Summer 2007 Workshop
in Biology and Multimedia
for High School Teachers
Claims Against Using Stem Cells
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have many potential scientific uses:
Cell based therapies
Often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine
Therapeutic cloning
Gene therapy
Cancer research
Basic research
Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC): received from:
Embryos created in vitro fertilization
Aborted embryos
Adult Stem Cells (ASC): can be received from:
Limited tissues (bone marrow, muscle, brain)
Discrete populations of adult stem cells generate replacements for cells that are lost through normal wear and tear, injury or disease
Placental cord
Baby teeth
“ball of cells”
3-5 day old embryo
Stem cells give rise to multiple specialized cell types that make up the heart, lung, skin, and other tissues
Human ESC were only studied since 1998
It took scientists 20 years to learn how to grow human ESC following studies with mouse ESC
Human ES cells are derived from 4-5 day old blastocyst
Blastocyst structures include:
Trophoblast : outer layer of cells that surrounds the blastocyst & forms the placenta
Blastocoel : (“blastoseel”) the hollow cavity inside the blastocyst that will form body cavity
Inner cell mass : a group of approx. 30 cells at one end of the blastocoel:
Forms 3 germ layers that form all embryonic tissues (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm)
Stem cells can regenerate
Unlimited self renewal through cell division
Stem cells can specialize
Under certain physiologic or experimental conditions
Stem cells then become cells with special functions such as:
Beating cells of the heart muscle
Insulin-producing cells of the pancreas
Stem Cells are unspecialized
They do not have any tissue-specific structures that allow for specialized function
Stem cells cannot work with its neighbors to pump blood through the body (like heart muscle cells)
They cannot carry molecules of oxygen through the bloodstream (like RBCs)
They cannot fire electrochemical signals to other cells that allow the body to move or speak (like nerve cells)
Stem cells are capable of dividing & renewing themselves for long periods
This is unlike muscle, blood or nerve cells – which do not normally replicate themselves
In the lab, a starting population of SCs that proliferate for many months yields millions of cells that continue to be unspecialized
These cells are capable of long-term self-renewal
Differentiation : unspecialized stem cells give rise to specialized (differentiated) cells in response to external and internal chemical signals
Internal signals: turn on specific genes causing differential gene expression
External signals include:
Chemicals secreted by other cells such as growth factors, cytokines, etc.
Physical contact with neighboring cells
Why do your body cells look different although they all carry the same DNA, which was derived from one fertilized egg?
Differentiation example
Totipotent (total):
Total potential to differentiate into any adult cell type
Total potential to form specialized tissue needed for embryonic development
Pluripotent (plural):
Potential to form most or all 210 differentiated adult cell types
Multipotent (multiple):
Limited potential
Forms only multiple adult cell types
Adult or somatic stem cells have unknown origin in mature tissues
Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are defined by their origin (inner cell mass of the blastocyst)
Reprinted with permission of Do No Harm.
Adult stem cells typically generate the cell types of the tissue in which they reside
Stem cells that reside in bone marrow give rise to RBC, WBC and platelets
Recent experiments have raised the possibility that stem cells from one tissue can give rise to other cell types
This is known as PLASTICITY
Blood cells becoming neurons
Liver cells stimulated to produce insulin
Hematopoietic (blood cell producing) stem cells that become heart cells
CONCLUSION: Exploring the use of adult stem cells for cell-based therapies has become a very important (and rapidly increasing) area of investigation by research scientists!
Adult stem cell research began about 40 years ago
Stem cell discoveries in 1960s:
Bone marrow contains 2 populations of stem cells
Hematopoietic stem cells – forms all blood cell types
Bone marrow stromal cells – mixed cell population that generates bone, cartilage, fat and fibrous connective tissue
Rat brain contains two regions of dividing cells, which become nerve cells
Stem Cell Discoveries in the 1990s
Neural stem cells in brain are able to generate the brain’s three major cell types
Oligodendroglial cells
Adult stem cells were found in many more tissues than expected
Some may be able to differentiate into a number of different cell types, given the right conditions
General consensus among scientist:
Adult stem cells DO NOT have as much potential as embryonic stem cells
CLARIFICATION : not all new adult cells arise from stem cells
Most arise by MITOSIS of differentiated cells
Basic research – clarification of complex events that occur during human development & understanding molecular basis of cancer
Molecular mechanisms for gene control
Role of signals in gene expression & differentiation of the stem cell
Stem cell theory of cancer
Biotechnology (drug discovery & development) – stem cells can provide specific cell types to test new drugs
Safety testing of new drugs on differentiated cell lines
Screening of potential drugs
Cancer cell lines are already being used to screen potential anti-tumor drugs
Availability of pluripotent stem cells would allow drug testing in a wider range of cell types & to reduce animal testing
Cell based therapies :
Regenerative therapy to treat Parkinson’s,
Alzheimer’s, ALS, spinal cord injury, stroke, severe burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis
Stem cells in gene therapy
Stem cells as vehicles after they have been genetically manipulated
Stem cells in therapeutic cloning
Stem cells in cancer
Differentiation into ANY cell type
Known Source
Large numbers can be harvested from embryos
May cause immune rejection
Rejection of ES cells by recipient has not been shown yet
Multi or pluripotent
Differentiation into some cell types, limited outcomes
Unknown source
Limited numbers, more difficult to isolate
Less likely to cause immune rejection, since the patient’s own cells can be used
Difficult to establish and maintain *
Difficulty in obtaining pure cultures from dish*
Potential for tumor formation and tissue* destruction
Questions regarding functional differentiation
Immune rejection
Genome instability
Few & modest results in animals, no clinical treatments
Ethically contentious
* = same problem with ASC
Isolate & transfer of inner cell mass into plastic culture dish that contains culture medium
Cells divide and spread over the dish
Inner surface of culture dish is typically coated with mouse embryonic skin cells that have been treated so they will not divide
This coating is called a FEEDER LAYER
Feeder cells provide ES cells with a sticky surface for attachment
Feeder cells release nutrients
Recent discovery: methods for growing embryonic stem cells without mouse feeder cells
Significance – eliminate infection by viruses or other mouse molecules
ES cells are removed gently and plated into several different culture plates before crowding occurs
Images depict stem cell research at the University of Wisconsin Madison.
