Investigation Overview Deriving Information on Surface Conditions from Column and VERtically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality A NASA Earth Venture campaign intended to improve the interpretation of satellite observations to diagnose near-surface conditions relating to air quality Objectives: 1. Relate column observations to surface conditions for aerosols and key trace gases O3, NO2, and CH2O 2. Characterize differences in diurnal variation of surface and column observations for key trace gases and aerosols 3. Examine horizontal scales of variability affecting satellites and model calculations Deployment Strategy Systematic and concurrent observation of column-integrated, surface, and vertically-resolved distributions of aerosols and trace gases relevant to air quality as they evolve throughout the day. Three major observational components: NASA UC-12 (Remote sensing) Continuous mapping of aerosols with HSRL and trace gas columns with ACAM NASA P-3B (in situ meas.) In situ profiling of aerosols and trace gases over surface measurement sites Ground sites In situ trace gases and aerosols Remote sensing of trace gas and aerosols (Pandora, AERONET) Ozonesondes Aerosol lidar observations Tethersondes, NO2 sondes Deployment Locations Maryland, July 2011 California, Jan-Feb 2013 Houston, September 2013 Colorado, Jul-Aug 2014 Flight Hours and Sampling Statistics Location P-3B Hours (Flight Days) King Air Hours (Flight days) Other aircraft participation 104 (14) 101 (14) UMD Cessna 84 (10) 10 (2) - PODEX 70 (10) NASA ER-2 Alpha Jet UC-Davis Mooney Houston 71 (9) 68 (9) 23 (3) - GEO-CAPE NASA LaRC Falcon Denver, Northern Front Range 93 (16) 89 (17) NCAR C-130 NASA LaRC Falcon Total for all campaigns 352 (49) 328 (50) Baltimore-Washington California, Central Valley Location P-3B Spirals King Air Overflights Missed Approaches Baltimore-Washington 254 342 0 California, Central Valley 170 307 166 Houston 195 341 105 Denver, Northern Front Range 214 451 108 Total for all campaigns 833 1441 379 Aerosol Characterization Fresno Examples of surface PM2.5, Aeronet AOD, P-3B in situ profiles of scattering, and HSRL observations during the California campaign. 10000 9000 PM2.5 (ug/cm3) 8000 7000 AOD 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 Bakersfield 1000 Day in January 0 0 100 200 300 550 nm Scattering (Mm-1) Trace Gas Characterization Examples of Pandora column-integrated observations NO2 and in situ profiles by the P-3B from the Colorado deployment Comparison of ACAM and P-3B CH2O (Maryland deployment) Ozonesondes In addition to traditional ozonesondes, partners also launched tethersondes for O3 (NOAA, Bryan Johnson) and NO2 (KNMI, Deb Stein-Zweers) Tethersondes 28 July 0750-1030 LT NO2 O3 Final Disposition of Data A Digital Object Identifier has been obtained for the DISCOVER-AQ data to enable data discovery as well as attribution and referencing in publications: doi:10.5067/Aircraft/DISCOVER-AQ/Aerosol-TraceGas This doi points to the Langley ASDC, the long-term archival site for the DISCOVER-AQ data ( Summary of Column vs. Surface Correlations for NO2 and O3 Maryland California NO2 O3 NO2 O3 P-3B in situ Low High P-3B in situ Low Low P-3B + surface Moderate High P-3B + surface Moderate Low Pandora Moderate Low Pandora Low Low CMAQ Moderate Moderate CMAQ Moderate Low Texas Colorado NO2 O3 NO2 O3 P-3B in situ Low Low P-3B in situ Low N.S. P-3B + surface Moderate Low P-3B + surface Low N.S. Pandora Low N.S. Pandora High High CMAQ High Low CMAQ High Moderate Low correlation: R < 0.4; Moderate: R=0.4-0.8; High: R=0.8-1.0; N.S. = not significant Clare Flynn, U. Maryland Surface vs Column O3 at BAO (Erie, CO): All DAQ/FRAPPE days N = 2294 ΔO3 ≤ 10 ppbv: 66% of all cases 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MDT 66% of 1500 m AGL column and surface O3 values agree within 10 ppbv, almost entirely after midday, showing lower tropospheric column O3 to be a good predictor of surface conditions. 34% exhibit O3 column exceeding surface values due to shallow mixing in the morning, elevated plumes, and thunderstorm outflows leading to significant vertical gradients of ozone in the lower atmosphere Christoph Senff, NOAA TOPAZ Lidar Relationships Between AOD and Surface PM2.5 Crumeyrolle et al. (2014) showed that AOD as measured by vertical integration of the extinction from the P-3B was well correlated with the product of surface PM2.5, the height of the buffer (BuL) layer, and a hydration factor. The BuL is the transition layer between the BL and the FT with a pronounced gradient of aerosol concentrations from the typically higher concentration observed in the BL and typically cleaner conditions observed in the FT. Chu et al., 2015 proposed the following relationships for predicting surface PM2.5 given AOD observations