Burn Bootcamp 7 Figure Blueprint

7 Figure Blue Print
My Secrets to Success
Devan Kline, Founder Burn Bootcamp
I am about to share with you the tools you will need to create your own
personal training success story… the mind-set, marketing and action plan to
help you build a 7 figure income while helping thousands of people live a more
fit and healthy lifestyle.
The Mind Set Shift
Damaging thoughts about money
Getting rid of your glass ceiling
Positive thoughts and assimilation with BBC
You are marketing and selling yourself:
You are the best, let people know it!
The BBC system is proven and systematic
You are the marketer and fitness is your product
You will get paid what you are worth
You are the best at what you do
Find 5 minutes per day everyday to visualize positive thoughts about where
you want to be in your life in…
30 Years
10 Years
1 Year
At the end of the day today…
Reticular Activation Brain System
I am not qualified
I am not the best at what I do
My clients won’t do this
“If you do not tell yourself you are the best, who else
is going to believe it?” – Michael Jordan
• Mindset – Building mentally tough clients
• Nutrition – Whole Foods / Paleo / Macro Nutrition
• Strength Training – Using heavy weights to reach hypertrophy
• Burst Training – The best body-fat burning 15 min. on the planet
• Environment – The glue that holds it all together
• We all have to believe the same thing
• Creating Community is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect to grow
Information on a pad doesn’t put money in your pockets
Shoot first, think second
Imperfect action is better than no action
Do everything with a purpose
G.S.D. List
“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do
so much.”– Hellen Keller
How to flood your bootcamps with clients
Blogs and Website
Human Billboards
What you need to know
• Traditional marketing is dead and gone
• Direct response marketing will always produce results
• Your email list is king
• “like it, try it, buy it” marketing is inexpensive and easy
• Becoming a local celebrity is systematic
• You have to be a writer/educator
Problems with traditional marketing
We are PERSONAL training in group setting/traditional marketing is
too corporate and sterile (no personal touch)
Designed To “Look Good” over “Perform Well” = More Money
Too Many Copycats (Have You Seen Normal Fitness Ads? JOKE!)
Cost Way Too Much and Shows No Emotion
I hate this slide
The BBC Marketing Funnel
Getting Burn Bootcamp Leads For Free
- Facebook Likes - Newsletter Opt In -YouTube Views – Instagram/Twitter/Pintrest Followers – Comments on Blog
Posts – Engagement in Emails – E-Book Downloads – Lunch and Learns – High Website Conversions – Joint
Business Ventures – Blogs –
- Optimize Google Places - Nutrition Seminars – Guaranteed Free Press Release
Getting Burn Bootcamp Prospects For Free
- Human Billboard Program - Facebook Offers - Newsletter Offers - 14 Day Test Drive – Free
Saturday Camps – No/Low Offers – Groupons/Daily Deals - Community Appreciation Week –
Transformation Contests– Referral Contests – Beta Programs “BUY IT”
Getting Burn Bootcamp Clients to Pay, Stay, and Refer
- Closing 6 or 12 Month Deals – Train With Friends –
No/Low Back End Promos – 5x5 Marketing Method
What you need to do before you start the
marketing funnel
Get yourself set up and poised for success by doing the following:
• Set up your blog URL.
