RED TAPE What is a Bureaucracy 1. Hierarchical authority: makes it clear who has the power to make decisions, thus reducing conflicts over authority 2. Job Specialization: Because each person has a specific job, the work is conducted more efficiently by people who have gained highly specialized skills 3. Formalized rules: Decisions based on rules & standards & not by individual likes or dislikes Major Elements How does the Constitution make reference to a federal bureaucracy ? The President is the administrator of the Federal Government & gives him the power to require heads of executive departments to assist the running of the government. Which two departments does the Constitution anticipate? Foreign Affairs & Military The “NAME GAME” Department: Cabinet rank ex: Department of State, Dept. of Defense Agency: not of cabinet rank ex: EPA CIA Administration: like an agency: Social Security Administration, Small Business Administration NAME GAME (contd) Commission: Regulate business-like activities Investigate, revise and report FCC Civil Rights Commission Corporation/authority: Also business like activities FDIC, TVA Staff & Line Agencies Staff Agency: work directly w/ the President Line Agency: Task performing agencies EPA, NTSB