UNIT 2: CITIZENSHIP IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE Lesson 11: Contemporary Arguments in Opposition of Immigration Reform LESSON OBJECTIVE SWBAT assess arguments in opposition to immigration reform and evaluate the suggested economic pitfalls of S. 744. WORD OF THE DAY/INITIAL ACTIVIT Y Amnesty An official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses or other crimes. Amnesty and Illegal Immigrants Should someone ever be granted amnesty for committing a crime? Is illegally immigrating to America a “real” crime? Discussion Why would some Americans believe in amnesty for illegal immigration while others fiercely disagree with it? OPPOSITION TO S. 744 Idea of Amnesty Cost Boarder Security Permanent Draw to Immigration Economic Consequences Hurts American’s looking for jobs ALTERNATIVE REFORM POLICIES Arizona law SB. 1070 Federal government filed injunction to stop law saying that it counteracted the federal DREAM act law. Also violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 14 th & 5 amendments Boarder Security to Prevent Illegal Immigration Building Fences s MAJOR PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT: TURN & TALK State Senator Linda Lopez (D, Tucson Arizona), On SB. 1070 "This bill actually legalizes racial profiling." What is racial profiling? 1 minute to write down a response to this question : Is SB 1070 “true” racial profiling? Is racial profiling a bad law enforcement strategy if it prevents crimes from taking place? Turn & Talk: 30 seconds per partner Share Out ACTIVIT Y: JIGSAW Focus Question: How do some Americans argue for increased protection against immigration to America? Read Despite Supreme Court SB 1070 Ruling, Climate of Fear Persists in Arizona How do supporters of SB. 1040 see the supreme court ruling as a victory to their cause? How do opponents of SB. 1040 see the supreme court ruling as a victory to their cause? Why would Arizonan’s support SB. 1070? Share Out SUMMARY Exit Ticket Considering today’s activity and mini -lesson, if you were a citizen in Arizona, would you suppor t SB. 1070? Discussion How effective would immigration reform similar to SB 1070 be at correcting the influx of illegal immigrants into America? Parking Lot Develop one critical thinking question from today’s mini -lesson or activity. Write onto post-it and place onto parking lot. You will address these questions as a class during the initial -activity each following day.