October 27, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete a response to the following journal topic: How much knowledge should a person or society have? When, if ever, should our pursuit of knowledge be limited? Explain. ½ page. - Complete Wordskills Unit 3 Packet - HW: complete Wordskills Unit 3 Packet Creative Writing - DO NOW! Continue working on “Setting Up Your Document” in InDesign - HW: prepare a piece for writer’s workshop on Tuesday, October 28 expanding on your Occasion piece or basing it on another selection from your Memorable Place list; must include seven sensory details (at least one of each type), three specific concrete details (names of people, places, things, products, etc.), two metaphors/similes, and two lines of dialogue (may be placed anywhere in the piece); three paragraphs (paragraph being a minimum of five sentences); include five typed, double spaced copies October 28, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Read “Choices About Narrator,” pg. 282, and “By the Waters of Babylon,” pg. 288 in MLL - Complete Brainstorm Web with QFIREs, Intro Paragraph with Hook/Good Lead In, and one body paragraph based on “all expenses paid trip” prompt - HW: complete reading “By the Waters of Babylon”; PP definitions and examples for allusion, foreshadowing, narrator, and point of view in MLL Creative Writing - DO NOW! Complete working on “Setting Up Your Document” in InDesign - Writer’s Workshop: Occasion Piece - HW: n/a October 29, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Read “Choices About Narrator,” pg. 282, and “By the Waters of Babylon,” pg. 288 in MLL - Complete Brainstorm Web with QFIREs, Intro Paragraph with Hook/Good Lead In, and one body paragraph based on “all expenses paid trip” prompt - HW: complete reading “By the Waters of Babylon”; PP definitions and examples for allusion, foreshadowing, narrator, and point of view in MLL October 30, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete “By the Waters of Babylon” Quiz - Answer Lit ?’s 8, 9, and 10 on pg. 302 of MLL - HW: complete Lit ?’s Creative Writing - DO NOW! Review and write definition of memoir in writer’s notebooks: a form of autobiographical writing in which a person recalls significant events and people in his or her life. Most memoirs share the following characteristics: (1) they usually are structured as narratives told by the writers themselves, using the first-person point of view; (2) although some names may be changed to protect privacy, memoirs are true accounts of actual events; (3) although basically personal, memoirs may deal with newsworthy events having a significance beyond the confines of the writer’s life; (4) unlike strictly historical accounts, memoirs often include the writer’s feelings and opinions about historical events, giving the reader insight into the impact of history on people’s lives - Read “Writing an Oral History,” pg. 115 in CWD - HW: Oral History Chart: Sort your life into six sections of any topic; for example, “childhood events,” “biggest struggle,” “biggest success,” “holiday tradition I like best,” “what it was like to move,” etc. Then create three questions to ask yourself about the topics and one question to ask your family or friends about them and answer them; due on Monday October 31, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! SSR - HW: DQ the following grammar notes: Adjectives: pg. 412, line 1- 26 and chart; pg. 413, lines 1-5; pg. 414, lines 1-12; pg. 415, lines 716 Creative Writing - DO NOW! SSR - HW: Complete Oral History Chart November 3, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete EOLang, pg. 413, ex. 4, “ID Adjectives and the Words They Modify,” and pg. 414, ex. 5, “ID Words as Adjectives or Pronouns” - Review Adjective Phrases, pg. 468, EOLang - HW: Wordskills Unit 3 Sentences Creative Writing - DO NOW! Review Elements of Style Rule of Usage #10: use the proper case of pronoun and complete EOLang pg. 569, Revs. A and B, “Using Pronouns Correctly in Sentences” HW: n/a November 5, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Log on to fsassessments.org, select “Training Test,” select “Take the Training Test,” sign in (no login information is required), select 10th Grade level and click yes, select “Start Grades 9-11 FSA ELA Reading” test, select type of test you would like to take, click “Yes, start my test,” check the sound icon, review “Test Instructions and Help” and click “Begin Test Now,” and complete the Reading Test - Review “What is a Phrase?” on pg. 467 in EOLang., complete the Phrases WS and DQ the following grammar notes: The Adjective Phrase: pg. 468, lines 5-24 - HW: bring a book for SSR November 6, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Log on to fsassessments.org, select “Training Test,” select “Take the Training Test,” sign in (no login information is required), select 10th Grade level and click yes, select “Start Grades 9-11 FSA ELA