Example: www.devanklinefitness.com
Set up your Facebook fan page
Example: www.facebook.com/burnbootcamp
Set up your email autoresponder account
Get a MailChimp Account – www.mailchimp.com
Set up your EFT system
We use the MindBody System
Set up your Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest
What we do for you in the marketing funnel
BBC Provides The Ultimate Support:
Your Very Own Burn Bootcamp Site (To Customize Yourself)
Example: www.burnbootcamp.com/huntersville
Your Own Brand with Your Picture In Banner (Social Media Links)
Done-For-You Sales Copy, Upsells, BBC Store and More
Optimized Email Opt – In (Customize or Use Devan’s Product)
Example: www.burnbootcamp.com
Industry Leading 35% capture rate (google analytics)
14 Test Drive, Saturday Camp, Newsletter Opt In (All to Your Email List)
Unconditional 30 Day Money Back Guarantee (Risk Reversal)
Master List of Testimonials for Sharing BBC Stories with Your Clients
Company Wide Promo’s with “Done For You“ Marketing Plans
Various Paid Marketing Support From Royalties
Burnbootcamp.com On/Off Page SEO
System #1
Email Marketing
How to create a hypersensitive fan base and establish
the foundation for wealth
The Email List Is King
You have be OBESSED with getting emails and nourishing your list
Your Goals:
To collect 5 – 15 leads per day through various opt in’s
Establishing yourself as the authority on fitness and fat loss in your area
Getting people to know, like, and trust you
Creating a hyper-sensitive email list by killer content
M-W-F emails follow the ninja email marketing protocol
Create irresistible offers to capitalize on your efforts
Exponentially grow your list each month
Foundation for Email Auto-responders
Your List Will Never Grow Without Adding and Over-Delivering Value to Your List
Done-For-You Email Auto-Responder Set Up
30 Day “Know, Like, Trust” Email Auto -Responder System
Bi – Monthly Referral Generator (2 Emails Every Month)
Ex-Client Reactivation Email Series
14 Day Test Drive Auto-Responders
Free Saturday Camp Auto-Responders
Ninja Email Marketing Tactics
• http://theartofsellingfitness.com/Access/?page_id=6
• User Name – CharlotteBurn
• Password - cs5HqL&kYJXh
• Ton’s of other free stuff on here that is useful for our BBC Business
• Credits – Bedros Kueilian Inc.
Email Marketing Wrap Up
• By far the most important form of free marketing
• 50% or more of emails are pure content pointing to blog or
• Building a loyal list will put legs under your business and
allow you to create your own “brand” outside of BBC to
create multiple income streams.
• Questions?
System #2
Facebook Protocol
How to create, build, and grow your Burn Bootcamp
Facebook page to maximize your income
How To Brand and Design Your
Facebook Page
• Largest Pool of Pre-Qualified Prospects Come From Facebook.
• Create a Fan Page – www.facebook.com/burnbootcamp
• Pictures on Header –Your Face and Client Testimonial
• Website in the “About Us” Section
• Custom Tabs (YouTube, Success Stories, 14 Day Test Drive Opt In)
• Kerry Burd – Kerry.burd@gmail.com (Facebook Specialist) $500
How to Grow Facebook Page For Free
Devan’s 5 x 5 Posting Method for Viral Growth
Success Stories
Blog Posts with Rich Content
Motivation From You
YouTube “How To” Videos
Burn Bootcamp Protocol
How to Grow Facebook Page For Free
Success Stories
Testimonials are the golden content.
There will be a Fit Mom of the Month at Your Location.
Share their story each time.
Ask your Fit Moms the following questions and have
them answer you in a paragraph format: 1. How did
you feel before BBC? 2. Why were you skeptical about
joining BBC? 3. What results have you achieved (bf%,
wt, inches)? 4. How do you feel now?
Post their Before and After along with their completed
paragraph on all channels of influence, not just
Remember that your goal is to convert prospects into
leads. Write a blog post on each testimonial giving your
insight on their transformation and place a link on your
post in the first three lines linking people to your blog.
Your optimized opt in will take close their email for you.
How to Grow Facebook Page For Free
Blog posts with rich content
When creating blog posts always take the “For Dummies”
approach. You want to be sure that posts are useful, simple,
and provide extreme value that someone can apply to their
lives immediately. When writing, assume people do not
know anything.
Good Example: 6 Ways To Burn Fat Faster
Bad Example: Metabolic Conditioning Is Good For Your
Neuromuscular System
When posting, provide the link within the first three lines of
the post.
Remember your goal. Capturing e-mails. It is essential to
have a high converting blog opt in. If sending to
burnbootcamp.com, our opt ins are industry leading and
guaranteed to capture at a high rate.
Ask people to share. You want more followers? Ask for
How to Grow Facebook Page For Free
Motivation from you!
An opportunity for you to open up to people
and be vulnerable. When you let people in
your life they will “know” you without
“knowing you”
Kim Kardashian Example
Give your insight from a philosophical stand
point, show people what you stand for, let
people into your life at whatever level you are
Using Motivational Pictures Here is Good
Too…Create Custom Pics on WordSwag,
Instaquote, Pic Collage, Etc.
