Executive Overview - Interoperability Clearinghouse

Interoperability Clearinghouse (ICH)
Non-Profit Research Institute, 501.C6
Assuring the Business Value
of Technology
Senior Leadership Capability Briefing
January 2010
904 Clifton Drive * Alexandria * Virginia 22308
* www.IT-AAC.org * (703) 768-0400
ICH Overview
Assuring The Business Value of Technology
Improving IT Acquisition Efficiency and Effectiveness
Services: Objective, transparent, conflict free, Top Secret …
Methods: Measurable, repeatable, proven...
Achieving predictable outcomes & cost avoidance...
Assuring tech enabled missions; Cyber Security, HealthIT,
Business Systems, IT Infrastructure, InfoSharing
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
The IT Acquisition Challenge
Wave 3 Technologies can’t be acquired using Wave 2 processes…
 We are in early stages of Wave 3 information technology
Information Driven Capability
 Mainframe and Client-Server waves remain in place
3. Internet - Cloud
• Virtualized compute; global
network enabled, plug & play
• IT Infrastructure decoupled from
• COTS & OSS Integration,
Software as a Service
 Waves represent many co-dependent technologies,
matured over time
 Adding functional capability has
become easier with each new wave
 But enterprise infrastructure
gaps & vulnerabilities have
become more critical
2. Client/Server - Decentralized
• PC enabled and network
• Software distributed in both server and client
• Heavy focus on software development
1. Centralized - Mainframe
• Central computer center, slow turn around
• One size fits all
• Limited reuse of application modules
Information Technology Evolution
DoD is using Wave 2 acquisition & budget processes; to acquire Wave 3 capability
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Maximizing Innovations of the Market
An honest broker for buyers and sellers
ICH provides a highly ethical interchange between buyers and suppliers of innovative
 Expose to Decision Makers Innovations of the Market; Cyber Security, Health IT, IT Infrastructure,
Bus Systems, InfoSharing
 Streamline IT Requirements, align with Architecture, Engineering and Acquisition Processes.
 Reduce “cost of sales” and barriers to entry for small, innovative companies
 Provide contract vehicles and forums for innovators to validate their value proposition to enterprise
 Define Realm of the Possible with many communities of practice (COTS, Open Source)
 Provide standardized decision frameworks that accelerate IT investments decisions with Stake
Holder Business Objectives and Mission Outcomes.
 De-conflict the IT requirements, architecture & acquisition processes.
 Assist integrators and major suppliers in identifying and validating technical solutions for inclusion in
major contract actions.
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
ICH’s Methods & Tools
Trusted Research Coop … 10 Years of Refinement
Acquisition Assessment Method (AAM)
• Decision analytics for rapid AoA, EoA, BCA, Risk and Technical Assessments
• Measurable, repeatable and sustainable method to enable cost avoidance and savings
• Incorporates by reference: SOA best practices, IT Infrastructure Libraries (ITIL) and
Evidenced Based Research (EBR)
Solution Architecture Innovation Lab (SAIL)
• Open and Inclusive structure by which innovators can validate their technologies
• Reusable solution architecture templates for e-Gov, IT Infrastructure,
Cyber-Security & Health IT
• Leverages existing testing and implementation results from multiple communities
• GSA, Sole Source and OTA Contract vehicles for rapid innovation discovery.