Reproductive cloning in animals
Therapeutic cloning in animals
Breeding animals or plants with favorable traits
Producing TRANSGENIC animals that:
Make a therapeutic product (vaccine, human protein etc)
Act as animal models for human disease
Deliver organs that will not be rejected (cells lacking cell surface markers that cause immune rejection)
Vaccines in biotech industry: steps in cloning a gene
SCNT is a method used for:
Reproductive cloning such as cloning an embryo
Regenerative cloning to produce “customized” stem cells & overcome immune rejection
Blastula stage cannot continue to develop in vitro
It must be implanted into surrogate mom
Surrogate mom is just a container that provides protection & chemical signals necessary for development
Reprinted with permission from the University of Kansas Medical Center.
Reprinted with permission of Do No Harm.
Many animals were cloned after Dolly
Cats, pigs, mice, goats, cattle, rabbits
Very inefficient process
Most clones have deleterious effects & die early
Surviving clones show premature aging signs
Signs of abnormal embryonic development:
Clones & their placentas grow much faster than expected in surrogate mom
3 goals of therapeutic cloning by SCNT in humans:
Use embryo as source for ES cells
Use ES cells to generate an organ
In this case the organ generated will carry cells with the same genetic markers as the patient (recipient)
Correct genetic error in ESC in blastula stage
Some immune rejection may occur- WHY?
About 1% of the DNA in the clone will NOT be identical to donor cell (patient)
It will be identical to egg cell used in SCNT
REASON: mitochonrial DNA in eggs
Human mitochondria carry about 13 genes, some of which code for surface proteins
Large number of eggs needed for SCNT
To harvest large number of eggs:
Excessive hormone treatment of females to induce high rate of ovulation
Surgery to retrieve eggs
Both can be harmful to female human
Cow/pig females may be used
Cow/pig eggs will carry species-specific mitochondrial genes
Mixing species is reason for concern!
Reproductive cloning is a criminal offense
(it is ILLEGAL worldwide!)
Therapeutic cloning is acceptable, however there is still significant controversy over whether: the clone is implanted into the uterus of surrogate mom? OR the clone is explanted into culture dish to generate ES cells
1855: Rudolf Virchow developed the
Embryonal- Rest Hypothesis
Microscopic examination of tumor samples revealed many morphological (structural & functional) resemblances to ESC in a developing fetus
Isolation of teratoma: nonmalignant tumors
Teratoma represents a ball of almost all cell types
This indicates that teratoma may originate from unregulated stem cells that can give rise to almost all tissues
Ovarian Teratoma
You can see teeth!
Image courtesy of Leonard J. Tyminski, M.D., Radiologist at
Tumor stem cell
Tumor cell
Determine difference between cancer & normal stem cells
Identify potential points in pathways critical for the survival of cancer SCs
Develop therapies that specifically target cancer
Duke University
Drawn by Christine Rodriguez
Great Britain
Very liberal policies on research
Therapeutic cloning allowed, use of excess embryos & creation of embryos allowed
Stem cell research allowed
Less liberal politics
Use of excess embryos from IVF allowed
Reproductive AND therapeutic cloning banned
Very strict policies
Use of excess embryos and creation of embryos banned
Scientists can IMPORT embryos
Federal funding available for research using the
Bush lines only:
ES cell lines that were already in existence by 8/9/01
Disadvantage of Bush stem cell lines:
May have lost regenerative ability
May have accumulated mutations or infections
Private companies continue to pursue stem cell research
Use of human embryos for IVF & therapeutic cloning is legal in most states
No federal funding
Some states are considering banning both
Ongoing debate regarding use of embryos
United Nations: proposal for a global policy to ban reproductive cloning only
Stem cells & Cloning Stem cells & Cloning; David A.
Prentice, Benjamin Cummings, 2003
Stem cells in class; Badran, Shahira; Bunker Hill
Community College, 2007, Boston Museum of Science
Biotechnology Symposium
Harvard Stem Cell Institute