Cell Project - WordPress.com


Name _______ Date

Cell Project


For your cell project, you can choose to create a cell analogy poster, cell song, OR a cell model. Use the rubric below to complete your project. This assignment will be worth ONE TEST GRADE. Turn in this sheet with your completed project on or before the due date (include name, date, period on your project). Turning it in a class day before it’s due or earlier = +5.

Project type (circle one ): Cell Song Analogy Poster Cell Model

Cell Type (circle one ): PLANT ANIMAL Due Date: 10/22/14 A Day or 10/23/14 B Day

Category Requirements

Cell functions

(Did you include the function of each organelle found in your cell type ?)

Parts of the


(Do you have all the organelles for your cell type ?)

Examples of Projects can be found at: http://thebiorealm.wordpress.com/

Cell Song : The function of each organelle/structure must be included in the lyrics.

Cell Song Example: http://youtu.be/jqUhWDp73bM

Analogy Poster : Each organelle/structure must have its function in the cell listed, a description of how the function is represented in your analogy, and an image that represents its role in your analogy. Example: http://tinyurl.com/q9sm8o3

Cell Model : The function of each organelle/structure must be listed in the key. The key should include what is used to represent each cell part, name of each part, and the function of each part.

Cell Model Example: http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/cellmodel.html

Function of:  Cytoplasm,  ribosomes,  cell membrane,  cell wall,  nucleus,

 nuclear membrane,  mitochondria,  chloroplasts,  central vacuole OR small vacuoles,  lysosomes,  Golgi apparatus,  endoplasmic reticulum,  centrioles

  Cytoplasm,  ribosomes,  cell membrane,  cell wall,  nucleus,  nuclear membrane,  mitochondria,  chloroplasts,  central vacuole OR small vacuoles,

 lysosomes,  Golgi apparatus,  endoplasmic reticulum, and  centrioles are represented.

***Note – you will not include all of the listed parts above. Make sure you include all the correct organelles for your cell type —plants have some organelles not found in animals and vice versa!




Format/Quality of Work

Cell Song : You will turn in a video recording of your performance of the song on a flash drive and a paper copy of your lyrics.

Cell Analogy : You will use a full sheet of poster board, include 15 or more images, and clearly title the poster with the type of cell and analogy.

Cell Model : Your representation of each cell part is accurate and a key is provided. It does fall apart and is not messy.

Rubric is turned in with project and your name and period is on the project

Effort, neatness, and creativity is clearly evident

Teacher Comments:


Total Points ___/100

Name _______ Date ____Period_____________
