russian revolution - Nutley Public School District

1. Napoleon’s final defeat came at the battle of Waterloo.
2. The Committee of Public Safety was led by Maximillian
3. The Guillotine was the execution device that beheaded
Louis XVI
4. The islands of Elba and St. Helena were two islands
Napoleon was exiled to.
1. What is the Main idea of the Communist Manifesto? Must
unite to overthrow the ruling class
2. Define Proletariat – Working Class
3. Communist’s governments control Society, Politics, and
Industry of a country.
4. Marx and Engels are the authors of the "Communist
5. The Decembrists Revolt saw the attempted overthrow of
Nicholas I and resulted in 100s of revolutionaries exiled to
Siberia and the Czar forcing Jews to Germany.
6. As a result of Bloody Sunday the Revolution of 1905
began, and forced the Czar to create the Duma
7. 1. During the March Revolution people rioted and went on
strike because Food shortages and forced the czar Nicholas II
to Abdicate the throne.
2. The Bolshevik Revolution was a socialists Revolution led by
Lenin and believed in the teachings of Marx, which brought
Communism to Russia. Eventually the Cheka was created to
destroy opposition.
1. The Alliance system involved the allies of initial countries
creating problems.
2. The assassination of Arch Duke Frans Ferdinand was the
spark that started WWI
3. German U-Boats were used to isolate England.
4. The Zimmerman Note promised New Mexico, Texas and
Arizona to Mexico if they joined the Central Powers
5. The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI forcing Germany to
pay Reparations , which are war fines.
1. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 starting
2. Britain and France used a policy of Appeasement to avoid
war with Germany.
3. Conquering new countries was made easier by Hitler’s new
type of warfare called the Blitzkreig
4. Hitler’s autobiography is called Mein Kamph
5. Mussolini created the Fascists party.
6. Nazi Soldiers placed the “undesirables” into Concentration
Camps where they could act out the Nazi program of genocide
against the Jews is known as the Holocaust.
7. The US dropped the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Industrial Revolution
1. The Telegraphis a communication device invented by
Samuel Morse
2. The cotton gin was created by Eli Whitney
3. Henry Ford made mass production easier with the invention
of the Assembly Line.
4. Robert FultonInvented the Steam engine boat.
5. Thomas Edison was the creator of the Light Bulb
1. Copernicus, Galileo and Newton were all key figures of the
Scientific Revolution. They promoted the idea that knowledge
should be based on Scientific Method, Experimentation and
2. What is the Scientific Revolution? Started to use the
Scientific method of experimentation and a reliance on
3. “All men are created equal” is a quote that represents the
idea of Rousseau.
4. Separation of power in government was an idea expressed
by Montesquieu.
5. Freedom of speech, press and religion was an idea
expressed by Voltaire.
6. Who said if the government did not protect the people they
should rebel? JOHN LOCKE
7. All men are created equal was an idea expressed by.
8. Copernicus Believed the earth revolved around the sun.
1. Otto Von Bismark became the emperor of Germany and
took the title Kaiser
2. Cavour And Garibaldi were nationalists who fought for
unification of Italy.
3. The growth of nationalism unified Italy and _Germany in the
mid 1800s/
1. Africa was controlled by other countries, this is an example
of Imperialism.
2. Cecil Rhodes Controlled much of the world’s diamond
3. The Great Trek is the Boers migration north.
4. David Livingstone named victoria falls.
5. The Nile was studied from the east coast by Richard
6. Mungo Park explored the niger river
7. Why did explorers set out to explore the continent of Africa?
8. A nation’s desire to control other lands is referred to as