be permitted and applied in a nondiscriminatory manner.
Excused absences may include absences due to illness of the student, illness of an immediate
family member for whom the student must care, death of a family member, religious observance
(where the nature of the observance prevents the student from being present during class)
representation of UMKC in an official capacity, and other compelling circumstances which are
beyond the student’s control. Students should notify instructors of excused absences in advance
of the absence, where possible. Students may miss one class without penalty, however any work
that is due for the date missed, must be submitted to my mailbox. Unexcused absences should
be avoided and may result in the lowering of a student’s grade.
Withdrawal dates – The University has very specific guidelines on withdrawing from classes.
There are important financial and assessment implications of trying to drop a course after the
School of Education Resources & University Policies
UFirst Early Alert Program (for undergraduate students) - UMKC Faculty and Staff are
committed to assisting you as you work to achieve academic success. We have “U First”, an
early alert program that allows your course instructor or other university staff to issue “early
alerts” if they become concerned about your successful academic progress or if you express a
concern to them regarding your ability to achieve success at UMKC. As a follow up to the “early
alert” you may be contacted by an Academic Adviser or other university support staff to provide
you information, resources, or referrals to help you address the concern and to provide you with
additional support to assist you in achieving the highest possible level of academic success while
working to complete your UMKC degree.
Faculty Not Allowing Recording - University of Missouri System Executive Order No. 38 lays
out principles regarding the sanctity of classroom discussions at the university. The policy is
described fully in Section 200.015 of the Collected Rules and Regulations. In this class, students
may not make any audio or video recordings of course activity (including those recordings
prepared by an instructor), except students permitted to record as an accommodation under
Section 240.040 of the Collected Rules. All other students who record and/or distribute audio or
video recordings of class activity are subject to discipline in accordance with provisions of Section
200.020 of the Collected Rules and Regulations of the University of Missouri pertaining to student
conduct matters.
Those students who have written permission from the course instructor to record are not
permitted to redistribute any audio or video recordings of statements or comments from the
course to individuals who are not students in the course without the express permission of the
faculty member and of any students who are recorded, including those recordings prepared by an
instructor. Students found to have violated this policy are subject to discipline in accordance with
provisions of Section 200.020 of the Collected Rules and Regulations of the University of
Missouri pertaining to student conduct matters.
Tentative Course Schedule: (Please keep in your folder and bring to class each week)
We will have three face-to-face meetings (weeks 1, 7, and 13) and the rest are on-line. I reserve
the right to add an additional face-to-face meeting, if absolutely critical.
Week 1-M Jan. 27
Student info, Syllabus (provided you “thinking prompts” under each week to help
move you into the readings), Review 4 Tasks, Discussion leaders, Participation
Norms, Common Academic Standards Discussant and Explanation (handouts
and sign up), Explain options for ERR, NEEDS ASSESSMENT, Set classroom
goals; Start compiling your professional portfolio (work on your *resume)
interviews, etc., I model a CC RL1 standard
Get course materials; obtain a copy of the Student handbook for your school,
identify concerns or gaps- what is equitable/inequitable? Start working on a
resume- although not for a grade, I am happy to offer feedback (up to you when
you send); Weekly Blackboard
Week 2M Feb. 3
Thinking Prompt: What did you find supports equitable learning opportunities in
your schools? What are some of your concerns? What could you do to address
those issues?
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
Note important areas for yourself in Campbell Chptrs 1, 2, 5, 7 and Appendix B
(consider making a brochure for Job Fair); Read Ayers, 1-3; Weekly Blackboard;
*Optional-send me your resume for feedback
Week 3--
REVISITING METHODS- Unpacking Reading Literature Standards and
Revisiting Classroom Norms
Thinking Prompt: How are your classroom procedures/norms working? Any
thoughts about revision? How can we reconcile Ayers reflections on teaching
with the expectations of the CAS? How do we build those bridges and
connections? Sign up for Mock Interviews
M 10
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 1: RL2: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 2: RL3: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 3: RL4: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 4: RL5: ________________________________
Read Ayers 4-6; Weekly Blackboard; Sign up for Mock Interviews, Keep
Assembling Portfolio
Week 4-M 17
THE COMMON CORE- Connecting Literature Standards to your Classes
Thinking Prompt: Unpacking the CC as it relates to your learning segments,
taking into account Ayers, how do you “liberate” a classroom when the CAS are
indoctrinating particular values and beliefs? Why is it important to crystallize
student artifacts?
