Offices in the Executive Branch Includes the White House Office Serves the President Department Heads Must be approved by the Any advice given to the President will usually be on issues related to their departments President will determine __________________________ and ____________________________________________ The Federal Bureaucracy The Executive Branch is shaped like a triangle Top down Departments and agencies carry out government in 3 ways 1. 2. 3. This all helps to shape government policy “Red Tape” – inefficiency caused by _________________________________________ Each person has a designed function and must operate within a chain of command Government Corporations How are government corporations different from private corporations? General manager & board of directors runs each corporation They charge for services, but are __________________________________________________, all money goes back into the business Ex – Law Enforcement Agencies Federal FBI – Counterfeiting , Bank robbery, espionage & spying, kidnapping SBI – Highway patrol, murder if suspect and body stay in that state County Local Police Civil Service System Spoils System “To the Victor belong the Spoils” What happened in the late 1800s because of the Spoils system? Who demanded change? Reformed system came about – called the Merit System What Act instituted the Merit system? What are the 2 types of job categories? What is the Hatch Act of 1939? ___________________________________________(OPM) – administers tests and hires workers Merit System Protection Board – handles _______________________ based on merit Political Appointees Top department jobs usually go to political appointees When does employment end? How many national government employees are civil service workers? Hiring is usually based on – How was hiring before 1883? 2 President’s Cabinet Departments _______ executive department heads – advisers Makes the president’s jobs easier by __________________ the work Head of the Dept of Justice is the ______________________________ All other heads have the title of _______________________ Most recent addition? President Washington’s Cabinet? The Executive Branch’s Bureaucracy – An Overview Directions – Give a brief description for each category. Next, if the agency is abbreviated, identify what it stands for. Last, explain the main duties of each agency that belongs to that category. You can use the information on pages 225-229 or a computer to help you. I. Executive Office of the President (EOP) a. OMB b. NSC c. White House Office d. Office of Administration e. CEA II. Independent Executive Agencies a. NASA b. EPA c. CIA III. Regulatory Agencies a. FCC b. FEC 3 c. FTC IV. Government Corporations a. Amtrak b. FDIC c. US Postal Service 4