January 6, 2015 - New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors

Board of Directors Meeting Teleconference
January 6, 2015
President Bill McGrath called the meeting to order at 4:11 PM. Those participating in the teleconference were:
President Bill McGrath, Vice President Barry Gleissner, Director at Large Carl Peters, Past President Peter Burgess, Mark Husik, Rona Goldberg
Chapter Presidents/Directors/Representatives:
Bergen Passaic: Donald Walby
Central Jersey: Charlie Bell, Ambrose Gmeiner
CSSA: Don Pennell
North Jersey: Nicholas Wunner,
Rolling Hills: Steve Mazurek
PLSSJ: Lewis Conley Jr., Joe Dolan
PLSANJ: Fred Czepiga
West Jersey: Chip Adamson, John Rossi
RESOLUTIONS & BY LAWS (Bell): An additional revision is to change “ACSM Director” to “NSPS
Director”; selected at the March meeting, and the term being increased from 2 years to 3 years.
Motion carried with one opposed. The amendments to the bylaws will be sent to all members
to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting.
STATE BOARD LIAISON: Passed the digital signature rule with details being published in the NJ
Register. Carl Peters will be taking over as liaison in February 2015.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (McGrath): As of October 1, NOAA has discontinued tidal gauges
around Barnegat Bay.
SURVCON (Mazurek): 78 maps have been submitted.
EDUCATION (Burgess): Registration is underway at GCCC. Enrollment is in the mid-teens. The
College is working on strengthening ties with NJIT.
PUBLIC RELATIONS (Mazurek): No report
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: 91 responded to the online ballot. Results are:
President-elect Carl Peters – 57 votes
Vice President John Rossi – 55 votes
Secretary/Treasurer Stanley Hans – 55 votes
Director at Large Ambrose Gmeiner – 57 votes.
WEBSITE: Online registration for SurvCon is working well.
LEGISLATIVE (Gleissner): Petition for Rulemaking – there will be a meeting on 1/21 with attorneys to develop our position.
RESOLUTIONS/BY LAWS (Bell): Revised By Laws will be broadcast to all NJSPLS members.
Awards Banquet (May 16, 2015): Directors were asked to inform their chapter members of
this event. Deadline for award nominees is February 28.
League of Municipalities: Those who volunteered felt it was worthwhile. The Board authorized Mark Husik to reserve a booth for 2016 conference.
John Rossi will be preparing a “survey” based upon the initial findings of the Planning
Committee. He will be setting up easels at SurvCon with the main talking points to
solicit input from members and SurvCon attendees.
Chapters reported on upcoming meetings and events.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
RONA GOLDBERG, Associate Director
New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation
January 6, 2015
President Bill McGrath called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Those participating in the teleconference were:
President Bill McGrath, Vice President Barry Gleissner, Director at Large Carl Peters, Past President Peter Burgess, Mark Husik, Rona Goldberg
Chapter Presidents/Directors/Representatives:
Bergen Passaic: Donald Walby
Central Jersey: Charlie Bell, Ambrose Gmeiner
CSSA: Don Pennell
North Jersey: Nicholas Wunner,
Rolling Hills: Steve Mazurek
PLSSJ: Lewis Conley Jr., Joe Dolan
PLSANJ: Fred Czepiga
West Jersey: Chip Adamson, John Rossi
The first order of business was to ratify all the motions that were presented at the November
2014 meeting so that the November meeting could be adjourned. Lew Conley made a motion
to approve each of these motions, Charlie Bell seconded and motions carried.
MINUTES: Minutes approved.
FUNDRAISING: Raffle tickets are now available for sale. Charlie Bell will be sending the tickets
via FedEx to each chapter president or director.
There will also be a Raffle Booth at SurvCon for ticket sales.
NEW BUSINESS: Please remind your members of the Scholarship Deadline of 3/1/15.
Meeting adjourned at 5:11 PM
Submitted by,
Rona L. Goldberg