IT-Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC)
• A non-partisan Government and industry think tank created to drive sustainable IT
Acquisition Reform
• Leverages expertise from academia, standards bodies, innovators and COIs
• Non-Profit
interchange for senior
level leadership
ICH Proprietary
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www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Advisory and Analytical Services
Studies and Assessments
Strategic IT Assessment: Emerging Technologies, SOA, Business Systems, Cyber, Health IT ICH
Transition Architectures and Gap Analysis
Architecture Alignment: Aligning EA with Acquisition Strategies for line of sight
Performance Metrics and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Technology Readiness and Maturity Assessments using Evidenced Based Research
Acquisition Advisory and Decision Analytics
Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Business Case Analysis (BCA), Evaluation of Alternatives (EoA)
Value Stream Analysis: Requirements & Capability Gap Analysis
Standardized Metrics; Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) and Service Level Agreement (SLAs)
Economic Planning and Analysis: 8-Step Process
Strategic planning and alignment
Direct Market and Industry Surveys
 Solution Architecture Innovation Lab (SAIL), collaborative approach for defining realm of the possible
 Conflict Free Research: More directed program and quality executive decisions
 Solution Architecture Working Groups and Conferences that reach innovations of the market
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
SAIL Portfolio Impacts
Reduced Acquisition Time-line and Costs
Time & Cost Delta
Confidence Level
Predictable Outcomes
Risk Delta
Strategy * Capability Definition * Technical Validation * AoA * BCA
Acquisition Strategy * Source Selection
Redundant Decision Analytics
SAIL Collaborative Research and Validation
Acceptable Risk Level
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC)
Providing our National IT Leadership with an
Actionable Roadmap for IT Acquisition Reform
– Honorable Michael Wynn, former Secretary of USAF
– Honorable Dave Oliver, former OSD ATL, EADS
– Lt General (ret) Jack Woodward USAF, former AF Deputy CIO
and Joint Staff J6
– Army Gen (ret) Steven Boutelle, former Army G6, CISCO
– AF General (ret) Thomas Verbeck, ICH Director
– Dr. Marv Langston, former OSD C3I DCIO, ICH CTO
– AF General (ret) Paul Nielson, CEO, SEI CMU
– RADM (ret) Lenn Vincent, Industry Chair, DAU
– Vint Cert, Founder of the Internet, Google
– Dr. Robert Childs, President, NDU
– Dave Patterson, former OSD Comptroller, University Of
– Jim Young, former CIA, Google
– Larry Allen, Executive Director, Coalition for Government
– Ed Black, President, Computers & Communications
Industry Consortia
– Barry Robella, Professor of Systems Engineering,
Defense Acquisition University
– Stephen Buckley, Kerberos Consortia, MIT Sloan
– Al Mink, Vice President SRA
– Edward Hammersla, EVP Trusted Computing Solutions
– William Lucyshyn, Director of Research, School of Public
Policy, U of MD
– Dan Johnson, Sr. Council, Computers &
Communications Industry Association
– Alan Balutis, CISCO Systems
– Kirk Phillips, the Kirk Group
– John Weiler, Founder, Chief Strategist,
– Frank Weber, former AF ESC 554 Wing Commander
– Marty Evans, former AF AQI Director
– Kevin Carroll, former Army PEO EIS, ICH Corp Relations
– Charles Tompkins Esq., Chair Systems Management Dept,
– Paul Brubaker, former OSD C3I DCIO, CISCO
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Predictable Results
Repeatable, measurable, sustainable success
Navy: Assessment of AFLOAT Program –
CANES SOA & Security Strategy
USAF: Streamlined COTS Acquisition
Process. Applied to Server Virtualization.
USAF: Procurement of E-FOIA
System using AAM
Eliminated hi-risk Requirements by
23%, $100Ms in potential savings
Established optimal arch with ROI of
450% & $458 million savings
Completed AoA, BCA, AQ Selection
in just 4 months
USMC: AoA and BusCase for Cross
Domain, Thin Client Solutions
GSA: Financial Mgt System consolidation
using AAM.
BTA: Assessment of External DoD
Hosting Options using AAM
Greatly Exceeded Forecasted Saving
in both analysis and acquisition
Moved FMS from OMB “red” to
“green”. Eliminated duplicative
investments that saved $200M
$300 million in potential savings with
minimal investment
BTA: Apply AAM to complete AoA and
BCA for Hosting and SOA
GPO: Developed Acquisition Strategy for
Future Digital System
JFCOM: MNIS Evaluation of Alternatives
for Cross Domain Solutions
Reduced average cycle time and cost
of Analysis by 80%
Led to successful acquisition and
implementation on time, on budget
and 80% cheaper than NARA RMS
Evaluated 100’s of Options in 90 days,
enabling stake holder buy in and
source selection.
“We have put to practice the AF Solution Assessment Process (ASAP) at the Air Force Communications Agency (AFCA) with some well documented success. It
was developed with Interoperability Clearinghouse (ICH) and provides a structured and measurable IT assessment process with the agility to provide decisionquality assessments ranging from quick-looks to more in-depth capability-focused technology assessments and lightweight business case analysis.”