How to Grow Facebook Page For Free
YouTube ‘How To’ Videos
There is no better way to prove you
are the best trainer in your area then
creating “how to” video content.
Create it once and re-use over and
over again.
Place link in the landing screen of
the post so people do not have to
click “read more” to get to your link.
Create a call to action on every post.
“Share”, “LIKE”, “Go here now”.
Create videos much the same way
you create blog posts. They can be
How to Grow Facebook Page For Free
Burn Bootcamp Protocal
This is a very sneaky tactic. REFUSE to post
the Weekly Protocol in your gym. Force
clients to go to Facebook to see it. Doing this
will cause a constant flow and viral effect.
Use the BBC Weekly Protocol to pump your
clients up with some motivation or preface
something special you have going on!
There is ALWAYS something you can throw
in before and after the protocol. Never
simply post it alone with nothing else.
Other Facebook Posting Ideas
Posting about specials you/company is running
Piggy back national news with your opinion (Kraft cuts back on GMO’s)
Inspirational emails you get from clients
Displaying your bootcamps – posting videos of your bootcamps hard at work and doing
something fun
Instagram videos for exercise ideas
Highlight your clients in bootcamp (take a pic or video of them doing something great)
Group picture and tag whole group = automatic viral activity
Tip: friend all your clients on your personal fb page so you can tag them at anytime. The
more tags you can put in each post the better
Post and write on businesses with like clientele. Some joint ventures can form from
facebook. Reach out to influential businesses and do some networking
How to Grow Your Facebook Page with ADS
Two Major Ways
Facebook Sponsored Ads
Optimize Clicks For Website (Squeeze Page, Blog, Mini-Site, Burnbootcamp.com)
Optimize Click For Likes (Your Burn Bootcamp Facebook Page)
A/B Testing for High Converting Ads
Facebook Boosted Posts
Set a budget on a specific post to get more engagement
Selective – Not necessary on all posts (only really good ones like testimonials)
Cheap Way to Have More People See Your Specials.
$100 Newspaper Ad = 20,000 people ½ of which are males.
$100 Facebook Boost = 20,000 – 40,000 people to your prospects.
How To Create and Optimize Your Burn Bootcamp Facebook Ads
System #3 –Your Fitness Blog
How To Create, Build, and Grow Your Burn
Bootcamp Facebook Page to Maximize Your
Fitness Blog
• Get Found In Search Engines
• Get Leads on Autopil
• Build a List of Loyal Subscribers
• Build a Loyal Following
• Bond With Your Market
• Position Yourself as an Expert
• Sell Info Products (Multiple Income
• Create a Sense of Loyalty
• Build a Feeling of Reciprocity
Wordpress and Semiologic Plug In
Have a Catchy Opt In (EBook/Giveaway)
Have a Pop Up Opt In (not annoying)
SEO Friendly URL
Meta Keywords
H1 and H3 Tags (When You Blog)
Know Your Keywords and Use Them
User – devankline
PW – di8ym24u
Click for videos
YouTube SEO
User – CharlotteBurn
PW - cs5HqL&kYJXh
Click for video
Squeeze Page (Mini-Site)
• What is a Squeeze Page?
A squeeze page is designed to “squeeze” an email address from a prospect.
Give away access to rich content in exchange for an email.
Only options are to opt-in or leave page.
Best opt in percentage.
Can do A/B testing on squeeze pages for maximum email capture.
• How To Use Squeeze Pages?
Facebook Sponsored Ads – Points to Squeeze Page URL
Use Optimize Press Template to Easily Create Great Squeeze and Sales Pages ($99)
Print, Postcards, Newspaper Ads all point to Squeeze Page
Squeeze Page (Mini-Site)
How to get 150 moms to train with you and make six figures
in your first 45 days of ownership
What Is the Human Billboard Program?
When we open a Burn Bootcamp location the Human Billboard program is used to
recruit moms who we will condition to pay, stay and refer to become lifetime clients.
We tell people we are allowing only 50 moms from the community to do this, we
expect to get 150, you should want 1,000. All of your effort and hustle that you put in
30 days prior to launching goes into recruiting. You are a coach and you are seeking
out players, good players, that you want on your team. This program is scheduled for
30 days of all out effort on your part and letting the companies reputation help you.
