Terms from Theroux

English 101: Composition I
Professor Andrianova
Fall 2012
Due: T 11/27/12 or W 11/28/12
Please look up, define, explain the meaning, and/or describe the significance of the following terms and
people from Paul Theroux’s “Being a Man.” Feel free to add more terms or phrases you find difficult or
unfamiliar. A sentence or two for each entry should be sufficient.
1) Fetishism
2) To connive
3) To subvert (into believing)
4) Coquettishness
5) To enjoin
6) Elks’ Lodges
7) Sadist
8) Lout
9) Oaf
10) Puritanical
11) Neurotic
12) Philistine (adj.)
13) Mingled (adj.)
14) Paradox
15) Aberrant (behavior)
16) Pugnacity
17) Apologetic
18) Heartiness
19) Dispirited (failure)
20) Ernest Hemingway
21) Nathaniel West
22) James Jones
23) William Faulkner
24) Jack Kerouac
25) The Subterraneans
26) Norman Mailer
27) John Irving
28) Eric (Love Story) Segal
29) Joyce Carol Oats
30) Joan Didion
31) Women’s lib
32) Sinister (adj.)
33) Clubby (attitude)
34) feminism