Reading” test, select type of test you would like to take, click “Yes, start my test,” check the sound icon, review “Test Instructions and Help” and click “Begin Test Now,” and complete the Reading Test - Review “What is a Phrase?” on pg. 467 in EOLang., complete the Phrases WS and DQ the following grammar notes: The Adjective Phrase: pg. 468, lines 5-24 - HW: bring a book for SSR Creative Writing - DO NOW! Read “Writing Historical Events in Memoir,” pg. 116, in CWD - Begin “Working with Frames” in InDesign - HW: in Writer’s Notebook, make a list of six historical events that have taken place during your lifetime (things we all know about, events that were reported in the newspaper and on television); then pick one and answer the following questions about it: 1) How old were you? (2) Where did you live? 3) What were you doing when you heard the news? 4) How did you feel about that day? 5) How do you feel about the event today?; write one paragraph in your notebook, due Monday; bring a book for SSR November 7, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! SSR - HW: Wordskills Unit 3 Two Column Notes; study for spelling and definition test Creative Writing - DO NOW! SSR - HW: complete “Historical Event in Memoir” exercise November 10, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete Wordskills Unit 3 Spelling and Definition Test - HW: read “Greek Tragedy,” pgs. 958-959, and “Classical Greek Drama,” pgs. 964-965, in MLL Creative Writing - DO NOW! Review Elements of Style Elementary Rules of Usage #11: A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject - Complete EOLang, pg. 629, ex. 7, #’s 1-10 “Revising Sentences by Correcting Misplaced One-Word and Phrase Modifiers” - HW: n/a November 12, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete a response to the following journal topic: Do you feel more loyal to your family or your friends? To yourself or your country? Which of these gets your greatest loyalty? Explain. ½ page. - Complete Adjectives/Adjective Phrases Quiz - Read Antigone, Prologue, Scenes 1 & 2, pgs. 968-987, in MLL - HW: PP definitions and examples for the following literary terms in the MLL glossary: chorus, irony, tragedy November 13, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete a response to the following journal topic: Do you feel more loyal to your family or your friends? To yourself or your country? Which of these gets your greatest loyalty? Explain. ½ page. - Complete Adjectives/Adjective Phrases Quiz - Read Antigone, Prologue, Scenes 1 & 2, pgs. 968-987, in MLL - HW: PP definitions and examples for the following literary terms in the MLL glossary: chorus, irony, tragedy Creative Writing - DO NOW! Continue “Working with Frames” in InDesign - HW: bring a book for SSR November 14, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! SSR - HW: DQ the following grammar notes: The Verb: pg. 417, lines 1-21 and chart Creative Writing - DO NOW! SSR - HW: n/a November 17, 2014: English 2 - Classroom in use for interim testing - HW: Wordskills Unit 5 Packet Creative Writing - Classroom in use for interim testing - HW: n/a November 18, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Use Cluster Diagram WS to answer questions about moral obligation - Read Antigone, pg. 968-1006 and, on a separate sheet of paper, copy the following questions (leaving space for the answers): 1. What role does the character have in the play? 2. What problems or concerns does the character have? 3. What options does the character have to solve the problem? 4. What are the pros and cons of each option? 5. What decision does the character make? 6. What character traits influence the character’s decision? 7. What new problem is created by that decision? Answer the questions by analyzing the character of Antigone or Creon (student’s choice) - HW: “Vocabulary in Context,” pg. 1008 in MLL Creative Writing - Classroom in use for interim testing - HW: n/a November 19, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Use Cluster Diagram WS to answer questions about moral obligation - Read Antigone, pg. 968-1006 and, on a separate sheet of paper, copy the following questions (leaving space for the answers): 1. What role does the character have in the play? 2. What problems or concerns does - the character have? 3. What options does the character have to solve the problem? 4. What are the pros and cons of each option? 5. What decision does the character make? 6. What character traits influence the character’s decision? 7. What new problem is created by that decision? Answer the questions by analyzing the character of Antigone or Creon (student’s choice) HW: “Vocabulary in Context,” pg. 1008 in MLL November 20, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete reading Antigone, pg. 968-1006 and, on a separate sheet of paper, copy the following questions (leaving space for the answers): 1. What role does the character have in the play? 2. What problems or concerns does the character have? 3. What options does the character have to solve the problem? 