Cell City Song or Poem Directions

Cell City Song or Poem Directions
Name _______________ Class 1 2 3 4 box # __
Song / Poem Instructions:
1. Type the lyrics to your "Cell City" song using a familiar tune.
2. You must describe the structure and function of at least 8 organelles in your song, and relate
these organelles to parts of your city. Create an analogy that makes sense in relation to the cell
structure it is supposed to represent. You will be graded on creativity but also on accuracy!
Analogy Example:
If I were describing a cell to be like a castle, I would describe the gate around the castle as a
double layered wall with guards that patrol and control who comes in and out. (This would be an
analogy for the cell membrane).
3. Play the music yourself, have a friend play for you, or “Karaoke” using YouTube.
4. Perform your song for the class, or burn it onto a CD.