General Mike Peterson, AF CIO
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
703-768-0400 info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
In Review: Business Case
ICH’s ounce of prevention in these lean times…
 Open & Inclusive Structure
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute: Conflict free support and secure services
Access to market innovations and lessons learned: Rapidly applied to the Government
39 public/private partnerships, 3,000 industry fellows: Massive “think tank”
Top Secret Clearances, Access to tens of thousands of SMEs
 Repeatable, Measurable, Standardized Methods (Decision Analytics)
 Acquisition Assurance Method (AAM) streamlines JCIDS and AoA
 Evidenced Based Research (EBR) validates assumptions and vendor claims
 Solution Architecture Innovation Lab (SAIL) captures realm of the possible
 Streamlined Studies, Assessments and Analysis Services
 AoA, EoV, BCA (ROI) and Risk Assessments at a fraction of the cost and time
 Reusable studies and benchmarks: COTS, Open Source, ERP, Infrastructure and SOA
 LEAN Six Sigma, Solution Architecture, IT Acquisition, Portfolio Mgt, SOA Governance, ITIL/VCA
 Assured Mission Outcomes, Low Cost: AF, Navy, USMC, BTA, JFCOM, GSA
 Evidenced Based Research derived from real world results
 Reduced acquisition time-line, measurable and predictable outcomes
 Significant cost-avoidance and savings, reduced analysis/paralysis
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Contacts & Contract Vehicles
ICH Leadership
Honorable Michael “Mike” Wynne, 21st Secretary of the USAF, Chairman Advisory Council
Kirk Phillips, Executive Director
Dr. Marv Langston, Chief Technology Officer
Kevin Carroll, Director Corporate Relations
John Weiler, Founder, Chief Strategist
John Bird, Director of Strategic Partnerships
ICH/IT-AAC Contract Options
 GSA Schedule 70, 5 Firm Fixed Price offerings under $500K
 GSA MOBIS, Small Business
 FAR 6-302 Sole Source Pilots
 SOSSEC Other Transaction Authority (OTA)
Sub Contractor:
 SAF/FM A&AS (Kerney)
 Seaport IDIQ
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Backup Slides
"Weapons systems depend on stable requirements, but with IT, technology
changes faster than the requirements process can keep up," he said. "It
changes faster than the budget process and it changes faster than the
acquisition milestone process. For all these reasons, the normal acquisition
process does not work for information technology.” DepSec Bill Lynn
statement at the 2009 Defense IT Acquisition Summit hosted by IT-AAC
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Typical ICH Engagement Profile
from past AAM Successes
(6 months vs 36 months)
1. Readiness Assessment / Baseline Analysis: Gaps and cost of current Process/Tech Baseline.
2. Facilitated Value Chain Analysis (VCA) Working Groups: Agree on Measure of Effectiveness
3. Capability Analysis: What capabilities & services exist that can be readily leveraged (the known)
4. Transformation Roadmap: What it will take to close the capability gap, what is expected ROI.
5. Pilot Implementation of enhanced Governance and Streamlined Acquisition Methods (AAM
6. Evaluation of Alternative, Business Case Analysis and Acquisition Strategy.
Mitre Assessment of ICH “... the concept of the Interoperability Clearinghouse is sound and vital. Its
developing role as an honest broker of all interoperability technologies, no matter what the source, is
especially needed. Such efforts should be supported by any organization that wants to stop putting all of its
money into maintaining archaic software and obtuse data formats, and instead start focusing on bottom-line
issues of productivity and cost-effective use of information technology.”
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org
Critical Success Factors for Acquisition Assurance
ICH compliments existing federal resources
Contractor Type
CSF for IT
Non-profit Research
Institute (ie. ICH)
System Integrator
Open, inclusive
structure by which
innovations of the
market can be quickly
 ICH Does not buy, sell,
develop or test any IT,
while integrating many
communities of practice.
 reseller agreements &  Best suited for
implementation interests assessment of specific
cannot be firewalled.
 Best suited for R&D
activities associated with
specific solutions
CCA; Access to
commercial best
practices, Lessons
 ICH brings forward 38
PPP and access to over
100K SMEs
 focus on stock holder
value and profit disincent
reuse of 3rd party
 FFRDC restrictions
prevent partnering with
industry, limited access
to real world expertise.
 Focus on research
issues. Most work done
by students.
 SI focus is butts in
seats, limiting ability to
bring in real experts
 Often have higher
percent of SMEs with
advanced degrees.
 Often have higher
percent of SMEs with
advanced degrees.
Ability to leverage a
 Virtual corporation
wide range of expertise model leverages widest
& SMEs
range of expertise.
2009 NDAA Sec 803
Tech Clearinghouse
2010 NDAA Sec 804
New IT Acqu Process
 Organically structured
for reuse. Already proven
method for Rapid IT
Acquisition (AAM)
OMB A119; requires
 AAM is a proven
standards over MilSpec standard for acquisition
501.C6 Non-Profit Research Institute
 Evidences suggests
 Not a focus area of
little incentive to use
COTS, prefer costly build
to spec model.
 Commercial entity
cannot set standards.
Offer proprietary only.
 Not a focus area
 Cannot set standards.  Cannot set standards
ICH Proprietary
© 1999- 2009 All Rights Reserved
info@ICHnet.org www.ICHnet.org www.IT-AAC.org