
Medieval Era Music (500 - 1400)
Medieval songs were mostly performed in cathedral. There’s a lot of
vocal in the song but with one slow note of consistent harmony and
melody. Also the music could be play for party so people can
celebrate and dance to the song.
(805 - 867)
Saint Kassia – She was a hymnographer so of course she has been
composed many hymns during her lifetime but people believe that
only 50 of her hymns are still exist. Also, she was famous as an
"exceptional and rare phenomenon" among composers of her day. At
least twenty-three authentic hymns are still credited to her.
(1300 - 1350)
Maestro Piero – he was known for his Italian madrigals, which is
Italian music. His madrigal consists a total of eight masterpieces by
Piero have survived, six madrigals, and two cacce.
Renaissance Era Music (1400 - 1600)
The music blends instead of contrasting the musical texture, also
there was more vocal than instrumental because the composers in the
renaissance era wrote music to expand the meaning and emotion of
the text.
(1452 - 1518)
Pierre De La Rue: His music contains mostly vocal part; he rather
uses low voices than the high ones, and he’s usually composes below
bass clef for example b’s and c’s flats.
(1440 - 1521)
Josquin Des Prez: He was the most determined musician at his time
and he was known because of his music that combines contemporary,
his originality, and his ability to express emotion through the text of
the his music.
Baroque Era Music (1600 - 1760)
Baroque music focused more with new techniques of how to change
the sound of the music. Composers extended the quantity, variety,
and complexity of instrumental performance. The music genres that
Baroque composers started were opera, sonata, cantata, concerto, and
(1685 - 1759)
George Frideric Handel: He was famous for composing many pieces
of music for every genre and especially his most famous piece called
messiah, the English oratorio. Also he invented English oratorio.
Handel composed many others pieces but Messiah got the most
attention or most success that he’d wrote at that time period, also
Messiah was originally sung by a choir of 16 singers and an orchestra
of 40 instrumentalists.
(1685 - 1750)
Johann Sebastian Bach: He is a self-taught person and also he was a
keyboard virtuoso. His virtuosity led him to easily mastered organ
and harpsichord music. In his adult year, he was hired by many royal
places to compose music to the likings of his superior and get paid
with really high salary.
Classical Era Music (1730 - 1820)
Classical Music is that the repertoire was often written down in
music notes, creating many parts that has determines information of
rhythm and pitch where two or more musicians and instrumentalists.
With the musical notation, they established high level of complexity
and unique melody.
(1833 - 1897)
Johannes Brahms: Brahms’s a virtuoso pianist and he performed and
premiered many of his works. His music was known to be the
starting point and an inspiration for the next generation of
(1756 - 1791)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Mozart was the most influential
composer of the classical era. He composed over 600 pieces of music,
song, symphonies, concertos, and operas. Many composers
acknowledged as concert ante, chamber, operatic, and choral music.
He is among the most lastingly popular of classical composers.
Romantic Era Music (1815 - 1910)
Romantic music composers have more freedom to express
themselves through music than in the classical era, which is strictly
balance and self-control. Composers were free to experiment, to come
up with new harmonies and melodies, and simply to be creative.
(1810 - 1856)
Robert Schumann: He was known as the greatest composer in the
romantic era. He believes that music was composed to have feelings
and thoughts through the journey of life. His works including:
orchestra, many lieder, four symphonies, choral, and chamber works.
(1805 - 1847)
Fanny Mendelssohn: She was a virtuoso pianist, composer of several
lieder and chamber music. She overshadowed her 3 siblings with her
talent and her virtuosity. She was prophesized by her mother that her
fingers were appropriate to play Bach fugues, who was her favorite
Modern Era Music (1890 – 1930)
Modern Music era is a period of varied reactions in demanding older
categories of music, improvement that leads to varieties techniques of
arranging a harmony, melody, tone, and rhythm aspects of music.
(1860 - 1911)
Gustav Mahler: Mahler’s symphonies were popular among
youngsters, which was believed that the aggressiveness and
excitement of his song suit them very well. Also, his symphonies
were the most performed and recorded in the 70’s.
(1864 - 1949)
Richard Strauss: He was known for his varieties of work, which are
"Zueignung", "Cäcilie", "Morgen!", "Allerseelen", and others. His last
work called “Four Last Songs” was a masterpiece because it was so
famous and recognized among performers, composers and