This is your chance to set up a lifetime of wealth by creating a binding relationship
your group of moms. If you follow this program and treat them how you are supposed
they will reward you back. This 45 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program is free to as many
good clients as you can recruit. The more you close down, the more you will make on
the promo. We offer a 6 month contract at $99 which we do not offer to anyone else.
You should expect to close 80% of your Human Billboards and make at least $12,000
in one day.
Prerequisites to starting Human Billboard
• Facebook Fan Page Set Up
• Your burnbootcamp.com Subdomain Set-Up
• Your Blog Opt In
• 5 YouTube Video’s
• 5 Blog Post’s
• Auto-Responders Set Up (Human Billboard + 30 Day “Know Like
H.B. Phase #1 - What We do
• Facebook Marketing Package - $1,000 for 30 Days
Driving People to the Burnbootcamp.com Squeeze Page for Human
Facebook Sponsored Ads for Likes – Should Expect 1,000 LIKES
• Run Billboard Launch at All Other BBC Locations
• Provide 5000 “Human Billboard” Gorilla Marketing Postcards
• Provide 1 Full Spread Newspaper Spread in Local Newspaper
• Make Any and All Connections We Can For You
Drive People to www.burnbootcamp.com/humanbillboard by:
Passing Out 5000 Flyers (Car Method Works Best)
Use Your Facebook Posts (Boosting them if you wish)
Email Recruiting – A great way to align yourself with influential in
Belly to Belly Recruiting (by far best way)
Visit Local Mom Hang Outs: Gymnastics Centers, Soccer Fields, Elementary/Middle/High
School, Sports Tournaments, Day Care Pick Up, 5k’s or triathlons
Bring Clipboard and Sign Up Sheet –You will have to get 500 names to get 150 GOOD clients.
Try to Recruit in Groups. Moms like to do things together. You will have more success this way.
Belly to belly allows people to see you and your personality.
We tell people only 50 can join, we expect you 150, you should want 1,000.
• You now have 150 committed Human Billboards
Treat them like queens, use the A.P.E. principle every chance you get.
Grocery Store Tours, Nutritional Seminars, One on One Nutrition, Bring Chiropractors,
Massage Therapists in to your gym for free massages, Take them all out to dinner on
the day they sign up!
Call them, text them, do whatever it takes to get them results.
Teach them the BBC Fit Moms Philosophy
Condition Them to Be Your Referral Army
They are not training for free and are obligated to do a marketing task each week for
The reason you worked so hard to seek out a specific type of client is to be able to
run this system with them. This system is geared towards jump starting word of
mouth marketing that will account for 70% of your new clients.
Treat them like queens, use the A.P.E. principle every chance you get.
Give, give, give! Grocery Store Tours, Nutritional Seminars, One on One Nutrition, Bring
Chiropractors, Massage Therapists in to your gym for free massages.
“If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.”
– Zig Ziglar
Call them, text them, do whatever it takes to get them results.
Teach them the BBC Fit Moms Philosophy
You are doing all these things for them because you want to help, they WILL reciprocate
and be loyal. Create a sense of locking them into a new lifestyle. Moms will thank you, and
the best way they can thank you is to tell more moms about what BBC is all about.
• Week 1 – Check Into BBC on FB Twice / Send Endorsed Letter #1 Your List
• Week 2 – Check Into BBC on FB Twice / Invite 10 Friends to do 14 Day Test
• Week 3 – Check Into BBC on FB Twice with Writing and Tagging You and the
BBC Page In the Post
• Week 4 – Check Into BBC on FB Twice / Write a Google Places Review / Rate
the Facebook Page
• Week 5 – Check Into BBC on FB Twice / Pass Out 25 Gift Cards
• Week 6 – Check Into BBC on FB Twice / Endorsed Letter #2
Setting Up the Close – Scheduling a BBC Dinner that you commit to paying for the week after the close.
Inviting all your clients out to a nice dinner.
Human Billboard Email Closing Series 3
Thank You!
Bad News :(
Link for Human Billboard Special Sign Up
Doing everything correctly you will expect to close 90% at $99 rate. All your hard work is about to pay off.
90% of 150 Client = 135 Clients
135 Clients * $99 = $13,365
$13,365 * 9 Months = $120,285
Now you are in a very good place for multiple BBC locations and to repeat the process over again. Each time
you do it will get better and better.