from satellite, HSRL, AERONET, etc.: ta :AOD at 0.55 mm f(RH): hydration factor (function of relative humidity) Aerosol extinction cross section per unit dry mass HLH: Haze layer height = top of BuL MPE: mean PBL extinction Errors in AMFs/retrievals from a-priori NO2 profiles Lok Lamsal 8 km AMF w f i i surface wi scattering weights fi NO2 shape factors ► AMF calculated for ACAM (air-borne spectrometer located at ~8km) but is also relevant for tropospheric NO2 column retrievals Padonia, MD Retrieval errors based on 11 AM campaign mean profiles Surface reflectivities: 0.1 to 0.14 at 0.01 steps Solar zenith angles: 10° to 80 at 10°steps Aerosol optical depths: 0.1 to 0.9 at 0.1 steps NO2 profiles and AMFs: Summary plot NO2 tropospheric column retrievals are highly sensitive to diurnal variation in a-priori profile shapes. L. Lamsal Spatial and Temporal Variability Follette-Cook et al. (2015) Atmos. Environ. • Quantified and compared the spatial and temporal variability seen in the Maryland/DC DISCOVER-AQ P-3B trace gas data and in a regional WRF/Chem simulation • Compared variability with TEMPO/GEO-CAPE precision requirements • Found that the variability simulated for the July 2011 campaign period was large enough to be meaningfully resolved by a TEMPO-type geostationary instrument Additional analyses: • Comparing the variability observed in MD campaign with the variability observed during the other DISCOVER-AQ campaigns Geographic coverage of differences that fall above the PRs at several distances O3 – 0-2 km CO - 0 – 2 km These results indicate that the TEMPO instrument would be able to observe O3 air quality events over the Mid-Atlantic area, even on days when the violations of the air quality standard are not widespread. PR = 1.7 DU PR = 0.91 e17 molec/cm2 7/29/2011 2 pm EDT M. Follette-Cook Geographic coverage of differences that fall above the PRs at several distances NO2 - Tropospheric column PR = 1x1015 molec/cm2 7/29/2011 2 pm EDT • The maximum differences in NO2 are in the morning and early evening, so 2 pm could be considered a minimum in what would be observable • Despite that, the major features in the tropospheric column field can be seen in the plot of the visible differences at 4 – 8 km distances • The entire field is almost visible at distances greater than 20 km • This suggests that TEMPO will be able to satisfactorily observe the spatial variability of this species Percentiles – O3 TEMPO PR MD, TX, and CO 75th percentile curves above the PR at distances of 8 (TX), 12 (CO), and 16 km (MD) All campaigns 95th percentile curves above the PR MD CA TX CO Percentiles – NO2 • MD shows the lowest NO2 variability of any campaign • Follette-Cook et al. (2015) concluded that the variability during the MD campaign was large enough to be wellresolved by TEMPO • Therefore, with respect to variability, TEMPO’s NO2 PR is more than sufficient for these other regions as well MD CA TX CO Surface Ozone over Bay vs Land Possible reasons: D. Goldberg, UMD Stratospheric Intrusions during DISCOVER-AQ Lesley Ott, Bryan Duncan, Anne Thompson 21 Profiles of Aerosol Absorption Suggest Model/AERONET Over-predictions LARGE and AERONET Teams • Absorption aerosol optical depth (AAOD) was calculated from in-situ measurements for each vertical profile • Comparisons with AERONET yielded significantly lower in-situ AAOD values at each of the DISCOVER-AQ urban sites • This discrepancy is compounded by model overestimates in remote regions by factors of 2-5 (Schwarz et al., 2013) • No evidence was observed to support model up-scaling by Bond et al. (2013) Key Scientific Outcomes • Surface-Column correlations are a mixed bag, but there is indication that lower tropospheric ozone (especially in the afternoon) can sometimes be trusted to infer surface values. • Spatial variability analyses show that TEMPO precision requirements are adequate to detect air quality violations. • Model representation of diurnal evolution in profile structure is expected to be an important source of error for TEMPO retrievals. • Pandora validation of TEMPO diurnal variability would appear to require no more than a couple of instruments in a given metropolitan area. • Formaldehyde shows promise as a proxy for ozone production. • Validation of AERONET AAOD reveals a high bias that may be responsible for overprediction of black carbon by global models. • Strong correlations are observed between AOD and PM2.5, but the scaling factors vary widely based on BL depth, humidity, and aerosol composition (hygroscopicity). • Reactive nitrogen chemistry in air quality models needs to be improved. • Ozone can be highest over unmonitored areas downwind (e.g., Chesapeake Bay). • A single lidar may be sufficient to characterize the vertical distribution of aerosols over distances of up to 100 km.