4. What are the pros and cons of each option? 5. What decision does the character make? 6. What character traits influence the character’s decision? 7. What new problem is created by that decision? Answer the questions by analyzing the character of Antigone or Creon (student’s choice) - HW: EOLang., pg. 418, ex. 6, “Identifying Verbs and Verb Phrases”; bring a book for SSR Creative Writing - DO NOW! Review Principles of Composition #’s 12: Choose a suitable design and hold to it and 13: Make the paragraph the unit of composition - HW: Think of a place you can describe in detail and, in the writer’s notebook, write a description of 250-350 words (about two pages); bring a book for SSR November 24, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Begin Reading Interim Assessment - Complete reading Antigone, Scenes 4 and 5, pgs. 994-1006 in MLL, and complete answering the analysis questions - HW: complete reading Antigone, Scenes 4 and 5, and complete answering the analysis questions Creative Writing - DO NOW! Read “Practice Building Scenes,” pg. 24 in CWD - HW: In writer’s notebook, create a list of five conflicts that can take place in your setting; then choose a character and a conflict and rewrite the scene dropping them in November 25, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete Reading Interim Assessment - Find text evidence in the play Antigone to support your answers for the seven analysis questions; write the evidence on a separate sheet of paper with the numbers corresponding with the questions; must include three Direct Quotations, three ParaPhrases, one summary, and the section name (for example, “Prologue,” “Scene 1,” “Ode 1,” etc.) and line number location of the evidence - HW: complete recording the text evidence Creative Writing - DO NOW! Read written scenes in class - Review Elements of Style, Principles of Composition #14: Use the active voice and #15: Put statements in positive form - Complete EOLang., pg. 605, ex. 16, “Using the Passive Voice” - HW: n/a November 26, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete Reading Interim Assessment - Find text evidence in the play Antigone to support your answers for the seven analysis questions; write the evidence on a separate sheet of paper with the numbers corresponding with the questions; must include three Direct Quotations, three ParaPhrases, one summary, and the section name (for example, “Prologue,” “Scene 1,” “Ode 1,” etc.) and line number location of the evidence - HW: complete recording the text evidence December 2, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! In his tragedy Antigone, Sophocles portrays a variety of characters who are convinced they are living their lives the best way they can in the world as they see it. Virtually every character reaches a point where his or her sense of morality conflicts with that of another character. Write a paragraph that describes Antigone’s or Creon’s moral conflict, possible courses of action, and motivations. Include quotations and other details from the play to support your statements. Remember to cite your information. - Complete Verb Phrases Quiz - Complete vocabulary sentences for Wordskills Unit 5 Packet and Antigone vocabulary (30 words) - HW: Wordskills Unit 5 and Antigone Two Column Notes; study for spelling and definition test Creative Writing - - DO NOW! Review Elements of Style, Principles of Composition #14: Use the active voice and #15: Put statements in positive form Complete EOLang., pg. 605, ex. 16, “Using the Passive Voice” In writer’s notebook, copy definition of allusion: a figure of speech that makes a reference to a place, person, or something that happened; this can be real or imaginary and may refer to anything, including paintings, opera, folk lore, mythical figures, or religious manuscripts; the reference can be direct or may be inferred, and can broaden the reader’s understanding. Annotate the poem “Ozymandias” Read “What is Poetry?” pg. 61 in CWD HW: n/a December 3, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! In his tragedy Antigone, Sophocles portrays a variety of characters who are convinced they are living their lives the best way they can in the world as they see it. Virtually every character reaches a point where his or her sense of morality conflicts with that of another character. Write a paragraph that describes Antigone’s or Creon’s moral conflict, possible courses of action, and motivations. Include quotations and other details from the play to support your statements. Remember to cite your information. - Complete Verb Phrases Quiz - Complete vocabulary sentences for Wordskills Unit 5 Packet and Antigone vocabulary (30 words) - HW: Wordskills Unit 5 and Antigone Two Column Notes; study for spelling and definition test December 8, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete