WOW – List 2 1. meticulous– adjective. Pays attention to detail Synonym – picky/careful; Antonym – careless. 2. nuisance – noun. Something that annoys you. Synonym – annoyance; Antonym – pleasure. 3. exasperate – noun. A feeling of extreme frustration. Synonym – ticked; Antonym - calm 4. emaciate – noun. Thin to the point of starvation and hollowed cheeks. Synonym – thin; Antonym – chubby 5. dismal- adjective. Extremely depressing Synonym – dull; Antonym – cheerful 6. government – noun. An organization of people that directs the actions of a nation, state or community 7. nation: a group of people living in an area, with their own government and constitution 8. right: the ability of a person to do something without being prevented from or punished for doing it 9. constitution: a written document that sets up the government and laws of a nation 10. amendment: a legal change to a constitution 11. monarchy: a kind of government where the executive power is held by one person for life. 12. absolute power: a leader doesn’t have to explain himself or check with anyone else before doing anything 13. democracy: a type of government where the people feel it should only have the power that they give to it and that they should always have a hand in how the government works. No Excuse Words: Rebecca Sitton researched the top 600 most common words used in student writing. Fifth graders should already know the first 400 words. The last two hundred words will be studied this year (5 words per week). already understand warm moon gone animals finally mind summer outside