Characteristics of Distance Learners Jack Kelly 1/25/13 The Student and Distance Education Set 1 (Answer 3) 1. List and briefly describe three characteristics of distance learners. A commitment to learning is one characteristic of distance learners. These learners are interested to gain the knowledge from the course since they signed up for it. In addition, distance learners are self-motivated since distance education requires a more active role from the learner. These learners are self-starters who are engaged in learning the subject matter with particular interest in getting what they need from the course. 2. What is one way that distance education courses can help schools and learners? Distance education courses bring specific educational expertise and those learners interested in that subject area together. When a school does not have that expertise in house, it can tap into that specific subject area through another location within the school district (or an entire district could access expertise globally). When there are too few students within a school to justify a class on that subject area, they can join others from around the state (or the world) to learn it. So learners have the opportunity to explore areas of interest through distance learning that may not be locally available. 4. Describe two differences in responsibilities of students enrolled in a synchronous vs. asynchronous distance course. In a synchronous distance course, student members participate together at the same time, which means that students in different time zones than the instructor may need to adjust their work or social schedule in order to attend the course sessions. It may be the student’s responsibility to arrange for recording of sessions s/he could not attend in order to “attend” at another time. Distance learners in synchronous courses need to focus on the discussion topics. Students are expected to participate and need to avoid extraneous conversations during the distance course as this noise interferes with other learners participating. With asynchronous distance courses, the student determines what time works best for himself/herself each week to complete the course activities making sure to set aside the necessary time each week to do this. Participation in this form of a distance course usually involves online discussion forums where each learner posts comments or questions at the time s/he has set aside each week. Here it is up to the learner to follow Netiquette rules to stay on topic and be respectful of classmates. Set 2 (Answer 1) 1. As a distance learner, what area(s) did this chapter NOT address that you think is (are) important? As someone who always finds the discussion with classmates after a session ends as informative, this was not mentioned. Usually conversations happen and other students can explain something in terms I understand better than the instructor’s content. Or the conversation will reveal something I don’t remember hearing in the lecture. These conversations are casual and happen during the move out of the classroom and potentially during free time after the class. Courses that involve on-line lectures are initiated and terminated by the instructor. The use of the chat tool incorporated during the lecture is not possible, since the instructor terminates the lecture recording session immediately after it is completed. Even though discussion forums were mentioned in the text, these are not exactly the same thing. Most discussion forums are set up around exercises, and not all distance education courses utilize discussion forums. Learner Development: Beyond the technology Set 1 (Answer 3) 1. According to the reading, why are distance learners sometimes at a disadvantage? Traditional learners are usually presented with a wealth of information about course listings, student services, library resources, and more. This information prepares the students on what to expect in their course of study and in using the facilities. Distance learners do not necessarily have this information made available to them. Most content for distance learners is lacking in preparing them about the technology they will use. Distance learners are simply provided with the basics during their first class session. Sometimes technology support is limited for distance learners. 2. What are some “requirements” of a distance learner? Why are these different (or similar) to traditional students? Distance learners need to be more focused, be better time managers, be selfdisciplined, be self-motivated, be assertive, persevere, and be able to work independently. Traditional students have the educational setting to help isolate some of their learning activities from the others in their lives. But distance learners do not necessarily have this separation so they need to be more disciplined and focus on what they are doing and manage their time better in order to be available for the distance course and complete assignments by their due dates. Both distance and traditional students are active learners taking responsibility for learning, so both are self-motivated and persevere. Distance learners need to be more assertive with instructors to address technology issues that arise in the course. In addition, traditional students are physically in the same space, which is conducive to collaborative group work. Group work can be somewhat difficult from a distance based on time zone differences among students and the technology resources available to support collaboration. So distance learners may be doing most of their course work independently. 3. Summarize the recommendations for learner development and provide concrete examples of how such recommendations can be implemented. Both instructors and distance learners need to be aware of the problems with the distance course in order to make the experience beneficial to everyone. When using virtual classroom software such as Centra, distance learners should be sure to mention in the live chat if they are having visual or audio problems so that the instructor can correct the problem. Participants need to be reminded by the instructor that they need to hold down the space bar the entire time they are speaking or their comments will not be completely heard. Everyone needs to be respectful yet assertive. The distance learning process needs to be efficient since most learners are adults with work and family commitments. Information, administrative support, advising, and technical problems need to be handled through a single point. One way to address this is to provide a single email address, e.g., for submitting all questions or problems. Another would be to use a single access point for a department’s content. For example the main ITMA student page contains general institution information, ITMA course info, policies, and links to the necessary resources such as Scholar, SASI, Filebox, Hokie SPA, etc. Acknowledge distance learners as if they were traditional students, giving them access to the same resources and discounts afforded to those students local to the institution. Students attending the virtual campus at Virginia Tech do have the opportunity to get a student ID card by visiting the campus or some of the regional facilities around the state. Library services are available to distance learners by simply authenticating themselves via a proxy server. Set 2 (Answer 1) 2. Based on the reading, why might it be important for the ITMA instructors to provide you with opportunities to use Virginia Tech’s on-line library services? Providing me with access to the on-line library services supports both the recommendations of efficiency and recognition. Access to the research resources allows for efficient use of my time to complete assignments. Since I’m in a distance course, I may not have research resources available locally and travel time might impact my ability to complete assignments on schedule. This access also recognizes me as a student just like those on campus who physically use the facilities – the online resources create a virtual instance of the university library.