System #5 - Joint Ventures
The Cross Pollination Script (In Person or Email)
You Walk Into the Highest End Hair Salons
“Hey, my name is Devan and I am a fitness professional in the area. We have over 6 Bootcamp locations just for moms and I
thought that maybe a lot of your clientele are moms as well. I have a list of over 6,000 (fib if you need) moms in the area on my
email list who are very responsive to my advice. I am always looking to give value to my followers and would love to promote
you through my page. What could I offer them from you?”
Copy Them on the Email You Send Out
2 Days After Email
“I got a huge response from my list! I was wondering since it seems that my people love your salon, that your people would love
my bootcamp! I would love to send out an email to your list that told them about my new program. Of course anyone from this
salon would be able to come from free. You won’t even have to lift I finger because I already have it written for you. Let’s keep
doing this together and create a better business for both of our clients”
Ask them to copy you on email.
System #5 - Joint Ventures
Where Do I Go?
• Chiropractors
• Day Spas
• Child Care Facilities
• Gymnastics Centers
• Children’s Sports Tournaments
• Hair Salons
• Wedding Boutiques
• Nail Salon
• School’s
• Little League Tournaments
How Do I Approach People?
The Building Value for My Clients
Approach. Can I promote you?
How can you help them?
Confident and Persuasive
Step Out Side Your Comfort Zone
Do the Things The Least
Comfortable For You First
System #6 - How To Become a Local
How to Draw Attention To Yourself
Community Appreciation Week
• Take a Stand
• Pick a Fight
• Get Picked On
Nation’s Fitness Appreciation Day
Charity Event’s
Getting and Staying on TV
Getting Free Magazine Write Ups
Guaranteed Free Press Release
Giving Back to the Community
Elementary School Tours
Align Yourself with Influential People
Be a Public Speaker
Get Speaking Engagements
Find Your Media Contacts
Community Outreach…
System #7 - No/Low Barrier Offers
Burn Bootcamp14 Day Test Drive
Free Saturday Camp (Open to Public)
6 Week Summer Slim Down
28 Day Holiday Holdout
Referral Contents
Fitness Challenges
Under $100 for entry
No long term commitment
Start and a Finish
Over-Deliver on Service
Looking for Back-End Promo Deal
System # 8 - Groupons and Other Daily
Daily deals will never fail
Best Marketing Tactic For Our Business
Run one every 3 to 4 months
Always Run Back End Promos
You Get Paid for Getting People In Your Door
Zero Marketing Costs/Huge Dividends
Build a Business Around Daily Deal Launches
Other Daily Deal Sites: Living Social, Steep and Cheap, 1Saleaday.com, Yupster,
Amazon Local, Woot
Why Daily Deals Work So Well For THE
BBC Business MODEL
Zero upfront cost (no expense with time or money)
HUGE rushes of clients all at once
Huge Opportunity for Back End Promo
Flip and Run All New Clients Through “Referral Army Training”
Some example daily deals at BBC Lake Norman
Groupon - Sold 570 units – Back End Promo Locked 87 in One Day – 87 x 115 = 10,005 –
10,005 x 6 months = $60,030
Amazon Location and Groupon – 379 sold - Back end promo locked 56 in one day – 60
x 110 = $6,600 - $6,600 x 12 months = $79,200
System #10 - BBC Referral Rewards Program
Year Around Referral Rewards Program
50% off of each month someone refers a 6 or 12 month contract
2 Referrals = Free Month
4 = Two Free Months
6 Week Referral Contest
Example Outcome of 6 Week
Referral Contest
$100 for every referral
7 or More Wins $1,000
Run Same Time as Daily Deal
100 New Clients at $115 for 12 Months
= $138,000
100 - $100 Credit to Client = $10,000
100 - $100 Gift Card = $10,000
Net Profit = $118,000 Over 6 Weeks
Supply $100 to BBC Members to Give Out To Friends
Set Up Table At Facility
Condition Your Clients That Referrals is Condition of Being a BBC Member
Get Results – Results will bring in more clients than Any Marketing Scheme Possibly Could
The Check Tease
System #11 - Lunch and Learns
• Go After Big Companies / Take Small Ones
• One Goal Only – Get Email Addresses
• Always do a demonstration/crowd interaction
• Great Way to Get Belly to Belly With People of Influence
• Tip: Always have a clipboard to pass around to every one in
the crowd. Make sure you are giving 10 minute for it to get
around. You can take questions in the meantime.