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 1: RL6: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 2: RL7: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 3: RL8: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 4: RL9: ________________________________
Finish Ayers; Weekly Blackboard, Keep Assembling Portfolio
Week 5-M 24
Thinking Prompt: Reading Informational texts are expected to cut across 70% of
all courses combined, accounting for Ayers last two chapters, what might it look
like to teach RI in your classroom? How can it be liberatory? What would/could
reading non-fiction look like to help students participate in civic engagement?
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 1: RL10: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 2: RI1: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 3: RI2: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 4: RI3: ________________________________
Weekly Blackboard, Keep Assembling Portfolio
Week 6-M Mar. 3
Thinking Prompt: What concerns do you have about teaching reading? How is
assessment going? Have you discovered anything out of the ordinary that you
can share?
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 1: RI4: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 2: RI5: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 3: RI6: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 4: RI7: ________________________________
Read over, make notes and bring the CAS for Language, submit revisions of 4
Tasks, as one document to me. No Blackboard
*Week 7--
Face-to-Face Meeting
Thinking Prompt: based on your impression of the language standards, what
concerns do you have about teaching them? What have you done successfully to
teach them?
M 10
Discussions about portfolio, Revisiting 4 Tasks; Introduce capital W of CAS;
the L of the CAS; touching base
Weekly Blackboard, Keep Assembling Portfolio
Week 8-M 17
Thinking Prompt: What is surprising you about teaching? How are your
pedagogies reflecting your true classroom practice? Any revisions needed?
Describe some favorite moments about teaching writing so far.
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 1: RI8: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 2: RI9: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 3: RI10: _______________________________
CAS Discussant 4: W1: ________________________________
Finish Campbell, Chptrs 3, 4, 6, Weekly Blackboard, Keep Assembling Portfolio
Week 9-M 31
Thinking Prompt: Describe a lesson about how you plan to teach any type of
writing activity. What concerns do you have? What topics have you found peak
high student interest? What strategies have you employed
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 1: W2: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 2: W3: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 3: W4 _______________________________
CAS Discussant 4: W5: ________________________________
Weekly Blackboard, Keep Assembling Portfolio
Week 10-M Apr. 7
Thinking Prompt: How are you assessing writing? What is working well? What
concerns do you have?
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 1: W6: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 2: W7: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 3: W8 _______________________________
CAS Discussant 4: W9: ________________________________
Consider Making a Handout for your Interviews, Weekly Blackboard, Keep
Assembling Portfolio
Week 11-M 14
Thinking Prompt: Describe a lesson you plan to teach or have taught that
includes the SL standards. What topics do you think will or has been engaging?
Online Discussion Leaders: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 1: W10: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 2: SL1: ________________________________
CAS Discussant 3: SL3 _______________________________
CAS Discussant 3: SL4: ________________________________
Complete your Final Portfolio for face-to-face interview weeks 13 and 14, Final
Weekly Blackboard
Week 12--
Thinking Prompt: Looking back over the semester and your readings last
semester, recall some of the high points in your field placement: How have you
grown? What has most surprised you? What's been the most humbling?
M 21
Online Discussion Leaders: ___________________________
CAS Discussant 2: SL5: _______________________________
CAS Discussant 3: SL6 _______________________________
Complete your Final Portfolio
*Week 13--
Face-to-face meeting
Final showcase portfolio collected, Course evaluation, course goals
M 28
Week 14--
TBA- if needed
Outcomes /
the breadth
and scope of
state, and
local bodies
of law that
education in
2. Describe
how to
organize the
records and
create a
that is a safe
and caring
and respond
to both
positive and
and be able
in all
and protocols
that meet the
needs of all
Values /
1, 2,3
1, 4
Analysis of
2, 3
the Common
51, 2,
3, 6C1
and 2,
1, 3, 4, 5,
and 7
1, 4
2,3 4
2,5, 6,7
2, 6
learners and
5. Describe
the use of
strategies for
all learning
formal and
of teaching
thinking, and
describe how
thinking can
be built into
daily plans
the nature of
teaching as a
and all of the
and rewards
that are a
part of
teaching in
21st century
2, 3
1, 2,3
C1, 2,
1,2,3,4, 5,
9 , 10
9 and