Act 3 Study Guide

Hamlet by William Shakespeare
English 12R
Ms. Kovics
Act 3 Study guide
Plot Summary:
Scene 1: The scene begins with King Claudius questioning Guildencrantz and Rosenstern
about their interactions with Hamlet. They tell the King that Hamlet is definitely upset
about something but that he does not seem crazy. They also tell the King and Queen about
the players’ arrival and the show to be performed that evening. Hamlet, thinking he is
alone, delivers the famous “to be or not to be” soliloquy in which he questions the meaning
of life and contemplates suicide. Ophelia enters according to Polonius’ plan, and through
their interaction we can really begin to see how drastically Hamlet’s character has changed.
He bitterly refuses Ophelia’s affections and curses womankind. Claudius, after overhearing
Hamlet and Ophelia’s conversation believes that Hamlet is not mad but is so disturbed that
he ought to be sent away. Polonius suggests that before Hamlet is sent to England he should
meet with Queen Gertrude in hopes that she’ll talk some sense into him.
Scene 2: Scene 2 consists mainly of “The Murder of Gonzago,” also called “The Mousetrap”.
Hamlet encourages the players to do their job well and asks Horatio to help him keep an
eye on Claudius’ reaction to the play. Hamlet sits near Ophelia and they have a conversation
riddled with sexual puns. The play begins with a “dumb show” or a silent rendition of the
action they’re about to see. After the Prologue, the players deliver “Gonzago” with Hamlet’s
additions, and Claudius’ reaction reveals that he is definitely guilty! The King is furious and
the Queen sends for Hamlet because she wants to speak with him about his behavior.
Scene 3: Please fill out the Act 3 Scene 3 worksheet!
Scene 4: Hamlet enters the Queen’s bedchamber and chastises his mother for her
promiscuous behavior. She fears his madness and calls for help, revealing Polonius who is
hidden and listening to their conversation. Hamlet murders Polonius thinking he is the
King and continues verbally attacking Gertrude. The Ghost appears to remind Hamlet of his
quest for revenge, and Hamlet realizes that his mom can’t see or hear the Ghost at all. Could
it be that he’s truly mad? The Act ends with Hamlet preparing to leave for England with
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who he has completely lost his trust for.
Please select and define 10 words from Act 3
Review Questions:
Scene 1
1. How does Gertrude seem to feel about the Hamlet and Ophelia relationship?
2. In Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” speech, what is he contemplating?
3. Why might we call Hamlet a misanthrope?
4. Where does Claudius want to send Hamlet? Why?
Scene 2
5. What does Hamlet ask Horatio to help him do during the play?
6. Why does Gertrude say “The lady doth protest too much”?
7. How does Claudius react to “The Murder of Gonzago”?
Scene 3
8. What is Claudius’ soliloquy (3.3 40) about?
9. Why can’t Hamlet kill Claudius in the third scene?
Scene 4
10. Why does Gertrude call for help in her bedroom?
11. How does Gertrude react to Hamlet’s interaction with the Ghost?