System #12 - Events
Health Fairs
Bridal Showers – Bridal Bootcamp Promo (Special rate for group) – Hit up
wedding boutiques for joint venture.
Community Out Reach
Big Competitive Races (5k and 10k)
Keys To Event Success
You Only Have On Goal (emails)
Bring Your Omron Body Fat Tester
Have Something For Kids
Client Testimonial Book Open
Free Year of Bootcamp Giveaway
Have Clients There With You (Walking and Talking Billboard
System #14 - Direct Mail
Post Cards – Charity Events, Human Billboard, New Years Promos Only
Business Cards – We provide you with 5,000, Pass Them Out
Lower ROI
I have found that passing out flyers on cars works a lot better than spending money for direct mail.
Hire some teenagers to do it/Do it yourself
Keys To Successful Direct Mail Campaigns
Never sell off the page
Know How to Write a Compelling Sales Copy
Use Before and After Pictures
Use Your Own Picture
Use Direct Response Marketing
Use Two Step Marketing with Clear Call to Action
F.Y.I Devan’s 6 x 6 Marketing Rotation
Human Billboard Always Launches Location – Marketing systems are
ran in this order after an initial launch.
Deal of the Day Site (Groupon, Living Social, Amazon)
No/Low Offer (28 Day Fat Furnace Program)
6 Week Referral Contest
Charity Event
14 Day Test Drive Push
Fun Challenge / Something For Clients In House Only
Sneaky Marketing Tricks
Always Wear Burn Bootcamp Gear
Wrap Your Car
Have Banner with Client Testimonials Visable to Public
Lead Boxes In Your Joint Ventures Locations
Sending Out Multiple Endorsed Letters
Cross Pollination with other Fitness / Health Pros
Christmas/Thank You Cards to Clients
Your Body (Practice What You Preach)
Throw a Party For Your Clients
Give Away Free T-Shirts for Marketing Deeds (Google Reviews, Facebook Reviews, Endorsed Letter)
Click to Explore BurnBootcamp.com
The Marketing Must Do List
1. Always make irresistible offers
2. Don’t be sterile or corporate
3. Generate qualified leads
4. Build a large, responsive list
5. Lower the barrier of entry
6. Use social proof – testimonials
7. Be the expert – niche yourself
8. Use risk reversal – the Money Back Guarantee
9. Create info products for your niche
10. Create direct response websites (burnbootcamp.com)
11. Publish a bi or tri weekly newsletter with fresh content
12. Leverage the media – local and national
13. Apply Force Multipliers
Burn Bootcamp Sales
Close Clients Script – Day 1 and 2
Day 1: Introduce yourself immediately with a smile on your face. Ask for their name and ask how they are
getting started with BBC. It is crucial to remember the name of your new client. Make them smile a couple
times during the workout by encouraging and using name often. Your goal is to make sure they leave happy.
Your goal is not to murder someone on the first day.
Say this during cool down to your bootcamp. “Very nice job ladies, I appreciate your hard work. (clients name)
you did amazing today, keep it up! – Slap everyone high five and personally tell her she did great.
It is important to read different people and cater to all different kinds of personalities.
Use your closers to meet her, welcome her, and encourage her!
Day 2: First thing you do when you see her. Hey (clients name), how do you feel today? Sore at all? Still push
her but do not make her go up in weight, quite yet. Preface the fact that you will take care of her if she keeps
showing up. Introduce her to others if she had come on her own.
Say this during the workout to the client: “You look much stronger today than day one, (clients name)!” or
“That’s much better form, keep listening to form and trying your hardest.”
Close Clients Script – Day 3 and 4
Day 3: Be overly excited to see the client and slap them a big high five! This should be normal with all clients and
you shouldn’t have to think twice about doing this. Saying their name is by far the most important aspect of
closing a client. Try to get to know them. Introduce them to a couple new moms who you think they would fit with.
• Be a connector –Your job to create a community of moms. Make sure every body knows every body.
• Use the Fitness Pod Style of BBC – Put new people in small groups where they have to talk and problem
solve in order to workout together.
