Vocab 70

radicalism* (RAD i kil IZ im) n. 1. the quality or state of being extreme, especially in political
matters; 2. extreme in principles, ideas, methods, etc.
• The surgeon’s reputation for radicalism made his patients think twice before assenting to go under
the knife.
rancorously (RAN kir uhs lee) adv. maliciously; spitefully; with continuous bitter ill will or hatred
• The argument continued rancorously as each side showed its contempt for the other.
raucous (RAW kuhs) adj. 1. hoarse; rough sounding; 2. loud and bawdy
• The revelers had a raucous good time as they partied the night away.
reaction* (ree AK shin) n. 1. an opposing action or force; 2. a response to a stimulus; 3. a moving
backward to an earlier time’s condition or way of doing things; extreme conservatism
• Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
reactionary (ree AK shin ER ee) adj. characteristic of or advocating definition 3 of reaction —n. one
who advocates same
• Reactionary forces wish to return the country’s economy to the gold standard.
rebellious (ri BEL yis) adj. 1. resisting authority; engaged in armed resistance against the government;
2. of or like rebels; 3. opposing all control; defiant; 4. difficult to treat
• There is usually one rebellious group or another trying to overthrow a government in Central
rebuff (ri BUF) vt. 1. to snub; bluntly reject; 2. to check or turn back (an advance) —n. a snubbing; an
abrupt refusal of advice, help, etc.
• Management’s offer of a 2% raise was rebuffed by the union’s representatives.
recklessness (REK lis NIS) n. 1. foolhardiness; carelessness; 2. rashness; disregard for consequences
• Paul’s mom was nervous about his going skiing—especially because he had a history of
reconcile (REK in SYL) vt. 1. make consistent; 2. become friendly again; 3. To settle
• The divorced couple reconciled for the sake of the children.
1. radicalism
2. rancorously
3. raucous
4. reaction
5. reactionary
6. rebellious
7. rebuff
8. recklessness
9. reconcile
a. extremism
b. response
c. defiant
d. conservative
e. carelessness
f. snub
g. settle
h. maliciously
i. noisy