Verb Phrases Quiz - HW: Wordskills Unit 5 Packet and Antigone vocabulary sentences (32 words) Creative Writing - Room used for computer based testing - HW: n/a December 9, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete Antigone Quiz - HW: n/a Creative Writing - DO NOW! Complete “Working With Frames” in InDesign - Read “What is Poetry?” pg. 61 in CWD HW: n/a December 10, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! In his tragedy Antigone, Sophocles portrays a variety of characters who are convinced they are living their lives the best way they can in the world as they see it. Virtually every character reaches a point where his or her sense of morality conflicts with that of another character. Write a paragraph that describes Antigone’s or Creon’s moral conflict, possible courses of action, and motivations. Include quotations and other details from the play to support your statements. Remember to cite your information. - Complete Antigone Quiz - HW: n/a December 11, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete a response to the following journal topic: Many people resolve to make improvements in their lives when a new year begins. What are three resolutions you can make to improve your life this year? Explain. ½ page. - HW: bring a book for SSR Creative Writing - DO NOW! Review Elements of Style, Principles of Composition #16: Use definite, specific, concrete language - Read “List Ordinary Objects to Find Poems,” pg. 71 in CWD - HW: Choose a list from pg. 72 (for example, 7 or more jobs you think you’d like, and in detail what you would wear to each of them; 7 or more things that are in your refrigerator and why they are there; 7 or more gifts you have been given, when, and by whom; 7 or more lies you have told, to whom, and when; 7 or more compliments you have given, to whom, and when; 7 or more ways you would curse someone who has angered you; 7 people you think of right now and why you are thinking of them; 7 or more songs you know and what they make you think of in your life – people, places, events) or create your own topic and complete using sensory details, concrete details, etc.; your list must include explanations as well as identifications December 12, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! SSR - HW: Wordskills Unit 5 and Antigone Two Column Notes; study for spelling and definition test Creative Writing - DO NOW! SSR - HW: In writer’s notebook, list of ordinary objects to find poems December 15, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete Wordskills Unit 5 & Antigone Spelling & Definition Test - HW: DQ the following grammar notes: Action Verbs and Linking Verbs: pg. 418, lines 30-35; pg. 419, lines 1-22 and chart Creative Writing - DO NOW! Read “Onomatopoeia,” pg. 36 in CWD and write a paragraph describing a noisy place you routinely encounter - HW: In writer’s notebook, write four sentences ascribing sound to other senses; for example, Sunlight crackled through the window; Her perfume sashayed through the room before she did; etc. December 16, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete a response to the following journal topic: What causes people to feel fear? Think about what scares you: a deserted alley, a snarling dog, a shadowy stranger, etc. Maybe it’s an idea like being lost or losing everything you have. List four causes of fear and explain why people feel that way. ½ page. - Complete EOLang., pg. 420, ex. 7, “Identifying Verbs as Action Verbs or Linking Verbs” - Read “The Pit and the Pendulum,” pg. 770 in MLL - HW: complete Wordskills Unit 6 Packet Creative Writing - DO NOW! Begin working on “Importing and Editing Text” in InDesign - HW: n/a December 17, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete a response to the following journal topic: What causes people to feel fear? Think about what scares you: a deserted alley, a snarling dog, a shadowy stranger, etc. Maybe it’s an idea like being lost or losing everything you have. List four causes of fear and explain why people feel that way. ½ page. - Complete EOLang., pg. 420, ex. 7, “Identifying Verbs as Action Verbs or Linking Verbs” - Read “The Pit and the Pendulum,” pg. 770 in MLL - HW: complete Wordskills Unit 6 Packet December 18, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! Complete Action & Linking Verbs Quiz - HW: read “The Lake” by Edgar Allan Poe, pg. 788 in MLL; bring a book for SSR Creative Writing - DO NOW! Continue working on “Importing and Editing Text” in InDesign - HW: bring a book for SSR December 19, 2014: English 2 - DO NOW! SSR - HW: Reading Plus Creative Writing - DO NOW! SSR - HW: n/a January 5, 2015: English 2 - DO NOW! Review Notebook Check First Quarter Review WS - HW: Notebooks are due Tuesday, Jan. 13 for Period 3/ Wednesday, Jan. 14 for Periods 246 Creative Writing - DO NOW! Continue working on “Importing and Editing Text” in InDesign - HW: n/a January 6, 2015: English 2