Say this to the client during warm up : “Glad to see you this morning (clients name)! Three times this week? I am
impressed with you! Keep that up and this time next year you will be in crazy good shape!”
Day 4: Treat them like they are part of the camp now. Push them as hard as everyone else in camp and hold them
accountable. Make them sign up for a Focus Meeting in front of you. You need to get them in to the one on one
time to sell them.
Say this to the person exercising next to them –“(clients name), you have been killing it the past 3 weeks. Look at
the definition in those arms coming out! It’s been only three weeks, right? (Make sure that the prospective client
hears you loud and clear)
Close Clients Script – Day 5 and 6
Day 5: Greet the client and let them know that they are doing an excellent job. Again, be sure to use their name. By
now you should never forget. If you did forget, which happens, just ask them again. It is better to get it then to
“hey you” them.
Say this to the client after workout: “You are doing an excellent job (clients names)! Imagine 6 months of doing
this type of routine with your work ethic! The sky is the limit for you! (Paint the picture of what they will be in 6
Make an announcement to the group during workout: “Commitment and dedication are they key to success. If
you commit your body and mind you will change your life! Go eat some good food and take advantage of your
workout (give suggestions for food)”
Day 6: Greet them and let them know you appreciate them showing up. You very well may have sold them at this
point. They are just waiting for the test drive to be up. This is when they are HOT to buy!
End of the Workout: “Hey (Client’s Name), good job today! A group of friends in my 8:00 AM are looking for
another person to join our “Train with Friends” program for our lowest rate. They want to set up to sign on Friday,
can you do Friday or does another day work better?”
Close Clients Script Wrap UP
• Big Time – 90% or more closing ratio
The BBC Closing script is tried, tested, and proven to work if executed perfectly.
Soft Sell – 14 Day Test Drive Will Set Them Up, You Just Have To Be You
Using Call Log
Following Up with Test Drives
Making Deals Happen
Get Comfortable Asking for the Sale
Controlling Referral Army
Pick 20 of your campers to be “closers”
When am I going to see you again?
It get’s easier hang in there!
You can do it just like I did (have them tell a quick story)
Referrals Are a Condition of Being a Client
Bi Monthly Autoresponder
Handing Referral Checks Out at Camp
Supply them with gift cards
Educate them on the Saturday Camp/14 Day Test Drive
Writing Sales Copy
When Do I Write Sales Copy?
• Fitness Blog
• Facebook Posts
• Instagram Posts
• Squeeze Pages
• Direct Mail
• E-mail Newsletter
• Never Sell off The Page
• Sell Low/No Barrier or Free
Structure of Effective Sales Copy
Caputuring Headline:
Discover How Busy Huntersville Moms Leaning and
Toning Up in Only 45 Minute
Benefit Bullet
Benefit Bullet
Benefit Bullet
Create Urgency:
There are only 20 spots so do not miss out!
Clear call to action:
Go to burnbootcamp.com right now to lock in your
Taking calls / answering emails
• When you get an email inquiry call or email IMMEDITATELY. The
longer you wait the lower your chances of making the sale.
• Always close the two week test drive
• Never give pricing over the phone
• Never ask a “yes or no” question when you get off with them
Ask “So what day will you plan on starting your test drive?”
Not “Are you going to sign up?”
• Always get email address over the phone in the BBC call log.
The Big Close
• Three Step Email Series to Big Close
• Facebook Boosted Post
• Facebook Sponsored Ad Campaign
• Press Referral Rewards Program
• One Time Irresistible Offers (One Day Only Sale)
• Release Testimonials Sandwiching the Promo
The Bootcamp Round Up / Make Deals
• Make an announcement at the end of a workout.
“Anyone who is a 14 day test drive, groupon, or living social please come see me
after camp!”
“Okay ladies, I have had a lot of interest in making a group for our “Train with
Friends” rate which is our lowest rate. I wanted to just give you the opportunity to
get in at a good rate with us”
“Put Your Email on this sheet and I will contact you about the details”
Always be in sales mode after camps. Answer as many questions as you can and
bring up joining BBC as much as possible.
If someone wants to give you their money TAKE IT!
If someone wants to sign up, make them do it NOW! Close them while they are hot!